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All winners have one thing in common, they have character. To be successful one must pay the price and in order to pay in full one must have the character to do it completely. This means a winner will have the self-discipline to give the absolute best effort possible. To be successful one must have the character to do what is necessary to win. A winner will never quit, nor will they allow negative thoughts to cast a shadow of a doubt upon their performance. In addition, winners “pay the price” by working, running, lifting, and striving to be the best in the off season. Once this price has been paid a team will gel and win. Winning is a by-product of character. I firmly believe winning is not a result of talent, but of good character traits. The success of a program depends directly on the development of the character traits like: honor, integrity, trust, work ethic, loyalty, persistence, coachability, mental toughness, confidence, and a positive mental attitude.

Frederick the Great, the incredible Prussian King, once said “Audace fortuna juvet.” This means fortune favors the bold. In football, the team that gets after it and plays aggressive defense, offense, and special teams is the victorious one. I believe in a simple attacking scheme in all facets of the game. This allows the players a “total release” performance and it dictates the tempo of the game. In warfare the golden rule is Speed – Simplicity – Boldness. In football the golden rule is the same. The coaching staff must put the players in the right position to experience success and contribute to the betterment of the team. While I believe in a simple attacking scheme in all areas of the game, it does not mean it is simple to read by opposing teams. The players will learn the techniques that will be used within the scheme. The road to excellence is paved with character, attitude, and quality repetitions. These techniques are where the simplicity within the system is located. The complexity within the system is the combinations of techniques the unit uses during a play. So, to the observer what looks complex is really simple techniques (practiced to perfection) with different combinations. Thus, we arrive at simplicity within complexity.

Admiral traits such as these are good for everyone. Football is a vehicle to teach these traits to young men. The game is over in a short time for most. However, the lessons learned will influence these players for a lifetime. A successful program pays the price for success by working hard in the off-season as well as in the football season to develop the character to win in football and in life.

Philosophy of Championship Regis Jesuit Raider Football

 Create and Develop a Football Culture that exemplifies AMDG – Develop Character!

 Road Builders  Pride and Humility  Positive Program – push-ups  Year Round Schedule with Weight Room as a point of emphasis  Become a Champion each and every day  Be a Process Focused Program  Wica  Players and Coaches believe



 Program will develop, encourage, and foster character development. AMDG. Wica. Grad at Grad. Formation of the Total Person.

 In this way the lessons learned in football will last a lifetime.


Team with Class

 Two kinds of class – first and no.

 Absolutely no arguing with officials, no name calling or talking with opponents – actions speak louder than words.

 When representing Regis Jesuit always act in a manner that will reflect well on your family and Regis Jesuit.


Team that Never Quits

 It is important that everyone in the stands knows that Regis Jesuit plays every game as hard as possible no matter what the score.


Team that is Aggressive

 Offense – Wide Open Offense that aggressively seeks to exploit the open field and/or soft spots in the defense. Backs will run hard, make a hard effort and strive for extreme yardage. Lineman never stay on the ground after the block, they get up and go downfield. Receivers always go for the ball and on running plays will block downfield.

 Defense – all players run to the ball – all out pursuit. Always striving to be in the picture at the end of the play. Result = gang tackling, fumbles, and intimidation of ball carriers.


Team not Afraid to Lose

 Play with confidence. Prepared. Focus on process.  Do not worry about possible mistakes, presume good things will happen.  Do whatever is necessary to win – for example; blitz on defense, go for it on 4 th down on offense, kick for corners etc.


Team that is Efficient

 Executes well!

 Offense – few mistakes, does not turn the ball over, backs do not fumble, receivers do not drop passes, quarterbacks do not throw interceptions, no unforced penalties(particularly procedural).

 Defense – does not give up the big-play(explosive play or the 20 yd + play), 20-yard passes, runs, and no stupid penalties.


Smart Team

 Players are prepared through off-season wts, in season film during lunch and during meetings, etc.

 Players are aware of down and distance needed on offense or defense and play accordingly.

 Know where the end zone / first down markers are at all times.

 Field position, clock management, and exhibit knowledge of the rules.


Team with Poise

 No matter the circumstances you never get out-of-control-mad – keep your head!

 Focus on the play at hand, not the one before or the one afterwards.


Team with Discipline

 Team dresses as a team.

 No individual differences in socks or other uniform differences.  No foolish penalties like offsides or in motion.  No flagrant penalties for hitting late or piling on.

 No criticizing of each other.

 No bickering or complaining to officials.


Team with Good Relationships

 No taunting of the other team.

 No name calling.

 No foul language.

 Snap to whistle and whistle to snap be schizophrenic. Play aggressive but then help someone up after the play.  No arguing with officials or acts of displeasure because of a call by an official.

 Meet on the field at the end of the game and offer congratulations – win or lose.


Team that is a Team

 We are not just a collection of individuals.

 Encouragement, not criticism is given by teammates.

 No differences in team uniforms, support from the sidelines, and offer congratulations on the field when a good play is made.

Championships Are Made!

 Be the Road Builder!

Belief Passion

Lifts your talent Energizes your talent

Initiative Focus

Activates your talent Directs your talent


Positions your talent


Sharpens your talent


Sustains your talent


Tests your talent

Teach ability

Expands your talent


Protects your talent


Influence your talent


Multiplies your talent


              Ad Majorem Dei Glorium or


= For the Greater Glory of God!

Build upon the foundation of the institution in the

development of the total person.

Grad at Grad!

Formation of the intellectual, the physical, and the spiritual man.

Each coach exemplifies what it means to live as a

Man For Others!

AM Prayer Warrior Program. Jesuit Priest guides and adopts the varsity team.

Each level uses the power of prayer to begin and/or end practice.

Varsity begins the game schedule the day before with a

commitment meeting

in the Chapel.

Varsity holds


in the Chapel on game day.

Varsity returns to Chapel after game to hold an

afterglow meeting.

Keep Sunday holy and for worship, family, and rest.

Springtime coaches bible study for those interested.

Wives bible study for those interested.

God Bless this program!


              


Attack, Attack, Attack Defend the field Matching numbers Deep to shallow& Inside to outside (don’t know? Then back up) Don’t create holes a. Cross hats – cannot run around blocks DB’s outside in The camera is always on the goal post b. Wide alignment Two kinds of holes: -Horizontal - Vertical Gap control Control gap & ½ a man BLITZ / STUNT / SLANT / ANGLE


               


Attack, Attack, Attack Wide Open Practice up-tempo and fast like it is always a 2-minute drill (ability to go 4-minute at will) Signal plays from day one from sideline Balanced offense Vertical passing game Multiple to take full advantage of a dominant player we have and the skills he possesses year-to-year.

Bread and butter plays that we rep and believe in and can run against anything and in all situations.

Formation the D to death. Run the same stuff out of all possible formations.

Motion – Shift – Y-Trade – Y-Motion – Unbalanced – Etc.

Trick Plays Know when to squeeze the trigger!

Be fundamentally sound with


(quarterback friendly) (it is the key to a successful play), and


Play action and quick game that has the ball out before the defense has a chance to pressure / sack.

Go for 7 and don’t settle for 3!

Avoid negative plays: sacks, passes over middle that lead to interceptions and/or loss of yards.


          


Attack, Attack, Attack Don’t be afraid to go for it on 4 th down.

Emphasize ST’s every day with time, effort, coaching and personnel.

Be sound and be aggressive.

Go for the block.

Have great returns that we know and practice from day one and our kids KNOW.

Coordinate with soccer team to provide what we need / want.

Identify in each class during their Freshmen season the punter, the kicker, long snapper, and a returner and develop them so they are all-state quality for the program.

Punt block = 80% chance to win.

Field position. Ex. catch all punts, great coverage etc.

Field awareness.


          Seat Roll (Thumb) Down and up (clap) Stomach run forward (clap) Back run backwards (clap) Stomach right or left (command) Back right or left (command) 1 roll forward (whistle) 2 roll forward (whistle) Forward and backward (whistle) Bear crawl (whistle)

           


Train to be Quicker and Tougher!

Train as an athlete. Triple Extension of the Hip, Knee, and Ankle!

Multi-Segmental Movements.

Train on our feet. Train functional.

Olympic Lifts   Power Clean Power Snatch Back Squat – Front Squat – Overhead Squat – Hips and Legs!

Bench Press Secondary Lifts / Auxiliary Lifts Speed / Quickness Training Core  Medicine Balls  Combative Drills   Find a weakness = fatigue and confront it until it is overcome.

Learn to compete and learn to “turn it loose.” The Dragon.

 Physio Balls Piranha Wrestling, Tires, Potato Ball, 400, Hurdles, Bar-Drill,

Hoka Hey – Sioux War Cry by Frank McCarthy


“Hold Fast! There is always more!” Traditional Lakota warriors would shout “Hoka Hey!” to one another as they charged into battle. In the context of battle hoka hey meant, “it is a good day to die.” In his

When the Tree Flowered

, however, based on his conversations with Lakota Holy Man, Eagle Voice, Nebraska poet, John Neihardt, explained the origin of the phrase. Literally translated, hoka hey means “hold fast. There is more!”

WHAT IT TAKES TO BE NUMBER ONE You’ve got to pay the price.

Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all-the-time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game and that is first place. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay and I don’t ever want to finish second again. There is a second place bowl game, but it is a game for losers played by losers. It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do and to win and to win and to win. Every time a football player goes out to ply his trade he’s got to play from the ground up – from the soles of his feet right up to the head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their heads. That’s o.k. You’ve got to be smart to be No. 1 in any business. But more important, you’ve got to play with your heart – with every fiber of your body. If you’re lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he’s never going to come off the field second.

Running a football team is no difference from running any other kind of organization – an army, a political party, a business. The principles are the same. The object is to win – to beat the other guy. Maybe that sounds hard or cruel. I don’t think it is. It’s a reality of life that men are competitive and the most competitive fumes draw the most competitive men. That’s why they’re there – to compete. They know the rules and the objectives when they get in the game. The objective is to win – fairly, squarely, decently, by the rules – but to win.

And in truth, I’ve never known a man worth his salt who in the long run deep down in his heart, didn’t appreciate the grind, the discipline. There is something in good men that really yearns for, needs, discipline and the harsh reality of head-to-head combat.

I don’t say these things because I believe in the “brute” nature of man or that men must be brutalized to be combative. I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour – his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear – is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle – victorious.

Vince Lombardi

ATTITUDE BY CHARLES SWINDOLL The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me, is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company . . .a church. . . a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day. We cannot change our past. . . we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string that we have, and that is our attitude. . . I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. . . we are in charge of our attitudes. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING!!!

”The high sentiments always win in the end. The leaders who offer blood, toil, sweat, and tears always get more out of their followers then those who offer safety and a good time. When it comes to the pinch, human beings are heroic.” George Orwell This quote explains in a few words what I have always believed about coaching and teaching. I believe there is an intrinsic desire in each of us to aspire to nobility of character. It is, therefore, the job of the coach to encourage young men to aspire to noble deeds and stretch their vision of what is possible. I sincerely hope you approach each day and each player with this kind of vision of his possibilities and the positive impact you can have on his life.

“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp.” -Robert Browning You have to drive the body to the last inch of energy and then go on! You gain nothing by just going up to where your body says you are tired and exhausted. The body will build and grow only to fit the demands, which the mind makes upon the lazy body. If all you do is exercise until the body is tired, the body will get lazy and stop a bit shorter every time. You have to go to the point of exhaustion and go on. That way the body will figure it out, “We got to build up more body strength if that crazy mind is going to drive this hard.” If you always quit when you are merely tired, you will never gain. Once you let the body tell the mind to quit, you are whipped for sure. You cannot gain by listening to the body. We can become much stronger if we drive the body. We use about one-tenth of the available strength of our bodies and less than that of our minds. -General George S. Patton In preparing for his troops to go to war

Rejoice in our suffering, because suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope, and hope doesn’t disappoint us.


 Focus on getting better  Open door policy  Belief in championship football program  Get it done!