Exploring the Real Meaning of CCRS: Shifts in Classroom

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Transcript Exploring the Real Meaning of CCRS: Shifts in Classroom

Creating Meaningful
Learning Experiences
Powerful Conversations Secondary Network
February 28, 2013
Alphabet Soup!
Alabama Best Practices Center
Key Leaders Network
Powerful Conversations Network
Superintendent Leaders Network
Instructional Partners Pilot
College-and Career-Ready
Formative Assessment
Partners with the
Alabama State Department of Education Initiatives
Guiding Questions
 What does “engaging learning experience” mean
to me? To what extent and in what ways do I and
my colleagues think engaging learning
experiences might improve student learning?
 In what ways are we incorporating “authentic
performance assessments” into our lesson and
unit designs in our school? What is the value of
using these?
Guiding Questions
 Why might “engaging scenarios” be
particularly appropriate to student mastery
of CCR standards?
 What type of engaging scenario can we
collaboratively create to support the CCRS
that our design team has been working with
this year?
 What can we expect from Instructional
Rounds this spring?
for Group Interactions
 Be open to and respect all points of view.
 Listen with an open mind and expect to learn from one
 Accept responsibility for active and equitable participation.
 Allow think time – before and after someone speaks.
 Check for understanding. Before you counter an idea, be sure
you fully understand what has been said.
 Welcome questions.
Activity: Sharing Successes—
Give One-Get One
Sharing classroom and/or school-wide
success you’ve had with CCRS
To celebrate accomplishments and learn
from one another
Individually record on an index card one
success you’ve experienced as you’ve
worked to implement CCRS. Write legibly.
Be ready to share with colleagues and
exchange cards.
Activity 1: What Does “Engaging
Learning Experience” Mean?—4 A’s
Text Protocol
Reading and dialogue using the 4 A’s text
To make personal and collective meaning
of “engaging learning experience” as
defined by Ainsworth
Individually read and prepare for
dialogue using 4 A’s Protocol. Use
Activity Sheet 1, pp. 2-3 of Activity
Activity 2: Viewing Classroom
Video By Reference to 7C Student
Watch a videotaped classroom where
teaching and learning are focused on a
common core standard—and use student
survey to assess student engagement
To “see” engagement in action and talk
together about what makes an engaging
Watch video with focus on 7Cs; talk with
team member about your perceptions
Performance Assessment
“Performance tasks provide educators with a
‘window’ into student understanding, giving them
the formative diagnostic data they need to
monitor and adjust instruction for different
students. For students, performance tasks
enable them to construct their own
understanding of the standards in focus through
active participation, not just passive listening and
seeing, as they exercise the full range of thinking
skills.” (Rigorous Curriculum Design, p. 161)
Activity 3: What is Authentic
Performance Assessment?—Team
Developing a shared meaning of the
what and the why of authentic
performance assessment
To consider the value of increasing use
of this strategy to support students’
mastery of CCRS
Follow directions on Activity Sheet 3, p.
5 of the Activity Packet
Stand Up and Find a School
Team with Whom to Share
 Share and compare the results of your force-
field analysis.
 Talk about strategies you might use to
encourage faculty to increase their use of
authentic performance assessments.
Regroup After Lunch
 Join your role-alike team with whom you’ve
been working this year.
 Find your grade level and/or chosen content
on table signage.
 If you have a question about the group with
whom to affiliate, see the facilitator.
Organize Your Team
 Facilitator
 Recorder
 Materials Manager
 Timekeeper
Activity 4: Investigating “Engaging
Scenarios”: Facilitated Team Review of
Engaging Scenarios
Conversation in role-alike design teams
to develop a shared understanding of
engaging scenarios
To prepare for collaborative creation of
an engaging scenario related to your
selected standard(s)
Team facilitator will lead team in review
of pp. 164-172 in Ainsworth’s RCD
following directions on p. 6 of Activity
Activity 5: Creating An Engaging
Scenario—Collaborative Creation of an
Engaging Scenario
Collaborative creation of an engaging
scenario that matches your selected
To apply learning and to develop a
product that you can take away and use
Follow directions and use resources
provided on pp. 7-14 of the Activity
A Design Tool You Can Use
 S = Situation
 C = Challenge
 R = Role
 A = Audience
 P = Product or Performance
Activity 6: Sharing and Giving/Getting
Feedback on Team Engaging Scenario—
Modified Tuning Protocol
Sharing engaging scenarios and giving
and receiving feedback through work
with a sister team
To learn from others
Follow directions provided on p. 15 of
the Activity Packet
Preview of Upcoming Event:
Instructional Rounds
 Spring, 2013
 Online registration
 Choice, but each site will have a limited
number of spots.
 Host schools will select an area of focus
related to implementation of CCRS
Overview from Some
Host Schools
Reflection and Feedback
 Please complete the reflection and feedback form on
the last page of your Activity Packet—including the
comments for each item.
 This is your exit ticket!
Thank you!
Safe travels. See you next time!