Tomislav Skračić, MA Undergraduate English Course for

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Transcript Tomislav Skračić, MA Undergraduate English Course for

Tomislav Skračić, MA
Undergraduate English
Course for
5th Semester
Essential reading:
T. Skračić, Waypoint – English Textbook for Maritime
Students, Pomorski fakultet, Split 2010, Units 22-28
T. Trappe & G. Tullis, Intelligent Business, Longman
2005, Units 12-14
part 2
The Clean Marina Initiative is a voluntary,
incentive-based program promoted by U.S.
Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The program
encourages marina operators and recreational
boaters to protect coastal water quality by
engaging in environmentally sound operating
and maintenance procedures.
While Clean Marina Programs vary from state to
state, all programs offer information, guidance,
and technical assistance to marina operators,
local governments, and recreational boaters on
Best Management Practices (BMPs) that can be
used to prevent or reduce pollution. Marinas that
participate in the Clean Marina Program are
recognised for their environmental stewardship.
Why is this initiative important?
Clean Marina programs help reduce pollution to
U.S. coastal waters by encouraging
environmentally-friendly marina and boating
practices. Because marinas are located right
along the water's edge, pollutants created by
marina activities are released directly into the
water. Although not one of the leading sources of
polluted runoff, pollution from marinas can have a
significant impact on local water quality.
Therefore, it is important to promote operation and
maintenance practices that will prevent pollution
from entering coastal waterways.
Benefits of a Clean Marina Program
A Clean Marina Program offers many benefits to
marina operators and coastal areas participating in
the program.
BMPs help operators and owners to reduce
waste disposal costs as they reduce the
amount of wastes produced so disposal costs
will be less.
 The program also generates new sources of
revenue. Clean Marinas can charge slightly
higher slip fees and have fewer vacancies.
Marina operators and owners receive free
technical assistance.
 The program helps the participants to reduce
legal liabilities – marinas can ensure they are
meeting all regulatory requirements, thus
avoiding fines.
 Finally, these marinas enjoy free publicity and
are able to attract knowledgeable customers.
All parties have benefits of the program as
improving water quality and habitat for living
resources is everyone’s concern. The marina and
boating industry depends on clean waters and
a healthy coastal environment for their continued
The Clean Marina Program
is an excellent way to reach
out to recreational boaters
and demonstrate how they
can alter their own practices
to minimize impacts on
the marine environment.
EXERCISE 1 – Answer the following questions:
Who funds the Clean Marina programs? Why?
Who gets the money first?
How is the money actually spent?
What are the objectives of the program?
What does the program offer?
Name some benefits to marina operators and
coastal areas participating in the program.
EXERCISE 2 – Translate the following
sentences into English:
Glavni problem je u nedostatku mogućnosti mnogih
marina da preuzmu (retain) otpadne vode iz brodova ili
njihova nedovoljna opremljenost za ove poslove (tasks).
Svake se godine zamijeni 180 tona različitih maziva
(lubricants) i motornih ulja duž hrvatske strane Jadrana
– jasno je da ovo predstavlja znatnu prijetnju (threat to)
Nekontrolirano bojanje brodskog trupa (hull), popravci i
pranje vodom pod pritiskom (pressure washing) mogu
omogućiti metalima i drugim toksičnim tvarima da uđu u
more i tako štetno djeluju (harmfully affect) na priobalnu
floru i faunu.
EXERCISE 2 – Translate the following
sentences into English:
Važno je da država nađe načine i sredstva (assets) da
motivira upravitelje (operators) luka i marina da
sudjeluju u zaštiti okoliša.
Nedovoljna (insufficient) cirkulacija mora u luci kao i
pojačane lučke aktivnosti nepovoljno su utjecale na
bioraznolikost. U stvari, mnogih vrsta (species) više
uopće nema.
Plava se zastava dodjeljuje (is granted) lukama
nautičkog turizma i plažama koje zadovoljavaju (meet)
određene ekološke kriterije.
EXERCISE 3 – In pairs, present your
conclusions / ideas on:
A. How the government can motivate marina and
port managers to preserve coastal waters.
B. How marina and port managers can motivate
boaters to preserve coastal waters.
(Key words: siting, construction, design,
funding, seminars, partnership, taxes, fines,
promotion, improvement, services, online and
on-site signage and advice, fines…)