Transcript Mars Biome

Mars Biomes
Miyu Tada 8R
In Mars, it does not rain or snow like it does on earth, however, it rains different things in different places.
At a habitat of coinland, it rains coins, and so on. It does not rain like it does on Earth because there are
scarce amount of water vapour in the atmosphere. There are no plants living at all, as there is a lack of
Here are some of the major biomes:
•Rainfall(where various things rain)
•Key forest
•Frootloops carpet
•Mountains of Rocks
Coin land
The surface of Mars is covered with rust. This cause coins to fall from the sky of Mars. This ecosystem has
coin covered grounds, and brown footed ferrets live here. They have brown fur to camouflage with the
ground. The ferrets also have adjustable eyes because the sunlight will reflect off the coins and will hurt
their eyes.
Key forests
Here, keys fall from the sky. This ecosystem also has key covered grounds. The animals that live here are
KeyMonkeys and Ring birds.
Because all the animals are herbivores, they lick the keys, and do not on
feed other animals.
Frootloop carpet
The reason is not sure as to why frootloops fall from the sky, however,
scientists think that Earth might have an influence on this. The common
colour of frootloops is blue, and that maybe why there is blue on the surface of Mars.
In this habitat, there are animals with multiple colours, and animals have thing legs to walk through the
holes of the loops and not trod on them.
Mars’ surface temperature can go down as far as 49 degrees celcius. It has a south pole, and no animals live
here- none of the animals are adapted in living in such cold weathers.
Mountain of rocks
The surface of Mars is very bumpy, and have a lot of hills and valleys. In the valleys, there are creatures that
hardly ever come out, as once gone down, it is very hard to come up. The creatures are thought to be
moles that dig through the ground.