Transcript Document

Motto: Where Eagles S.O.A.R.
A-Active Learning
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
MARCH 2015
Our Mission: The mission of Sudlersville Elementary School is to educate and enlighten each of our students
through an engaging curriculum and high expectations (for behavior and achievement) by dedicated teachers and
staff with support of parents and the extended community.
Our Vision: A graduate of Queen Anne's County Public Schools will be well-educated, globally competitive and
prepared to become a caring, productive citizen of the 21st Century
Upcoming Events
Principal’s News
3/2...Dr. Seuss's Birthday
Read Across America
3/3...Group Pictures
3/4...Board of Education @ 6:00
Student Recognition
3/5...PAC Mtg @ 8am
3/6…..Jump Rope for Heart Day &
Money Due - During Specials
3/6...Movie Night @ 6:45
3/9, 3/10, 3/11...PARCC
Assessment for 3rd and 4th grades
3/10...PTA @ 6:00
3/11...Food Lion Math Night
3/12...QACHS Musical Field
Trip for grades 2, 3, 4
3/16, 3/17...PARCC
Assessment for 3rd and 4th grades(math)
3/23...SIT Mtg @ 2:45
3/24...Blue Sky Puppets
Prek & K @ 9:00 & 1:30
3/24...Parent Math Night Fractions
3/27...Easter Egg Hunt @ 6:00
4/1...Early Dismissal
4/1...End of Marking Period
4/1...Board of Education Mtg @ 6:00
4/2, 4/3, 4/6, 4/7...Schools Closed
Spring Break
4/13, 4/14...Report to Parents
PreK & K Registration
SES Has Teacher of the Year Nominations
By: Michele Hampton
This year Sudlersville Elementary School has twelve nominations
for the Queen Anne's County Teacher of the Year program. A
Teacher of the Year is an exceptionally dedicated,
knowledgeable, and skilled teacher. This is a most prestigious
honor to be nominated for this excellence in teaching award.
The following teachers have been nominated:
• Tracey Beres
• Deidre Bildstein
• Missy Darling
• Alma Davis
• Laura Dean
• Sarah Eber
• Chris Harrison
• Cassandra Hosler
• Mary Leventhal
• Mary Alice Munson
• Jeanette Settlemaier
• Amy Thren
• Additionally, Mr. Daniel Miller has been nominated for the
New Teacher of the Year Award for Queen Anne's
County. What an honor!!
Congratulations to teachers representing all of the fantastic
teachers at Sudlersville Elementary School!!
Please follow us on Twitter @SES_SOARS
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
MARCH 2015
Sudlersville Elementary School Celebrates African American History Month
On Monday, February 2, 2015, community members arrived at Sudlersville Elementary School and
participated in a Read-In. The readers read a variety of books about African Americans, or read books that
were written by African American authors. The week's activities were planned by the multicultural
committee. Both SES and SMS worked together to plan meaningful activities for students.
Dr. Paulette Anderson is reading with
first grade students.
Mr. James Saunders is reading with
pre-kindergarten students.
Jazelle Torres has been
recognized for her art work.
Her art work will be
displayed outside
Comptroller Franchot's
office in Annapolis, MD.
SES students enjoyed
the musical and
dance entertainment
by Sankofu during the
celebration of Black
History Month.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
MARCH 2015
Pre-K News
Is spring really around the
corner? Let's hope so. We
just completed Theme 6:
Construction Zone. The
students loved learning
about construction sites,
tools and building
things. This month, we will
be starting Theme 7: In the
City, In the Country. We will
be learning the differences
between the city and the
country. In addition, we are
at the end of our Shape Days
and are now moving on to
Letter Days. We look
forward to seeing what
interesting things your child
will bring into the class for
the different letters. Please
continue to work on
identifying numbers, letters,
colors and shapes at
home. We thank you for
your continued support!
The Pre-K Team
Kindergarten News
We are working on counting
and recognizing numbers to
100. You can help your child by
helping him/her practice
counting in many
situations. For example, how
many steps from the porch to
the mailbox, from the car to the
store, etc. Remember that
many times it is a number that
ends with 9 that can be difficult
for a child. They may not
recognize that, for
example, after 39 comes
40. That is where the regular,
fun practice is very helpful.
Looking ahead to spring, we
are planning on taking two field
trips. On April 23rd, we will be
visiting the Delaware Museum
of Natural History. On May 19,
we will be seeing a play at
Chesapeake College.
Information for both of these
trips will be sent home at the
same time within the next few
Remember to complete the
reading logs for this marking
Thank you,
The Kindergarten Team
Grade 1 News
March is here and we are
happy! We are hoping
spring weather appears and
that we will get a lot of
instruction in this month
along with some outside
recess days! In the first
week of March, we will be
enjoying books by Dr.
Seuss. We will continue to
write opinion and narrative
pieces in Language Arts. In
Math we will be working on
adding and subtracting 2digit numbers. In Social
Studies we will start a Unit
around mid March on the
Land and Water features of
our country. We will be
working with identifying
some of these features on
maps. Our class books are
back from the publishers
and we will be having a
book unveiling on the
morning of Friday, March
27th. We will be having
breakfast refreshments for
this celebration, please look
for a note home from your
teacher around mid-March
giving details about this
exciting event. Thank you
for your continued support!
Your First Grade Team
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
MARCH 2015
Grade 2 News
Grade 3 News
Grade 4 News
March is here already? Wow, this
Marvelous March!
Wow!! February was quite a
month for 4th grade. We
would like to extend our
sincerest gratitude and
appreciation to our students
and parents during these
eventful few weeks. The
students were so flexible and
well-behaved during our
frequent changes due to
weather and classroom shifts.
Additionally, so many parents
reached out to help us in our
time of need. Sudlersville is
definitely an amazing
community to teach in.
Second only to safety is the
academic success of our
students. They have been
making huge progress in all
areas. We have been studying
fractions, the American
Revolution, life cycles, and
paragraph formation in
various types of writing.
We are looking forward to
warmer and drier days ahead.
As the weather clears up we
will be going back outside for
recess, please make sure
students are wearing
appropriate shoes, pants, and
coats for the weather. Field
trip forms went home last
week for our field trip to
QACHS to see the spring
musical, "Honk," on March
12th. There is no cost for this
trip and chaperones are
Thank you again for your
year is moving quickly! Happy St.
Patrick’s Day on the 17th!
A special thank you to our parents
who helped their children
complete their cereal box reports
for Black History Month. They were
fantastic! We enjoyed learning
about these special folks!
Remember to check your child’s
homework folder each night for
assignments and important
information. Please have your child
complete his/her homework and
return promptly. As always, keep
reading and returning those
reading logs! Remember, questions
should be answered in complete
Count on us to continue working
super hard this month. Our Literacy
Block time seems to be having a
positive impact on our students’
reading abilities. We are very
proud of their progress! In math
we are working on regrouping and
representing numbers to 1,000.
The students have been working
hard on their writing as well. Ask
them about it! In science we are
learning about Physics!
Have a wonderful March! We are
looking forward to spring and the
warm weather it brings!
Greetings! We are hoping that
spring is right around the corner!
March will be a solid block of
instruction with students being
in school the full month.
The PARCC Reading testing will
take place on Monday, March
9th and Tuesday, March 10th
2015. The PARCC Math
assessment will be on Monday,
March 16th
and Tuesday, March 17th, 2015.
Please make sure your child gets
plenty of rest in order to prepare
for testing. On Thursday, March
12th,2015 we will enjoy a field
trip to QACHS and watch a play
performed by the QACHS
students entitled, “Honk.” The
students will have the
opportunity to see a show, eat
lunch in the cafeteria as well as
get acclimated to their alma
mater. In Math, we are
beginning a study of fractions
and this will be our focus for the
next couple of months. Please
continue to practice
multiplication/division facts at
home with your child as well as
read, read, read! Thank you for
your continued support and
have a magnificent March!
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
MARCH 2015
Since the disease can cause cysts in
infected animals one should not eat
Math Matters
counting mailboxes, reading
under cooked pork or venison.
Toxoplasmosis can cause serious
Hello Sudlersville friends! I am
complications especially to the
thrilled to be the new Math
the dinner table.
unborn child.
Specialist at SES. I’d like to take a
Toxocariasis is an intestinal
minute to thank everyone for your
roundworm found in infected dogs,
support and encouragement while
letters, ask your child to watch
especially puppies. These eggs can
transitioning into my new position.
hatch in a human stomach and
Leaving my second grade class midhighly
scatter to surrounding tissues and
way through the year was very
organs. These infections can be
difficult for me, but my amazing
idea to read to your child every
troublesome to children under 5
students are in very capable hands
years of age, to the
with their new teacher Mrs. Boulay.
immunocompromised individual,
I am so proud of how they have
about mathematical situations
and to older adults.
handled this transition and I am
Pet owners and parents can take the
confident that they will have a great
following precautions to decrease
school year. Now on to some
So What if it’s Hard?
risks to others by:
• Schedule routine veterinary care
…The following information and tips
for your pet including
are taken from an article entitled:
think you’re not a “math
vaccinations and deworming.
“Instill a Love of Math”
• Wash your hands after handling
By Laura Lewis Brown
• Avoid talking negatively about
your pet and coming in contact
math (When a parent does that
Parents are bombarded with
with their body fluids.
in front of a child, it suggests
messages to read with their
• Clean the cat litter box daily.
that math’s not important.)
children, but it’s rare to hear about
Pregnant women should have
• If you are stuck on how to foster
the importance of doing math with
someone else do this job.
math enthusiasm, talk to your
them. Here are some helpful tips on
• Cover the sandbox when not in
child’s teacher about some ways
why and how to instill a love of math
to support math learning at
in your children.
• Avoid unnecessary bites and
scratches by avoiding rough play
Early Math Matters
with your pets.
• Early elementary mathematics
Do not kiss your pet.
lays the foundation for what
• Wear gloves when handling soil
students will learn beyond the
where pet feces may be present.
elementary setting
Health Room
Following these measures will help
• It’s important to help children
make time spent with our furry
Most people who own pets can tell
love math while they are still
friends safer for our families.
you the many joys of ownership. Did
you know each year humans acquire
• Parents can build on those first
infections from their beloved cats
preschool lessons by counting
and dogs? These infections can
with their children, asking them
to look for patterns and recognize occur from scratches, bites,
breathing in dust, or by ingesting a
shapes, then moving on to
microscopic amount of fecal
• The goal should be to make math material.
“real” and meaningful by pointing Toxoplasmosis is a common disease
caused by a parasite in cats. One can
it out in the world around you.
become infected by handling cat
That could include checking and
feces or contaminated vegetables.
comparing prices at the grocery
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
MARCH 2015
Here are a few musical reminders
for the month March.
Upcoming Performance:
Spring Concert:
Wednesday, May 20th, 6:30 pm
Spring Concert performers
include the 1st grade classes, the
Spring Chorus (3rd & 4th grade
students), and the Spring
Recorder Club (4th grade
Spring Chorus (3rd & 4th Grades):
Letters will be going home near
the end of March regarding the
Spring Chorus.
The Spring Chorus is open to all
3rd & 4th grade students who
would like to sing and perform in
the Spring Concert. The concert
is on Wednesday, May 20th, at
6:30 pm. The permission form
must be returned in order to
Spring Recorder Club:
Letters will be going home near
the end of March regarding the
Spring Recorder Club.
The Spring Recorder Club is open
to all 4th grade students who
would like to demonstrate the
recorder skills we have learned by
performing in the Spring Concert.
The concert is on Wednesday,
May 20th, at 6:30 pm. All
students in recorder club should
have his or her own recorder.
The permission form must be
returned in order to participate.
Counselor’s Corner
Many young people will say that
they have “issues” with anger,
when in reality what they
struggle with is how to interpret,
communicate and respond to
the wide range of normal
feelings that children
experience; many of which can
be uncomfortable. Helping your
child to develop a “feelings
vocabulary” is a great way to
help them develop these skills.
For example, the feeling of
“Anger” can be described using
many different “levels” of
feeling words; such as irritated,
annoyed, mad, frustrated, etc.
Other difficult feelings, like
“sadness,” can be explored with
feeling words like lonely, blue,
bored, and worried. Helping kids
to more accurately identify with
words how they are feeling
creates a conversation about
why they might be feeling that
way and what steps they can
take to feel better.
If you are looking for ways to
better understand and respond
to your child’s expressions of
anger, here is a great FREE
opportunity taking place in our
local community:
“Understanding and Managing
Anger in Young People” will take
place at Kent County Middle
School – 402 East Campus Ave.
in Chestertown – on Thursday,
March 5th at 5:30pm. Pizza and
Childcare will be provided!!
Participants will learn how to
understand the function of
emotions, strategies to help your
child manage their anger, and
how to relieve stressful
situations. No registration is
required, but you are asked to
RSVP to 410-778-5708.
Authors of the Week
Mark Jordan & Grace Howard
Artists of the Week
The following SES students
will be recognized at the
Board of Education meeting
on March 4, 2015.
Alex Figueroa
Kaleb Tribbett
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
MARCH 2015
Judy Center News
The Judy Center Partnership of
QAC celebrated Dr. Seuss week
during Chesapeake College
sponsored adult education
classes by enlisting Jason
Blandon-Lopez, Sudlersville
Elementary School student in
reading Green Eggs and Ham by
Dr. Seuss. Children were in
attendance to enjoy a centerbased learning environment
while their parents attended
Queen Anne’s County Board of
Education sponsored adult
education classes held in the
evening at Sudlersville
Elementary School.
The Judy Center’s primary
mission is to help all parents
support their children in
becoming prepared for school
success. We achieve this
mission by working in
partnership with agencies and
organizations in the area such
as, but not limited to:
Sudlersville Elementary School,
the Family Center, Healthy
Families Mid-Shore, Infants and
Toddlers Program, Queen Anne’s
County Board of Education,
Chesapeake College,
Chesapeake Childcare Resource
Center, the Department of
Social Services of Queen Anne’s
County, the Department of
Health of Queen Anne’s County,
Calvary Asbury Methodist
Church, Queen Anne’s County
Migrant Recruitment and
Education Division, and local
childcare providers.
Please check out our
Facebook page at
to see other happenings at
the Judy Center Partnership
of QAC. We sponsor adult
education through a
partnership with
Chesapeake College, local
childcare providers, Queen
Anne’s County Board of
Education, and Sudlersville
Elementary School. We
also sponsor weekly
playgroup opportunities,
field trips, and a new Dolly
Parton Imagination Library
Jason Blandon-Lopez reads Green
Eggs and Ham to the group.
Judy Center sponsored
Kindermusik with Rebecca Bryson
Upcoming Events
Dates and Times
Adult Education Hours:
Monday and Wednesday from
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Computer Literacy Education
Nights: March 10th--SMS from
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm, March
17th-SES from 5:30pm– 8:30pm
Judy Center Playgroup
Schedule: Tuesday from
8:30 am – 10:00 am,
Wednesday from
9:00 am – 10:30 am, and
Thursday from
10:00 am – 11:30 am.
Kindermusik: Every other
Thursday during Playgroup
hours during the months of
February and March
Dr. Seuss Dinner at SES: Check
out the Judy Center and Family
Center sponsored booth on
March 3rd where we will lead
parents and children in
creating a hat to wear in a
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
MARCH 2015
Sudlersville Elementary Participates in STEM Fair
Students at Sudlersville Elementary School chose to
participate in the STEM (Science Technology
Engineering and Math) Fair. Pictured below are the
winners at each grade level.
1st grade-Hannah Conner Project: What toy does
my cat like best?
2nd grade-Jesse Truitt Project: Which type of
potato makes the most electricity?
3rd grade-Cameron Murray Project: Which
substance, soluble or insoluble melts ice faster?
4th grade-Abigail Voshell Project: Which soil
settles in water faster?
This is our third grade monthly
book report depicting famous
African Americans to honor
black history month.
at SES
PBIS incentive dance
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
MARCH 2015
Parent Involvement
Over the next three months I will be
providing Practical Tools for Positive
Parenting as requested in our parent survey.
The Search Institute has identified the
following building blocks of healthy
development that help young people grow
up healthy, caring, and responsible and also
help them to be successful in school.
These are 16 of 40 – the remaining to be
provided in April and May.
Family Center of QAC News
The Family Center participants and staff
recently traveled to Annapolis, Maryland
to take part in the statewide Maryland
Family Network Advocacy Day. Parents
were able to share their experiences and
accomplishments with Delegate Jay
Jacobs, who graciously posed for a photo
with our group. A great time was had by
SUPPORT – Family support, Positive family
communication, Other adult relationship,
Caring neighborhood, Caring school climate,
Parent involvement in schooling
EMPOWERMENT – Community values youth,
Youth as resources, Service to others, Safety
boundaries, School boundaries,
Neighborhood boundaries, Adult role
models, Positive peer influence, High
A list of these building blocks along with
other valuable parent information are
available in the Parent Resource Room – B3.
Please stop by to visit and take some
information home.
SAVE THE DATE! Food Lion Family Math
Night - March 27, 2014 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Invitations will be sent home soon!
Elaine Butler, Parent Coordinator x234
Pictured in the photo, back row from left to rightElizabeth Miller, Interim Coordinator of the Family
Support Center (FSC)/Judy Center Partnership of
QAC Coordinator, Sharay Butler, FSC participant,
Leslie Rucker, FSC Home Visitor holding Camron
Browne, Jenny Crossley, FSC Service Coordinator,
Delegate Jay Jacobs, Angie Soto, Judy Center
Bilingual Admin. Assistant, and Maria Lopez, FSC
participant and Wilson Lopez. Front row from left to
right-Deanna Tobin, Chesapeake Childcare Resource
Center, and Lori O'Connell, FSC participant and
Duncan O’Connell.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
MARCH 2015
Students of the Month
Congratulations to the Students of the Month for the month of January!
A big cheer for these students who were recognized
for their outstanding behavior!!!
AM Pre-K
Mrs. Dean
PM Pre-K
Mrs. Dean
Mrs. Beres
Ms. Landgraf
Mrs. Munson
Mrs. Bennett
Mrs. Chance
Mrs. Darling
Ms. Davis
Ms. Eber
Ms. Kane
Mrs. Troyer
Mrs. Bildstein
Mrs. Leventhal
Mrs. Thren
Mrs. Embert
Mrs. Rosendale
Mrs. Settelmaier