Transcript Document

A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Our Mission:
The mission of Sudlersville Elementary School is to educate and enlighten each of our
students through an engaging curriculum and high expectations (for behavior and
achievement) by dedicated teachers and staff with support of parents and the extended
Upcoming Events
School Spirit/ Movie Night
African American Read-In
PFY Spring session begins
Practice Drills for Emergency
2/6 DNR Assembly PreK thru 1st
Grades 1:30 pm
2/6 BOE Meeting 6:00 pm
2/12 1st Grade Showcase 5:30 pm
2/12 PTA meeting 6:30 pm
2/12 Scholastic Book Fair Starts
2/12 Scholastic Book Fair open to
parents 4-6:30 pm -Media
2/12-2/15 Scholastic Book Fair in
the Media Center
2/13 Early Dismissal (12noon)
Professional Development for
2/25 SIT Meeting
3/1 Read Across America Day
3/4 MSA Begins
3/19 MSA Ends
Queen Anne's County Public Schools received a
certificate of accreditation from the Middle States
Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on
Elementary and Secondary Schools. Sudlersville
Elementary School was among the QACPS to receive
recognition for demonstrating that it is effectively
advancing the quality of educational experiences it
offers its students and meets its responsibilities to the
public and the profession of education, and complies
with standards for accreditation that are established by
the Middle State Association of Colleges and Schools.
The QACPS principals are pictured accepting the
certificates at the January Board of Education meeting.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Derrick Troyer
Cheyenne Leader
The kindergarten students are proud of their winter theme art work.
Recently, Ms. Leslie Storm, art teacher joined the SES staff. Ms. Storm
teaches kindergarten art.
QACPS Annual Awards Gala
We are now accepting nominations for employee recognition. The nomination forms are in the office of
SES. Nominations for the following categories will be reviewed: Outstanding New Teacher, Outstanding
Bus Driver, Coach of the Year, Sodexo Employee of the Year,, Volunteer of the Year, Outstanding
Educational Specialist, Outstanding Operations Employee of the Year, Secretary of the Year, Para-Educator
of the Year, Meritorious Service Character Counts, Outstanding Student Services Award, and Leadership
Award. The criteria for each category is listed on the form. The nominations are due no later than 4:30
pm on February 15, 2013, and they go to Kathy Easter at QAC Board of Education. Please consider
recognizing some of the outstanding employees from SES!
The Maryland State Department of Education is interested in the public's view of school discipline policies and
practices. As such, surveys have been developed for parents, students and staff. This information will be used to
inform the Maryland State Department of Education in reforming its school discipline policies and practices.
Please take time to participate in this survey. The website is:
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Pre-K News
Wow! The school year is just flying
by in Pre-K. It is hard to believe
that we are now in the month of
February. Pre-K has been very
busy learning about taking care of
their teeth, upper and lower case
letters of the alphabet, identifying
numbers 0-10, sorting and making
sets with objects, and making
length, height, and size
comparisons. Mrs. Chance’s class
is still learning about Mexico. Her
class will be having a fiesta on
February 8th. Next, her class will be
taking a pretend trip to Africa. Mrs.
Dean’s class is currently on Theme
5: Animals Everywhere. Her class
has been learning about many
different types of animals, how to
sort and graph, using animals. Next,
her class will begin Theme 6:
Construction Zone. Her class will
observe, explore, and manipulate
simple machines and begin to learn
how to measure objects . On
Thursday, February 14th, we will be
having our Valentine’s Day party
beginning at 9:00 for A.M. Pre-K
and 1:00 for P.M. Pre-K. You will be
hearing from our room parents very
soon. If you have any questions
please feel free to call us.
Kindergarten News
Grade 2 News
February is here and we have a lot to do
The date of our 100th day of
school celebration will be
announced soon. Remember
that kindergarten was five days
later in starting school so our
100's Day Celebration will be
later than those of other grades.
Your child will be bringing home
more information as we get
closer to our 100th day. There
will be many activities on that
day and parents are invited to
join in the fun. One famous
tradition is that each child is to
bring in a collection of 100
objects. Be thinking, with your
child, about what he/she can
bring to the class to share as a
100 collection.
Third quarter reading logs have
been sent home. Please
remember to read with your
child and record the books on
the log!
Thank you,
The Kindergarten Team
Grade 1 News
Can you believe we are almost
at 100 days of school? We will
be celebrating this month. We
will let you know as the day gets
closer. We will also celebrate
Valentine's Day on Thursday,
February 14. Room parents will
be contacting you. We look
forward to seeing you at our 1st
grade Showcase/PTA night on
February 12th . Come join us for
our class book celebration.
1st Grade Team
this month.
Everyone continues to work hard. Second
grade students are currently writing their
first research reports on Amazing
Animals. Look for them to come home at
some point. They are doing a great job! As
we begin our 3rd quarter, we will be
working on more regrouping in math;
both addition and subtraction. We are
also continuing with our Economics Unit
in Social Studies.
Black History Month is celebrated this
month. We will have guest readers come
in to read to the students about several
famous African Americans and their
contributions to our country.
Reading progress is being made daily.
Please continue to read with your
children at home and provide
independent reading time for them. It is
important reading logs be filled out each
Use good questioning techniques to
make sure your child understands what
he/she has read. You will know
immediately if they actually DID read.
A reminder: please check homework
folders and agendas when your child
comes home. Besides homework,
important class and/or school messages
are being communicated through these
tools; many of which need to be returned.
Really cold weather has finally made its
way here. Many of our students are
coming to school without proper winter
clothing. Please make sure your child
comes to school with a coat, gloves, hats
and anything else to keep him/her warm.
We DO go outside for recess (unless the
temperature is at the freezing level).
You and your family enjoy Valentine’s
Day. If your child would like to fill out
Valentine cards for classmates, they may
bring them in on the 14th.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Grade 3 News
Fantastic February!
Happy winter! We are
very busy in third grade this
month. We will begin the
month by completing the
Math Quarterly
assessments. This test is
given to all third graders in
Queen Anne’s County. The
book fair is coming to S.E.S.
the week of February 11th,
2013! Parents and students
are welcome to peruse the
wonderful selection of
books on Book Fair night
Tuesday, February 12th, 2013
(a PTA meeting will also be
held that night as well.) On
Valentine’s Day morning
students in each class will
enjoy a “Valentine’s
breakfast!” A letter will be
coming home soon
concerning this event.
Schools are closed Monday,
February 18th, 2013 for
“President’s Day.” Looking
ahead to March our
Grade 4 News
students will be
administered the MSA in
Reading the week of March
4th, 2013 as well as the
Math MSA the following
week, March 11th, 2013. It is
imperative that students go
to bed early those two
weeks so that they will be
able to perform to the best
of their abilities on the
Some February fun facts…
February is “American Heart
Month” – exercise your
heart! (Look for information
regarding “Jump Rope for
Heart” coming home soon.)
“Children’s Dental Health
Week” is the first week of
February 
Happy Chinese New Year!“Year of the Snake”February 10th, 2013
“Student Volunteer Day” is
Wednesday, February 20th,
2013. Only “28 days” in the
month! No “Leap Year” in
Have a fabulous February
and thanks for working with
your child in completing the
weekly reading log as well
as homework. Happy Days!
Continue working on those
basic multiplication
facts. We are moving full
force into division.
We are switching one more
time for Science starting
February 4th. Talk to your
children about the
interesting things they are
The Great Mail Race has
begun. We entered the
great mail race with other
4th grade classrooms
across the US. Our goal is
to record and learn about
our 50 states as the
response letters come in.
Health Room
With cold and flu season upon us
lets take a minute to talk about sore
throats. What is the difference
between strep throat and a sore
throat from a cold. What can we do
to feel better if we have a sore
Most sore throats are caused by
viruses and are part of a cold. About
10% of sore throats are due to strep
bacteria. A throat culture or rapid
strep test performed by your medical
doctor is the only way to distinguish
strep throat from viral sore throat.
Without treatment, a strep throat
can have some rare but serious
Viral sore throats usually last 3 to 4
days. Strep throat responds well to
antibiotics. After taking antibiotics
for 24 hours, your child is no longer
contagious and can return to school
if child is fever free for 24 hours
without the aid of acetaminophen or
Children over 8 years of age can
gargle with warm salt water (1/4
teaspoon of salt per glass). Children
over 4 years of age can suck on
lollipops or hard candy. (butterscotch
seems to be a soothing
flavor) Children over age 1 year can
sip on warm chicken broth or warm
apple juice.
Keep diet soft and not too spicy for
ease of eating. Acetaminophen or
ibuprofen may be given for a few
days if your child has a fever over 101
degrees or a great deal of throat
Keeping your child well hydrated is
necessary as well during colds and
sore throat. Should you request that
your child be able to carry water
during the school day, please
remember to send student in with
only a clear plastic water container.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Character Counts! has been a program implemented in the
QAC public school for many years.
“CC! improves the lives of the adults who teach it-and the
communities that embrace it. CC! gives kids a framework
for ethical living. Simply put, we help make kids make better
choices to make everyone’s life better”
We are in need of Character Counts coaches at SES. Please
won’t you consider giving 15 minutes a week to your child’s
classroom, teaching children about character. Please call
Mrs. Webster if you are interested.
SES Welcomes, New Tutors
by: Michele Hampton
SES has two new tutors joining the staff, Chris
Adelsberger and Julia Nelson. The tutors will work
with students in the areas of reading and math at
all grade levels. Please join me in welcoming them
to our staff!
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Reading Comprehension Tips
Help your child retain what he reads - a
crucial skill to becoming a successful
*Help your child read aloud. This forces
him to go slower, which gives him more
time to process what he reads. Plus,
he's not only seeing the words, he's
hearing them, too. You can also take
turns reading aloud.
* Provide the right kind of books. Make
sure your child gets lots of practice
reading books that aren't too hard. He
should recognize at least 90% of the
words without any help. Stopping any
more often than that to figure out a
word makes it difficult for him to focus
on the overall meaning of the story.
* Reread to build fluency. To gain
meaning from text, your child needs to
read quickly and smoothly - a skill
known as fluency. By the end of 2nd
grade, for example, your child should be
able to read 90 words a
minute. Rereading familiar, simple
books gives your child practice at
decoding words quickly, so he'll become
more fluent.
Reading Log Awards
All students who met their reading goal
for Quarter 2 will receive a reading
award , a free book and 5 Eagle Bucks
at our awards assembly on Jan.
30th. Students who are consistently
reading at home and doing their
reading logs are making steady progress
in reading. It truly makes a
difference! As I have said, "The more
students read, the better reader's they
become. Hats off to those parents who
are supporting their students at home
in becoming successful readers.
Mrs. Thurber
Reading Specialist
What is STEM?
by Mrs. Valenti
You may have heard the term
“STEM” in the news lately. STEM
stands for “Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math”. According
to the Maryland State
Department’s website, “STEM
education is an approach to
teaching and learning that
integrates the content and skills of
science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics. STEM Standards
of Practice guide STEM instruction
by defining the combination of
behaviors, integrated with STEM
content, which is expected of a
proficient STEM student. These
behaviors include engagement in
inquiry, logical reasoning,
collaboration, and
investigation. The goal of STEM
education is to prepare students
for post-secondary study and the
21st century workforce.”
We know that our students need to
be literate in these skills to keep up
with the global
economy. Currently, we have two
STEM enrichment groups at
Sudlersville Elementary, and the
staff is participating in STEM staff
development. We want to
encourage all students to become
more interested in STEM, and there
are some ways that you can help at
1. Be alert for opportunities to talk
with your child about STEM-related
topics. For example, talk about
gravity when your child tosses a
ball in the air. Discuss fractions or
percent when you slice a pie.
2. Encourage curiosity and questioning.
Rather than giving an answer or a
solution to a problem, encourage your
child to research information and/or to
come up with several possible
solutions for a problem.
3. View science and technology TV and
videos with your child. Talk together
about the program you viewed
4. Make your home a STEM-friendly
place. Be enthusiastic about ideas that
your child wants to test (within
reason). Set up a place for
experimenting and building
prototypes. Provide materials for
experiments. These don’t have to be
expensive. Materials might include
things like paper cups, craft sticks,
glue, etc.
5. Direct your child to these websites
for information and STEM fun:
Design Squad – This PBS site features
creative activities, engaging video,
interactive games, and exciting
Discover Engineering – At this site
children can view videos, play
interactive games, and design “Cool
National Geographic Education – This
website features educational activities
and videos, including some STEM
6. Display curiosity about things you
see and show your own interest in
learning. This may be the most
important tip of all. Your enthusiasm
will be the greatest motivator for your
child’s interest in STEM.
Tips copied from
If you want any more information
about STEM education, please contact
Mrs. Valenti at 410-438-3164
extension 206 or by email at
[email protected]
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
The Judy Center
Partnership News
Spring is right around the
corner and the Family Center is
having a Rummage Sale on
March 9th @ Centreville
Elementary School! This is a
fundraiser to benefit the
Family Center but also a great
opportunity for you to do a
little Spring cleaning early! We
are looking for donations of
household items, clothing,
toys, art, tools, furniture, etc.
Please contact Tara Coleman
@ the Family Center if you
have anything to donate.
410.438.3182 or stop in the
Judy Center office and talk to
The Judy Center is looking for
your young children! Finding
the children in the community
who are birth-age 4 and
offering school readiness
activities, playgroups and
home visits is a goal we are
constantly working on. If you
have a younger sibling at home
or know of a child in the
community, contact Lori
Yarbrough @ 410.438.3887 or
stop in our office (room #7) for
a free school readiness bag of
Please join us for the Scholastic
Book Fair on February 12th -15th
in the Media Center.
It will be open to parents on
February 12th from 4-6:30 pm. If
anyone would like to work the
Scholastic Book Fair for a couple
of hours during this week,
please email or call Mrs. Kelly
Embert at
[email protected] or
410-438-3164. We are in need
of some new faces to help with
this event. Please consider
helping!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!
Our American Cancer Society
Relay for Life Team will be
selling treats for $1.00 to
support the American Cancer
Forms will be sent home
Friday, Feb. 1st and will need
to be returned with payment
before Wednesday, February
13, 2013. The candy treat will
be given out during lunch on
Feb. 13th or 14th. If you
have any questions, please
contact Sara Clark.
Media News
Our school will be participating in
the Delmarva Shorebirds "Hit the
Books" reading program again this
year. The students will be
receiving a bookmark with a letter
explaining the program. Please
ask your child for the letter and
encourage them to participate.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be
set up in the Media Center during
February 12th, 13th & ending on
the 14th. This book fair will raise
money to buy more books to
support the Common Core
Curriculum. "KISS"
(Kids Inviting Someone Special) is
the theme for the book fair.
Invitations will be sent home with
your child inviting someone
special to come and shop with
them. If you have any questions
please call Mrs. Embert at 410438-3164. Happy Reading!!!!
We will be selling yearbooks
soon. Cost will be $16.
Orders will be due by
Spring Break (March 27).
Books will arrive in June.
Math Matters
mid-year Math Benchmarks
were given the end of January
and beginning of February. The
scores from these assessments
will inform teachers and school
staff of areas of strengths and
weaknesses in our students and
their math progress.
MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE #5 Use appropriate tools
This standard asks students to
develop a range of problem
solving skills and competencies
with tools that mathematicians
use and be able to select which
tools and strategies can be used
to solve any given problem. In
younger grades tools would
include counting chips,
manipulatives, number lines and
ten frames. By grades 2 and 3,
students may draw pictures as
their tool, make a list or a table
or draw a model on graph paper.
By grades 3 and 4, students may
use actual measuring tools
(rulers and protractors), number
lines, pictures or manipulatives
to solve problems. In all grades,
the use of estimation is
encouraged as a tool to solve
problems. Technology, such as
calculators and computer
models may also serve as math
tools to solve problems.
Students are also encouraged to
share what tools and strategies
they used and their reasons for
using them as they solve
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Measurement and data skills help
students compare and classify
information. Students will be able
to describe attributes, classify
objects and quantify the objects
in each category, display this
information and communicate
their results. In addition, students
grades 2 and up will work with
time and money. Students will
relate their computational skills
such as adding and subtracting
and repeated addition
(multiplication) to measurements
and scales. They will also
represent and interpret data in
table or graph formats.
Why does my child need this skill?
Measurement: Many occupations
and hobbies use measurement.
Developing the ability to measure
and compare will empower
students to succeed in their work
areas when they grow up.
Data: We live in an informational
age where many facts are
presented in graph format.
Children need to be able to read
and understand this information.
When you are measuring at
home- for length, capacity or
time- involve your child! See if
they can compare which has more
or less, which is longer or shorter.
Look for graphs and pictures in
magazines, online and in your
surroundings. Talk about
grouping and counting items,
sorting items and comparing
items- at home, while shopping or
traveling. Math is everywhere!
Parent Involvement
Thank you to the parents who attended the
PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) meeting
on January 29th. An overview was given of
the Title I program and the Common Core
Curriculum at SES in addition to a discussion
of upcoming events. There was open
discussion and suggestions made by
parents. As a result, we will be making the
Computer Lab available to parents for usage
one evening per week. Details and dates of
availability will be sent home soon.
Positive Power Words
Using the following Positive Power Words
provided by “Parenting Partners – Assets for
Achievement” help support your child’s
ability for healthy development and success
at school:
Words for listening well – Tell me more.
That’s interesting. How can I help? How do
you feel about that? Please, thank you,
good morning (extended courtesies to your
children) Thank you for showing me how to
do that (when your children give you
computer tips, etc.)
Words for encouraging – You’re really good
at that. That’s wonderful – how’d you do
that? I’m so proud of you! Way to go! I
wish I could do that as well as you. I
couldn’t have done that without you. I love
you forever, I’ll like you for always.
Words that affirm character – You’re a very
considerate person. Your hard work is
really paying off. You really stick with the
projects you start. You’re a good
conversationalist. You take care of animals
so well. I can always count on you.
Words that frame a positive future – I think
you’re really going to enjoy college
someday. You’re really good at speaking
and debating; you’ll be good at forensics
once you get to high school. You’re very
musical; you can enjoy playing that guitar
your whole life. You’re so good with math.
That opens up so many career choices for
Using these words on a regular basis will go
a long way to making a positive impact on
your child.
Upcoming events: Information on the
Family Math Event at Millington Food Lion
will be sent home soon. We will also be
holding a Family Financial Literacy event in
Elaine Butler, Parent Coordinator x248
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Students of the Month
Jamahl Thompson
AM Pre-K
Mrs. Dean
Ryan Inzer
PM Pre-K
Mrs. Dean
Beth Ann Eller
AM Pre-K
Mrs. Chance
Trenton Frank
Mrs. Beres
Samira Al Atiyyat
Mrs. Munson
Mia Tucker
Mrs. Nuse
Colby Lam
Ms. Landgraf
Jessica Escobar
Mrs. Darling
Nathan Weigley
Mrs. Davis
Darby Skinner
Mrs. Bennett
Bobby Cope
Mrs. Troyer
Kiley Faust
Mrs. Eber
William Maule
Ms. Kane
Savannah Fritzsche
Mrs. Leventhal
Andrew Williams
Mrs. Bildstein
Kayden McCabe
Mrs. Thren
William Frank
Mrs. Settelmaier
William Martinez
Mrs. Rosendale
Bruce Pierce
Mrs. Comegys