September 2014 - Queen Anne`s County Public Schools

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Transcript September 2014 - Queen Anne`s County Public Schools

Motto: Where Eagles S.O.A.R.
O-Outstanding Behavior
A-Academic Excellence
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Our Mission: The mission of Sudlersville Elementary School is to educate and enlighten each of our students
through an engaging curriculum and high expectations (for behavior and achievement) by dedicated teachers and
staff with support of parents and the extended community.
Our Vision: A graduate of Queen Anne's County Public Schools will be well-educated, globally competitive and
prepared to become a caring, productive citizen of the 21st Century
Upcoming Events
Principal’s News
9/1...Schools Closed
9/2...First Day for PreK and K
9/3...Back to School Night@6:30pm
9/4...Scout Night @6:00 in cafeteria
9/5...Spirit Day
9/9...PTA Meeting@6:30pm
9/9...4th Grade Field Trip
9/15...CogAt testing for grade 3
9/16...Summer Reading Awards
(Parents are welcome!)
9/18...Title I Dinner@6:00 @SVFD
9/18 and 9/19...4th grade field trip
9/22...PFY Fall Session begins
9/22...SIT meeting@2:45pm
9/23...Parent Night-Judy Center and
Migrant Program Computer
Lab will be open for parent use.
9/30...Playground Dedication@ 1:45pm
10/2..PACT Meeting@8:00am
10/2..Watch Dogs/Pizza Party@6:00pm
10/3..Title I Planning Meeting
for parents
10/10..Hispanic Heritage Day
10/10..Mother/Son Activity
Relay for Life
10/12..Fire Prevention Week
Congratulations to SES Writers!
Three of Sudlersville Elementary School students were
recipients of the Americanism Essay Contest sponsored
by the Centreville American Legion. SES students are
viewed with other county participants, as well as, Dr.
Carol Williamson, Mrs. Michele Hampton, and Mrs.Mary
Leventhal. SES recipients included Devon Yoder,
Savannah Frische, and Jazelle Torres.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Sudlersville Elementary School students
are excited on the first day of the
2014-15 school year.
Mrs. Stacey Troyer is seen talking with
second graders.
Fourth grade students enjoy talking
with each other during lunch.
Sudlersville Elementary School students in second
grade begin the school year by writing their class
mission statement. Mrs. Eber, second grade teacher,
has the students participate in activities
to help them write their class mission statement.
Cadence Stap, Elia Navarro, Kaylynn Bryant,
Ms. Sarah Eber, teacher
New! Pay for Student Meals Online
This online payment service provides a quick and easy way to add money to your child's meal account
using a credit/debit card. Go to to register for a free account. Make a
payment to your child's account with your credit/debit card. You can also see recent purchases, check
balances, and set-up low balance alerts for free!
Please follow us on Twitter @ SES_SOARS
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Pre-K News
Grade 1 News
Welcome to Pre-K!
We would like to thank all the parents
for coming to the Pre-K Camp and the
Parent/Teacher Conferences. If you
have any further questions about your
child's conference please contact us
anytime. We will start out our year
with the Theme "Welcome to
School." We will be reading a lot of
books about starting school. We will
also be learning shapes, colors, and
numbers. Please remember to check
your child's folder each night, and talk
to them about their day at school. We
are looking forward to a fun school
The Pre-K Team
We are happy to report that
our first graders are
transitioning to their new
schedule. We will be adding
a literacy and intervention
block to your first graders
schedule soon. Be on the
lookout for parent
communication in your
child's folder or agenda
updating you about these
new blocks.
First Grade classrooms vary
with their temperatures, so a
sweater or sweatshirt that
can be left in school is always
helpful. We hope to see
everyone on our Back to
School Night on Sept.
3rd. We will share our
schedules, curriculum, and
upcoming events for our first
marking period. As always, if
you have any questions or
concerns, please write a note
in your child's agenda, email
or call us during our planning
times from 1:30-2:00.
Kindergarten News
We are looking forward to a great year
in kindergarten!
The recent parent conferences were a
great benefit for everyone. Lots of
valuable information was shared.
Contact your child's teacher if you
should have any
questions about something discussed
at the conference or any other
questions during the upcoming
year. Please leave a message at the
front desk if you call during
instructional time.
We will be having many opportunities
for parent involvement this year.
You MUST have completed volunteer
training for the 2014-15 school year if
you would like to help in the classroom
and/or accompany us on field trips.
Mrs. Elaine Butler will have information
about dates and times for the training.
The Kindergarten Team
Thank you for your support,
Your First Grade Team
Grade 2 News
Welcome to Second Grade!!!
We are excited to be starting a
new school year here at SES. We
are looking forward to meeting
all our incoming second graders
(and their parents) and hope
you are ready to learn and have
Your second grade teachers
have been hard at work
preparing materials and
planning the second grade
curriculum. During our first
several weeks of school, we will
focus on getting to know one
another, learning classroom
procedures, reviewing class and
school rules and forming our
routines. Please watch carefully
for information coming home in
homework folders. Many papers
will need to be completed and
Back to School Night is
Wednesday, Sept. 3rd. Parents,
please join us on this very
special evening so you can get a
good handle on our procedures,
expectations and the second
grade curriculum.
Please feel free to contact your
child’s teacher throughout the
year with questions, concerns,
ideas or comments. We are
looking forward to a terrific
The Second Grade Team
Mrs. Troyer, Ms. Kane and Miss
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Grade 3 News
Welcome to third grade! We
are so excited to welcome this
year’s students and parents!
Thank you for the opportunity
for us to become acquainted
with you at the “meet and
greet” as well as the “back to
school” night. If you did not
attend these events, feel free
to call or stop by the school
with any questions that you
may have. Third grade is time
of greater responsibility for
your child and the school work
is rigorous with high
expectations for achievement.
Weekly Math and Reading
homework has already begun!
Please read with your child at
least four times a week, and
have them write a solid
opinion paragraph including a
topic sentence, opinion
statement, details and a
concluding sentence. We will
work very hard on opinion
writing this year in integrated
language arts class. In
advance, we thank you for
your cooperation in helping us
make this a successful,
SOARing year with our third
grade eagles!
Grade 4 News
Fourth grade will be going to Fort
McHenry in Baltimore on
September 9th to participate in
the Bicentennial Living Flag.
Important information will be
given regarding this extended day
field trip on Sept. 3 at the open
house, which begins at 6:30pm.
No parent chaperones will be
required for this Title I funded trip
as there is limited space at Ft.
McHenry and adequate school
staff will be in attendance.
Fourth grade will also be going on
the Sultana Schooner in
Chestertown on Sept 18-19.
Please refer to your students' field
trip form for the exact date of
your students' trip. The cost of the
trip is $15 per person, and
chaperones must have completed
the Volunteer Training, which will
be offered at the open house on
Sept. 3.
Fourth grade students have
reading, spelling, and math
homework every night except
Fridays beginning in September.
Please be sure you are monitoring
homework completion as it builds
student responsibility and
If possible, please provide your
student with an inexpensive flash
drive for school. If you are unable
to purchase a flash drive, one can
be borrowed from school,
however they are in limited
We look forward to a great year!
Media News
It is great to be back in
school and I have enjoyed
seeing all of the students
this week. Students did
not check out books this
week but they will begin
next week. Please help
your child to remember
to bring his/her book
back each week. We have
lots of great books to
read but if there is a
particular type your child
is looking for and can’t
find please let me know.
Also, if you have a few
minutes I would love to
have help to shelf books.
Thank you for your help
this school year and I am
looking forward to
working with your child.
Mrs. Comegys
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
DEAR Time is Family Time!
Now that school is back in session, it is the
perfect time to DEAR! Drop everything
and read with your child. DEAR time is a
regular time that is devoted to reading.
Create a scheduled time and place for
reading that works for your family. Make
sure the space is cozy and offers reading
choices. The library, book swaps and yard
sales are the perfect places to find books
to add to your child’s reading selection.
Most importantly, let your child choose
what books to read- even if it is a familiar
book. Read together; take turns reading.
While you are reading, there are many
ways to share the joy of a good book. Here
are some tips from the International
Reading Council:
1. Preview the book together. For
younger readers, take a picture walk. For
older readers encourage them to read the
back of the book and preview the cover.
Encourage your child to make predictions
about what will happen in the story.
2. As you read, talk about the story. Ask
your child questions like: “What might
happen next?” or “How do you think the
character is feeling?” Encourage your child
to ask questions too.
3. Begin a discussion about the book by
starting sentences with “I noticed that…”
or “I wonder why…” These starters can
serve as a model for your child’s thoughts.
4. Encourage your child to reread parts to
you. Rereading familiar passages helps
build your child’s reading fluency.
5. If your child can read the book
independently, encourage him or her to
read to you.
6. After reading you can extend the
experience by encouraging your child to
talk, draw or write about what he or she
read. Your child can focus on a favorite
part, a funny moment or interesting
information. You can even encourage your
child’s creativity by having them act out a
part. The sky is the limit!
The most important part about DEAR time
is the time that you spend with your child.
By reading, asking questions and sharing
your thoughts, you will encourage your
child to drop everything and read in the
Rebecca Van Aken, Reading Specialist
Math Matters
How can I help my child?
Most parents want to help their
children learn mathematics.
However, traditional ways of
helping, such as showing children
the steps to get answers, are at
odds with our efforts to engage
students in solving high-level tasks
and developing conceptual
understanding, thinking, and
reasoning. Parents need specific
suggestions about productive ways
to help their children and how to
implement them.
• How do you know if your answer
is right or wrong?
Parents can support their children's
learning in other ways:
Practicing basic facts. Children are
expected to develop immediate
fact recall as well as understand
the meaning for operations.
Immediate recall requires
practice, in addition to
understanding—and time for
practice in the school day is
limited. Parents can help in a
variety of ways, especially since
orally presenting facts promotes
immediate recall more effectively
than worksheets. Perfect times to
practice are while driving, walking,
waiting, and so on. Just be sure
that parents understand that this
practice should build on
understanding of operations, not
occur in isolation. Counting items
is great for PK and K. Addition
facts are great for grades 1 and 2.
Multiplication facts are great for
grades 3 and 4.
Playing games. Games are a great
way for parents to give their
children practice with
mathematics concepts and skills
and develop strategic thinking,
while also promoting positive
parent-child relationships.
Posing problems. Mathematics
problems are part of everyday life.
Parents help children see that
math is all around them when
they pose problems that arise in
everyday situations.
A key shift is for parents to ask
questions to help their children
solve unfamiliar problems rather
than to show them how to solve
them, such as:
•What are you being asked to find
•What does the problem tell you?
Can you describe it in your own
words? Have you seen a problem
like this before?
•Is there any part of the problem
that you already know how to do?
•Is there anything you don't
understand? Where can you find
the answers to your questions?
•Will it help to make a list, a chart, a
table, a drawing, a diagram? Can
you act out the problem?
•What do you estimate your answer
will be? Why?
•Is your strategy working? Why or
why not?
•Is there another way to check your
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Health Room
Head lice happens. Make it a habit
this new school year to check your
child’s hair at least 2 times a week
for signs of head lice. This
preventive tip is so worth the
Greetings SES Families! I am so
excited to be your new School
Any medication brought to
school must be in the original
Are you wondering what exactly it is
container for non-prescriptions,
that I do and how I can help…?
or the pharmacist bottle for
Counselors are teachers with special
prescription medication. These
medications must also be
*Attention Parents* In Maryland, training to help kids and families be
healthy, get along with others, solve
accompanied by a “Physician
new immunization requirements
problems, and achieve success in
Medication Form”. Some
will begin this September 2014
doctor’s offices have copies of
which will affect students entering school and life.
Offer a safe, private place to talk
these forms, or you may ask the Kindergarten and 7th grades.
about any problems or concerns you
nurse in the health room for
this form at any time. A
New Requirements for the
Understand your questions &
responsible adult must bring in 2014/2015 school year are as
concerns and share knowledge or
the medicine. This is a policy of follows:
resources to help you be the best
the School Board and the
** 2 doses of Varicella vaccine
you can be! I will listen closely to fully
Health Department.
(chicken pox) to enter
understand your thoughts & feelings.
I will ask questions to make sure I get
Parents please place a change
** 1 dose of Tdap vaccine
of clothes (T-shirt, shorts,
(tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) to it right!
Never too busy, I will arrange time to
unders & socks) in your child’s
enter 7th grade
meet or speak with you and do my
back pack. These will really
** 1 dose of Meningococcal
come in handy if for some
vaccine (MCV4) to enter 7th grade best to connect with you quickly
reason your child has
Please do not hesitate to take care when you need me.
Smiles to share! I will help you find
accidentally messed their pants, of this matter because there will
something positive when you are
vomits, or gets wet. We do not be a 20 day cut off once school
feeling upset.
have a supply of clothes in the
resumes this school year and any
Everyone is important & valuable to
health room, so an extra set
child who is not up to date will
me - I will be your advocate and your
tucked in the bottom of the
have an automatic suspension
backpack can really save the
until the requirements are met.
Lessons on good character,
Monday, September 22, 2014 will
friendship, conflict resolution, career
be the due date for Kindergarten
options, you name it! I will visit all
Please be sure to keep current
immunizations. If you have any
classes regularly to teach lessons and
phone numbers on file, in the
questions regarding this matter
lead discussions on many topics.
event of emergency. It is also
please contact the Queen Anne’s
important to have a “back-up”
Co. Health Dept. at 410-758-0720. Offering help to all those in need:
students, teachers, families, and
plan for students to be picked
** Parents, there will be an
up due to illness or injury. The
immunization clinic on Wednesday friends of SES. If I can’t help
personally, I will seek out and
health room is active, and it
Sept. 10th at the Queen Anne’s
connect with those who can!
does not have availability to
County Health Department for
Respond to situations that require
keep students for the day, nor
these new vaccine requirements
intervention, and help implement
should a sick child be sent
from 3pm to 7pm free of charge.
programs that promote positive
home on the bus.
behavior and a productive school
Thank you for your support.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Welcome back! Get ready for another
musical year at SES!
Performance Dates:
There are two scheduled concerts at SES
this year:
Winter Concert:
Wednesday, December 17th, 6:30 pm
Spring Concert:
Wednesday, May 20th, 6:30 pm
Winter Concert performers include the
2nd grade classes, the Winter Chorus (3rd
& 4th grade students), and the Winter
Recorder Club (4th grade students).
Spring Concert performers include the
1st grade classes, The Spring Chorus (3rd
& 4th grade students), and the Spring
Recorder Club (4th grade students).
Winter & Spring Chorus:
Chorus groups are open to all 3rd & 4th
grade students. Letters and
participation forms for the Winter
Chorus will be sent home in October. A
separate letter and participation form
will be sent home in the spring
regarding Spring Chorus. 4th grade
students can join both the Chorus and
Recorder Club each season.
Winter & Spring Recorder Club:
Recorder Club groups are open to all 4th
grade students. This group provides a
way to show off recorder skills and
repertoire that is being learned in music
class. Letters and participation forms
for the Winter Recorder Club will be
sent home in October. A separate letter
and participation form will be sent home
in the spring regarding Spring Recorder
Club. 4th grade students can join both
the Recorder Club and Chorus each
…speaking of recorders…
4th Grade Recorders:
4th grade students will be using
recorders during music class
this year. All students will be
given the opportunity to
purchase a recorder. Letters
and order forms will going
home at the beginning of
September. Recorders will be
$5.00 this year. Purchased
recorders will be distributed to
students the first day was use
them in music class. If you
already own a recorder, you
may use it! However, please
bring it in for Mr. Harrison to
inspect to make sure it is
indeed a musical instrument
and not a toy recorder. If you
are unable to purchase one
right away, Mr. Harrison has a
class set of recorders that can
be borrowed during music class
time only. Having a recorder of
your own is highly
Just a reminder it is time
again to join PTA. Again this
year it is only $5.00 per
person. Parents,
Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles,
etc. are welcome to join.
The class who has the most
people join will receive EXTRA
Any questions please call the
school and Sara Clark or
Fallon Simpler will return your
Thanks for your support!
Eagle Squad
S.E.S. Eagle Squad Tryouts
for Grades 3 and 4!
Grade 3 and Grade 4 tryouts
for the 2014-2015 S.E.S.
Eagle Squad will take place
on Friday, September 12,
2:45-3:45 pm. All fourth
grade students and third
Grade students are receiving
a letter of invitation to try
out for the squad. Please
watch for it!
The S.E.S. Eagle Squad is our
school drill team and color
guard that opens special
programs and assemblies on
behalf of the school
To be an S.E.S. Eagle
Squad member, students
represent models of good
citizenship and should be
prepared to learn team
routines and drill work.
Practices are Friday
afternoons, beginning right
after school until 3:45 pm.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Judy Center
Partnership News!
The Judy Center Partnership
of Queen Anne's County
conducted their Dolly Parton
Imagination Library Kick-off
event during Sudlersville
Elementary School's Pre-K and
Kindergarten Conferences
held 8/26-8/28 for the 20142015 school year!
In attendance for the kick-off
photo from left to
right: Angie Soto, Judy Center
Bilingual Administrative
Assistant, Elizabeth Miller,
Judy Center Coordinator,
Michele Hampton, SES
Principal, Rebecca Lepter, SES
Parent & Imagination Library
Volunteer, and Jennifer
Crossley, Service Coordinator,
Family Support Center.
Thank you Centreville Rotary
Club for your generous
donation to the Judy Center's
Dolly Parton Imagination
Library helping to support
early school readiness in
Queen Anne's County!
Parent Involvement
We are looking forward to another successful partnership this
school year!
Please note that the office and the Parent Resource Center has
been relocated to room 9. Please stop by if we can be of help or if
you would like to borrow something from the Parent Resource
I will be conducting a Volunteer Orientation again this year on the
“Back to School Night” on September 3rd in the cafeteria
immediately following the classroom visitations at approx. 7:05
and 7:20 p.m. It is mandatory that all volunteers and field trip
chaperones attend an orientation and complete the necessary
forms (Volunteer Application and Volunteer Information) each
year they plan to volunteer and/or chaperone a field trip.
Please be sure to complete the county student/parent handbook
forms (pages 1-4) and return them to school by September 5th. We
need these completed for all students!
Also, mark your calendar for the Title I Information Dinner to be
held at the Sudlersville Fire Hall on September 18th and the Watch
D.O.G.S. kick- off party on October 2nd. The program has been a
great success and I am looking forward to continuing it again this
year. There will be a planning meeting for Fall Reading and Math
nights at 8 a.m. the morning of October 2nd.
We will also have the computer lab open for parents and students
on September 23rd!
Invitations for all events will be sent home.
Elaine Butler, Karla Altamirano
Parent Coordinators
Room 9, x234