Transcript Document

A Title 1 School
“Where Eagles SOAR!”
Principal’s News
Dear Parents and Friends of SES,
 2/4 Report Cards
sent home
 2/8 PTA Meeting
6:30 pm
 2/11 Awards
 2/14 We
6:30-8 pm
 2/21-22 No School
 2/22 PBIS Meeting
2:45 pm
 2/23 Assembly
9 & 10 am
On the farm the traditional time to “make hay” is
in late summer or fall. One of the prime times to
“make academic hay” is in the winter months
between the Christmas and spring breaks. Students
are comfortable with school routines, well versed in
the rules and regulations, and fully understand
teacher expectations. Unfortunately, influenzas,
colds, and viruses are also most often experienced
by students at that time of year. This is one of the
reasons we ask youngsters to eat properly, get to
bed early, and wash or disinfect their hands several
times a day. You can help your child stay healthy
by seeing that he practices good hygiene and
healthy habits. The more your child is in school the
better his chances of doing well academically. With
MSA testing scheduled for the second and third
weeks in March for all students in grades three,
four, and five, excellent attendance is more
important than ever. Eating healthy, being well
rested, and ready to work hard in school will allow
your child to “make academic hay” that will pay
dividends not only for testing or for this academic
year but for the long haul, well beyond your child’s
time at Sudlersville Elementary School. Thanks for
your assistance.
A Title 1 School
“Where Eagles SOAR!”
PreK News
We are currently finishing up our unit
on the 4 seasons. Students have
enjoyed learning all about weather and
how the seasons change. We have
sorted and made lots of patterns. We
have even begun beginning addition
and subtraction. We are continuing
our Shape Days each week. They are
becoming proficient at identifying
each of the 8 basic shapes. We are
looking forward to several activities in
the month of February. We will have
our Valentine's Day party on February
14. We will do a craft, pass out
valentine's and enjoy some yummy
snacks. Then on February 17 we will
venture to Dover to experience Dr.
Seuss through the play "Seussical the
Musical". Stay warm and thanks for all
your support.
Kindergarten News
February is a month that is rich in
history and social studies topics. We
will be learning about famous African
Americans, discussing friendship and
researching symbols of our country,
including presidents. Usually we have
our 100's day event in February. At
this time, it appears that the event
will be held in March, due to missing
school days due to snow.
Remember that we started five days
after the upper grades so our
celebration will not be at the same
time as events scheduled for upper
grades. More information about
upcoming events will be sent home in
your child's folder.
Remember to keep reading with your
child and to send in box tops!
Grade 1 News
Grade 2 News
February is here and we have a
lot to do this month.
Welcome to February! First
Graders are beginning Unit
6 in Math, entitled
Developing Fact Power.
Please be sure you are
practicing single-digit
addition problems with
your student nightly. In
Reading, we have also
begun working on Theme 6:
Animal Adventures. We will
be working with both
fiction and nonfiction
texts, and we will continue
work with long vowel
sounds. We will be
wrapping up Unit 3 in Social
Studies, which focused on
maps, globes, and symbols.
We have moved halfway
through our Earth Science
unit. We will complete our
observations of soil and
erosion/weathering and
begin studying climate and
weather systems. Speaking
of weather, please stay safe
in all of our different types
of wintry precipitation!
Please be on the lookout
for your classroom
teacher's invitation to the
upcoming Valentine's Day
Everyone continues to work
hard. We will be working on
more regrouping in math, an
Animal unit in reading, and begin
rotations for Social Studies and
Science. Upcoming units of study
are economics, physics and
Black History Month activities
will include class rotations in
which the students will learn
about several famous African
Americans and a book report for
students to complete.
Reading progress is being made
daily. Please continue to read
with your children at home and
provide independent reading
time for them.
Use good questioning techniques
to make sure your child
understands what he/she has
read. You will know immediately
if they actually DID read.
Always check homework folders
and agendas when your child
comes home. Besides homework,
important class and/or school
messages are being
communicated through these
Random articles of clothing and
assorted goodies are piling up in
our lost and found. If your child
is missing something, please
come in and take a look.
You and your family enjoy
Valentine’s Day. If your child
would like to fill out Valentine
cards for classmates, they may
bring them in on the 14th.
A Title 1 School
“Where Eagles SOAR!”
Grade 3 News
Grade 4 News
Field Trip
Happy winter! It is hard to believe
that the M.S.A. is right around the
corner. The third grade students
have been busy working on BCR’s
(essay questions) and selected
response items (multiple choice
questions) in the subject areas of
Math and Reading. The test will
begin on Tuesday, March 8th,
2011. More information will be
forthcoming. The third grade
students will be writing and
illustrating a “Student Treasure”
book during the weeks of M.S.A.
Each student will become a
published author and illustrator.
Thanks to Mrs. Vooris for
spearheading this worthwhile
program and giving the students
the writing and illustrating
In Reading class we are
wrapping up our “Incredible
Stories” theme and getting ready
to begin an “Animal Habitats”
unit. In Math class, we are
studying Geometry (polygons,
quadrangles, and triangles to
name a few.) Fractions and
Probability will round out our
units of study before the M.S.A.
Please continue to practice the
multiplication facts with your
child- it is appreciated. As you
can see, we have been very busy
learning in third grade. Thank you
for your continued support!
Mrs. Bildstein, Mrs. Leventhal
and Mrs. Thren
Field trip forms have been sent
home. PLEASE get the forms and
money into your child's classroom
teacher as soon as possible. Money
is due to DuPont Theater two weeks
prior to the show.
Each classroom is only allowed 3
parent volunteers, please get your
money and volunteer forms in if you
plan on attending.
Nightly Homework and Agendas
We are starting to see a few
students slacking on their nightly
homework. At this time in the
school year you and your child
should have an established routine
to help him/her complete their
nightly assignments. Your child will
have Reading and Math homework
every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Thursday. Any exceptions to
this will be noted in your child's
Complete homework on a nightly
basis helps create a routine for your
child and establishes positive lifelong learning habits.
We understand that there are
occasional issues that arise that
cause your child to not be able to
complete his/her homework for a
night. If this is the case, please
send a note in with your child
explaining the concerns and we will
allow additional time to complete
the assignment.
Washington College Interns
Ms. Deegan, Ms. Mazatta, and Ms.
Prickett are BACK!! We will be
using them to the full extent this
next marking period.
Grade 5 News
The fifth graders continue to work on
skills for reading fiction and
informational texts as we begin our new
reading theme, "Person to Person." We
will focus on how people deal with other
people and the world around them while
mastering all key reading skills for our
upcoming MSA testing. In math we are
still working on fractions and decimals
and we will review all key math skills as
MSA approaches in March. In science we
are studying physical forces and laws of
motion. In social studies we continue to
learn about the colonies as they grow
and begin to revolt against British
control. Homework and projects are still
important work as we prepare for the
transition to middle school. Thank you
for all of your support with our goals for
this school year!
Math Matters
We ♥LOVE♥ Math Event
Join us at SES on February 14th for an
evening of fun with Math. Families will
have a chance to learn about math
instructional skills, learn a math game,
make a craft and enjoy a snack. The
event will start at 6:30 in the cafeteria.
Groups will rotate to four stations for
each grade/age level.
Pre-kindergarteners & kindergarteners
and their families will enjoy math
literature books and how they are used
instructionally, play a number game,
make a Valentine pattern craft and
decorate Valentine cookies. Families
and students in grades 1 and 2 will learn
about place value and use manipulatives
to form numbers and practice addition
and subtraction. They will enjoy a
number game. Valentine crafts and
cookies will also be shared. Upper
grades (3-5) will learn about algorithms
used for multiplication and division, play
fact Bingo and make a Valentine craft,
and decorate heart shaped cookies. This
event is funded through our Title I
program & Evenstart. Come join the fun!
A Title 1 School
“Where Eagles SOAR!”
Health Room
February is Heart Awareness
Be kind to your heart today.
Get your Blood Pressure
Did you know that according to
the American Heart Association
21% of people with high blood
pressure do not know they have it?
High blood pressure can be
managed. Normal blood pressure
is less than 120/80.
Get your Cholesterol checked.
HDL (good) should be above 35.
LDL (bad) should be below 130.
Measure your waist.
Women waist size: 35”
Men waist size: 40”
If measurements are higher you
are at risk for heart disease and
Discover healthier ways of
Read food labels.
Keep an eye on portion sizes. Get
out your measuring cups and see
what a serving size looks like.
Eat less processed foods. Open up
your cookbook and begin to cook
basic natural foods like frozen
vegetables, bake or grill meats,
make a soup or stew with
homemade bread.
Discover healthier snacks like
fresh/dried fruits, nuts, yogurt,
and dry cereals.
Cut down on sugared drinks and
drink more water, tea, and milk.
Get active.
Walking is a great way to start.
Lifting dumbbells can be
beneficial as well. Don’t forget
to stretch. You do not need a gym
membership to improve your
health. Start with 10 minutes and
progress slowly.
Take a 10 minute break and relax
and de-stress.
Seven to eight hours of sleep on
average is important. Sleep allows
the body to repair itself and get
This month take the first step
towards loving your heart, yourself,
and your family.
Art News
Another marking period completed,
along with some fantastic
creations. We are now moving onto
color theory in many grades, texture
discoveries in Kindergarten and
Second, and working on our Masks in
Fifth Grade! The masks this year
will illustrate an emotion of the
student's choice. Their design must
incorporate line, color, and shape
to create the emotion. Students are
encouraged to bring in items from
home to help with their mask, such
as puzzle pieces, feathers, fabric,
or Crayola Magic Clay. Please mark
these items with the students name
in a zip lock bag so it will be ready
to use. Stop in and see the current
works of art!
Congratulations to February's Artists
of the Month:
Kindergarten: Russell Maule
(Mrs. Munson)
First Grade: Emily Kolanda
(Mrs. Davis)
Second Grade: Aliyah Jones
(Mrs. Troyer)
Third Grade: Jacob Elborn
(Mrs. Leventhal)
Fourth Grade: Dalton Robbins
(Mrs. Settelmaier)
Fifth Grade: Alex Ocampo
(Mrs. Holden)
Stop in and see the fantastic art,
located in the art room hallway!
Cassie Hosler
Parent Involvement
Congratulations to Mrs. Cindy
Clawson who was nominated for the
Comcast Parent Involvement Matters
Award (PIMA) for Sudlersville
Elementary for 2010. She is being
recognized for her efforts in
organizing the Health Fair held in
October 2010. There will be a
winner selected from all the entries
to represent Queen Anne’s County and
also one selected to represent the
state in the spring.
Thank you and good luck Mrs.
Teachers have submitted names for
the Outstanding Parent Involvement
Award to be presented at the Awards
Assembly on Friday, February 11,
2011. Congratulations to all the
Please join us! The PBIS (Positive
Behavior Interventions and Supports)
program committee meets the last
Tuesday of each month. This month’s
meeting will be in Mrs. Settelmaier’s
classroom on February 22, 2011 at
2:45 p.m. All meetings are open to
all parents and we welcome your
ideas and suggestions for the
program. Please try to attend and
learn how SES is teaching, modeling,
promoting and reinforcing responsible
social behaviors.
“We ♥ Math” event will be February
14, 2011 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. We
could use donations of juice boxes.
Please let me know if you can donate
I will be holding another volunteer
orientation the morning of the Pre-K
and 4th grade field trips on February
17th for anyone who has not yet
attended and wishes to volunteer at
SES. Please contact me about the
Elaine Butler, Parent Coordinator x209
A Title 1 School
“Where Eagles SOAR!”
Reading News
13. Reading To Others - Having
your child read to younger children,
into a tape recorder, or even to a
stuffed animal can help him
achieve the fluency needed to
develop good comprehension.
This encourages reading "for a
purpose," and can help readers
understand that they must read so
that it can be understood by their
listening audience.
14. Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)
- Sustained Silent Reading can help
your child become exposed to a
wide variety of materials while
experiencing reading. It is
important to give your child a wide
range of choices including story
books, chapter books, reference
materials, popular periodicals - any
fiction or nonfiction that holds his
Being exposed to a variety of
materials and reading them silently
for his own pleasure of information
will contribute to the proficiency
and efficiency of your reader.
Again, one of the best things you
can do for your child is read
yourself while the child is reading.
Nothing works better than lots of
good modeling.
15. Journal Writing - Journal
writing can benefit all readers and
writers because it connects both
reading and writing. After reading
a story, both you and your child
can express your thoughts about
what you have read in a journal.
Topics that you can write about
vary and can include such things
as what you liked/disliked about
the story, your favorite
character, what made the
reading hard/easy for you, etc.
Journal writing can help both
you and your reader connect
text with your personal
background experience and your
lives in general.
I hope you have enjoyed the
strategies I have shared with
you and have found them
Above all, have fun reading to
and with your child!
Barbara Thurber
Reading Specialist
Enrichment Program
Ben Carson
Every year a student is
nominated for the prestigious
Ben Carson award. The student
has the opportunity of applying
for a Ben Carson Scholarship and
if they win they get to meet Ben
Carson and get $1000 towards
college. The student usually is
from 5th grade and is
academically at the top ,has a
passion for humanity and is
involved in community service.
This years nomination is Ruth
Murdoch, Mrs. Holden’s Class!!
There could not be a more
deserving nominee.
Congratulations!! Wish her luck!
Engineering Program
Two 3rd grade teams have been
busy working with Mrs. Vooris
getting ready to compete at
the Baltimore Museum of
Industry. They are designing
cars to carry an egg that must
survive a crash and must go as
far as possible. Competition is
Sat. February 26th, in
Baltimore. The following
students have been dedicated,
motivated and their ideas are
awesome. Thank you for the
parents!! We would not be
doing this without you!
Students involved are Norman
Lee Dixon, Julia Jackson, Will
Covington, Hayden Roe,
Declan Covington, Chad
Patterson and Jacob Elborn.
Polar Bear Plunge
Once again we had a team
from Sudlersville plunging to
raise money for the Maryland
Special Olympics!!
Behind the scenes :
Students are busy!
Enrichment students are
making books, doing research
projects, learning about
archaeology, skyping our Sister
School and enjoying ecology.
Turtles are traveling……in
kindergarten and then on to 1st
grade. They will visit ALL
classrooms by the end of the
year and Greensboro
Elementary School!
A Title 1 School
“Where Eagles SOAR!”
Yearbooks sales will
begin in February.
Books arrive in late
May/early June.
The cost will be $15.
Checks should be made
payable to
Barksdale Photos.
Earth Day
SES To Celebrate Earth Day
SES Earth Day on Wednesday,
April 20, will open with an
exciting assembly on how all of us
can contribute to keeping our
Chesapeake Bay region healthy
and beautiful. Filled with music
and stories, Vice President for
Sultana Projects, Chris Cerino,
will lead the program. Following
the school wide assembly, grade
level classes of study about the
environment will take place
throughout the day.
All SES community members are
invited to join in planning for
Earth Day. Our day of
environmental stewardship
includes many environmentalists,
teachers, and parents who will
partner with our students. SES is
also sharing our activities with
our sister school in La Guadalupe,
Veracruz, Mexico.
If you have ideas to share or can
volunteer time to join teachers
and parents in planning, please
contact Mary Leventhal
([email protected]) or
Alison Vooris
([email protected] ). Or
simply telephone the school,
410-438-3164. All are welcome!
Media News
All students should have received
a letter/bookmark about the
Delmarva Shorebirds reading
incentive. Students are to have
read four books by
Feb. 27th. Please send in the
bottom of the bookmark on or
before Feb. 28th. Don't forget to
visit the website to learn
more about this team. If you
have any questions, please call
Mrs. Embert. Happy Reading!!!!
Kelly Embert
SES Media Specialist
Cultural Arts
Assembly February 23, 2011
“Melodias y danza de Cuba”
When Cubanana presents world
famous Cuban music and dance,
everyone loves to sing, dance,
clap rhythms, practice Spanish,
and play instruments! Students
go on a virtual trip to Cuba, the
Island of Music, through stories
Relay For Life
and a video backdrop while
Please don’t forget to return your exploring popular genres
"SES HAS HEART" order form to
and their roots—such as Cuban
your child’s teacher by Friday,
son (also known as salsa),
February 18th. Please be sure to
chachachá, guajira, and conga.
stop by the hallway bulletin
board to see the hearts displayed. Cubanana promotes
Please contact Mrs. Sara Clark if
multicultural understanding
you need another form. Thank
and following your dreams.
you for your support!
PARENTS: Please join us on
Tuesday, March 1 for a
Longaberger Open House at Carol
Brown’s home in Dover, Delaware
(just before Byler’s Store) from 47 pm. A flyer will be sent home
with more information. This will
be a great time to purchase
Easter gifts. The Open House is
for adults only. Her home is
beautifully decorated with over
1,000 baskets. There will be light
refreshments. Put this date on
your calendar and come out for a
great night. Thank you again for
your support for our RELAY FOR
Kelly Embert
SES Media Specialist
***This program has been
partially funded by the Queen
Anne’s Arts Council****
A Title 1 School
“Where Eagles SOAR!”
We will be collecting the Box Tops One
Week Earlier for the Month
February. This is due to the mailing
deadline of February 28 with Box Tops.
The school will receive one more check
in late May for what we mailed in late
December and the February mailing. So
Please be sure to send those Box Tops
in Early.
Even Start
Sudlersville Even Start Family
Literacy Program News:
Sudlersville Even Start Family
Literacy Program ("Sudlersville
Even Start"), in collaboration
with Washington College
Students Interested in Free
Enterprise ("SIFE"), will host
a financial/business
management class for all
Sudlersville Even Start parents
on February 2nd, 2011 from
5:30 pm -7:00 pm. SIFE
will hold the class in the
Sudlersville Even Start's adult
education portable classrooms
behind Sudlersville Elementary
A Dental Health Education
class for all parents of children
enrolled in the Sudlersville
Even Start has also been
planned for February 16th,
from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm. This
event is planned in
collaboration with Judy
Gaston, Coordinator of the
Eastern Shore Oral
Health Education and Outreach
Program. Parents will learn
the importance of good dental
health and how to maintain a
good dental health regimen for
their children and for
themselves. This event will be
held in the Sudlersville Even
Start's adult education
portable classrooms as well.
We are excited to announce
that Diana Padilla,
Sudlersville Even Start's Adult
Education student and
Chesapeake College External
Diploma (EDP) student, and
Mom of Abraham and Grace
Perez spoke at the Legislative
Breakfast held at Chesapeake
College on January 5th. She
discussed her reasons for
enrolling in Sudlersville Even
Start and her desires to help
her children get a good
education and be successful
in school, as well as her
personal goal of earning her
high school diploma. Bill
Berghaus, Diana's EDP advisor,
reports that she will be
finished with her goal this
Diana will attend a graduation
ceremony with her class in
June of 2011. We will keep
you posted on her progress.
We are very proud of how
much she has accomplished
this year. Hurray, Diana
Elizabeth Miller, Coordinator
Even Start Family Literacy
300 S. Church Street
Sudlersville, MD 21668
Do you Know that SES has links to the
following companies so when you sign up
online to sponsor SES we receive credit
and or points towards receiving Cash or
Box Tops for Education:
Can send in Box Tops and order
merchandise online thru "Shop
Marketplace" on their website so that we
can get credit. SES gets a check twice a
Campbell Labels:
Save UPC codes to be mailed in for points
that can be used to purchase items for
My Coke Rewards:
You can enter the codes online yourself
or turn into SES for entering online for
points that can be used to purchase
items for SES
Food Lion:
Register your MVP card and each quarter
depending on the Total Amount spent
times a percentage, SES will receive a
check back.
Target Rewards:
Under take Charge of Education register your Target Credit Card. Once a
year SES will receive a check based on a
percentage of the total sales.
Tyson Chicken:
Remember also that most of these
companies have Monthly Coupons you can
print out and use when purchasing these
A Title 1 School
“Where Eagles SOAR!”
Polar Bear Plunge Participants: (L-R) Isaac Murdoch, Ruth Murdoch, Skylar
Buellis, Katelyn Emge, Samuel Covington, Zachary Smith, T.J. Roberts,
Ben McBride, Nickolas Kinnamon, Anthony DiMaggio
February 2011
K- Trip to Chesapeake
PTA Meeting
We ♥ Math
No School
PK, Gr.4 trip
No School
PBIS Meeting
2:45 pm
9am and 10am