Vet-XML The Future for Veterinary Communications

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Mike Vaughan Vet-XML Consortium Chair

Historical Perspective

 Since the introduction of Practice Management Systems (PMS) over the last 2 - 3 decades, practices and staff have become more efficient in the way they work.  From more effective use of time through to computerised accounting ensuring billing is not missed, the benefits have been significant.

 Broadly, the PMS has helped reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve customer service.

New Challenges...

 Concerns the information held in your PMS.

 Until recently it could only be readily accessed by people within the practice group. Effectively the information existed as an island, not shared easily with other practices and external organisations and suppliers (like insurers, labs, etc).  This means that when dealing with other parties, the information often had to be provided non electronically (i.e. using paper/fax) or in a proprietary format. This wastes time and leads to mistakes being made.

New Challenges...

How do we go from this ...

New Challenges...

... to this ...

New Challenges...

 There are two key problems that needed solving: 1.

Data Standardisation 2.

Communication Standardisation  With today’s constant need to communicate through an ever increasing broad range of software and services, there has never been a greater requirement for standardisation and a universal system.

Data Standardisation

 Historically, the format of the information or data has been different for each and every PMS, as well as for other service providers too.

 This means that what made sense to one was complete “gobbledegook” for another.

Data Standardisation

 Enter Vet-XML – an industry-standard computer format that provides a common syntax and structure in which veterinary-related data can be represented.  This allows any other computer system that receives the data in this format to readily read and fully understand it.

Data Standardisation

 SPVS set up the Vet-XML Consortium in early 2006 to act as the guardian of the format and its development, ensuring its independence.  Current members include:  All leading PMS vendors (early pioneers being, in chronological order, Vet-One, Midshire Ventana, Teleos, and AT Vet Systems)  Petplan and Protect (with other insurers showing interest)  Major Lab Companies (IDEXX, Nationwide, Axiom)  Others, including Hill’s, Bayer, Virbac, Vetoquinol, Petlog, MediVet, Vets Now, PanelVet, VetEnvoy, ...

Data Standardisation

 More details, including following official Consortium brochure, can be found at

(then click on “Latest VetXML flyer” link)

Communication Standardisation

 The second problem that needed to be addressed is how the common data represented by Vet-XML can be easily and securely delivered, and the surrounding workflow be coordinated and traceable.

 Considering the large number of channels and disparate parties involved, effectively dealing with these important issues is no insignificant task.

Communication Standardisation

 Ideally, a common communication platform (i.e. Hub) was required.

 Over the last 3 years, the UK’s first dedicated Hub for the veterinary profession – VetEnvoy – has been built under the watchful supervision of the Vet-XML Consortium and SPVS.

 VetEnvoy is supported by SPVS. For more info, see

Electronic insurance claim Electronic insurance claim

What is VetEnvoy?

Electronic “Post Office” (Internet Hub) Secure Confidential Guaranteed delivery Reliable

What does all this mean to me?

 By using the VetEnvoy Hub together with Vet-XML, practices with a compliant PMS will be able to readily and securely exchange information with other practices and other veterinary service providers.  This is leading to greater practice efficiencies and new possibilities, freeing up you and your staff as well as reducing costs and errors and providing better customer service.

Benefits already being realised

 Insurance claims (eClaims)  Lab reports  Benchmark data delivery  Dietary advice facilitation


 Due to advances in technology and unparalleled industry collaboration, for the first time you can now send and process insurance claims on a totally paperless basis  Cut the hassle, free up time and improve your cash flow


Admin burden reduced by, at least, 40%

Nurses can spend more time doing what they were trained to do Admin (hrs / month) 0 20 40 60 Before After


Settlement time slashed to under 3 days

Settlement time (days) 0 5 10 15 Before After


 Audit trail and claim tracking keeps practice in the picture


 Reduce administration time for the practice team – allowing staff to spend more time on animals and less on paper work!

 Fewer insurer requests for additional information –attach full clinical history upfront reducing the amount of additional information required by the insurer  Faster claim payment – electronic transfer speeds up the claim payment process, improving cash flow for your practice (average settlement time is between 2 and 3 days)


 Improved communication – the electronic audit trail confirms exactly what stage the claim is at and includes notification that the claim has been successfully received by the insurer  Better client service – faster claims payment, improved communication and less administration all help improve the service you can offer clients


“I estimate that we are now saving 20 hours a month by using eClaims. Not only has it saved the practice a great deal of staff time and hassle, it’s also reduced the time claims are settled.”

Andrew Turkington, Senior Partner Drove Veterinary Hospital, Swindon

“Vastly superior performance compared with paper claims, emails or faxes. Saving in staff admin time is tremendous.”

Phil Stimpson, Hunters Lodge Veterinary Practice, Surrey


    Nearly 15,000 eClaims sent to date with 300 Practice groups Over 3000 in September PMS Support (in order of usage):     Teleos  Midshire Ventana  Vet-One  AT Vet Systems   Verifac and Jupiter (end of year) Insurer Support (in order of usage):   Petplan  Pet Protect   Direct Line (trial starting soon)

Lab Reports

      Electronic requisitioning; eReport delivery Directory of Services coming early 2010 Nearly 5,000 eReports sent to date Over 1500 in September PMS support (in order of usage):    Midshire Ventana  Teleos  Vet-One  Lab support (in order of usage):   IDEXX  Nationwide   Axiom (trial starting soon)

Suppliers benefit too

Cuts communication complexity

 Reduces development time/costs 

Cuts administration

Enhances service provision to vets

Future Areas

 Currently in trials:  Case referrals  Microchip registration  Electronic catalogues and ordering of niche products electronically  Standardised Condition Codes

Future Areas

 Blue Sky:  ARIA (Animal Record and Information Anywhere)   Rapid availability to records in an emergency (i.e. from other practices outside the group) – Injured animal on holiday – OOH cover Client interaction: – contact detail updates – appointment requests – ordering repeat prescriptions – eInvoices – eVaccination Certificates – lost and found register

Future Areas

 Blue Sky (continued):  Integrated drug information (NOAH)  Disease Outbreak Alerts (SVS)  Anti electronic Prescription fraud (VMD)

Tomorrow’s World – Here today

 Common data format (Vet-XML) in conjunction with a common communication Hub (VetEnvoy) bring significant benefit, moving you towards a paperless practice – good for your pocket and the environment.

 Embracing and harnessing this new technology wave not only frees up valuable time for revenue-generating tasks, it also improves the morale of your staff by leaving them free to concentrate on the things they are trained for and want to work on.

Tomorrow’s World – Here today

 The IT revolution really started with the introduction of the IBM PC back in the early 1980’s. This latest wave of technological progress will leverage your existing investment in hardware and PMS and deliver benefits that could only be dreamed about up until recently.

 So what’s the cost of all this? These new services will either be free or have a small charge associated (transactional and/or maintenance fee). Any charges, importantly, will be more than offset through the benefits brought, as is already being shown with the early adopters.

Global Reach

 Work in the UK is influencing standards development in the US  Inaugural North American Vet-XML Consortium meeting to be held at NAVC in Jan 2010. Leading US PMS vendors and Pet Insurers are already behind us, with trials to start imminently over there.

 The UK is leading the World – be part of it through supporting and adopting our initial live services over here in the UK (i.e. eClaims and eLab Reports).

Global Reach

“VetEnvoy [Vet-XML] is truly revolutionary and the Society is proud to be a leading partner in bringing the system to fruition.”

Richard Hillman, Former SPVS President


 Thank you for your time  Any questions?