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XMTD Work Group
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
Results of SASIG Working Group XMTD
(eXchange and Management of Technical Data)
September 2004
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
Akram Yunas, AIAG (AY)
Alexandre Loire, Galia (AL)
Andreas Exner, Karman (AE)
Anna Wasmer, PDTec (AW)
Bengt Andersson, Scania Infomate (BA)
Henner Stengel, Siemens VDO (HS)
Hisayo Nakatsuka, Micro CAD Co. Ltd. (HN)
Joakim Hedberg, Volvo 3P (JH)
Kiyoshige Noguchi, Fuji Heavy Ind. (SUBARU) (KN)
Leif Larsson, Scania (LL)
Nils Johansson, Volvo Cars IT (NJ)
Peter Nilsson, Strålfors (PN)
Sten Lindgren, Odette Sweden (SL
Toru Kato, TOYOTA Motor Corp. (TK)
Las Vegas 2004
XMTD Work Group
XMTD Work Group
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
Update of ENGDAT V3 document
XMTD approved the content of the ENGDAT V3 document. Editing of the document is not finished. All copyright and
Change Request information is not updated in the present version.
List of updates in the minutes from the XMTD meeting:
Some changes in copyright information
Character set references
Reference to JAMA Style-sheet in XML data
Reference to SASIG XMTD Use Case PDM Data Exchange document
Las Vegas 2004
Final editing, copyright and Change Request information (Needs new editor)
Version/revision reference should be consistent within SASIG
Future maintenance/ new editor, VDA will investigate
XMTD Work Group
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
ENGDAT V3 communications pilot
Odette Sweden presented their findings out of their pre-study
SASIG XMTD agreed the following recommendation for next steps:
SASIG should send a formal letter (sent by the Chair after discussion in the group) to AIAG, Odette, JAMA to
create a joint ad hoc committee within SASIG comprised of AIAG, Odette, JAMA/JAPIA, and communication
protocol experts, including SASIG XMTD members.
It was clarified that JAMA position is that communication protocols are out of scope.
Las Vegas 2004
Each member (with an expected exception of JAMA/JAPIA) must assign a
delegate to this Ad Hoc from the XMTD working group, names to be
forwarded to SL before sending the letter.
XMTD Work Group
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
National ENGDAT V3 deployment and implementation plans
Galia: No implementation plan. Strong recommendation from the French EFC to work on a roll out plan. Target will be
May 2005.
Sweden: OEM:s are still discussing internally. Agreed to make a common Odette Sweden ENGDAT V3 specification.
AIAG: Big Three are open to XMTD, the key hurdle is to convince companies like Autoweb
VDA: Test rally Q1 2005 followed by roll out in April 2005.
Las Vegas 2004
Japan: Most OEM:s are preparing to develop and implement ENGDAT V3. Toyota is testing ENGDAT V3 together with
a supplier
XMTD Work Group
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
Las Vegas 2004
SL interim chair
No replacement found yet
XMTD Work Group
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
Agenda for next meeting in May 2005
Las Vegas 2004
Future maintenance of the ENGDAT V3 document
ENGDAT V3 Use Case document
ENGDAT V3 Conformance Class 1 and 4
Follow up of the creation and operation of the Ad Hoc with a in interim recommendation on communication
protocols issues
Report on VDA Pilot with special emphasis on standards and protocols used
Update from software vendors to XMTD work group
ENGDAT V3 XML data modelling issues
XMTD Work Group
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
XMTD Software Providers meeting
Participation outside SASIG XMTD:
Las Vegas 2004
Francois Gaschet, NUMLOG (FG)
Carl Marquardt, VW GEDAS (CM)
Kennert Roupé, Volvo IT (KR)
Per Brorson, Eurostep (PB)
Jonas Rosén, Eurostep (JR)
Östen Svensson, Axway Nordic (ÖS)
Andrew Filby, Data Interchange Plc (AF)
Ievan Friend, Data Interchange Plc (IF)
Haldor Spiegel, Hüngsberg (HS)
XMTD Work Group
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
XMTD Software Providers meeting: Results
List of ENGDAT V3 protocol requirements and functionality (WORD document)
Las Vegas 2004
Support for the creation of a joint Ad Hoc Group within SASIG comprised of AIAG, Odette, JAMA/JAPIA,
communication protocol experts, including SASIG XMTD members
XMTD Work Group
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
XMTD Software Providers meeting: Next steps
Formal letter
Responsible for the invitation to the first meeting: Carl Marqvart, VW Gedas
Invitation to first meeting circulated via:
Odette General Manager
Directly to:
Data Interchange
Las Vegas 2004
Each SASIG member to investigate what companies should be made aware of our AD Hoc group for possible
involvement on national/global level
XMTD Work Group
10th XMTD Workshop Gothenburg 27-29 of Sept 04
Ad Hoc Group target date: 8-9 of November in Paris
Draft agenda:
Las Vegas 2004
Presentation of PKCS#7 (Data Interchange)
Presentation of VW/COMSECURE (CM)
Presentation of VDA recommendation for encrypted data exchange (AE)
Presentation of OFTP (PN)
Presentation of how SOAP could be used for routing and enveloping (PN)
Future security environment
Review of list of Functional Requirements
Review of listed communications alternatives, should other alternatives than OFTP and AS2 be studied?