Transcript Slide 1
Oil spill emergency
response in the Barents
Sea: Cooperation between
Norway and Russia
Maria Ivanova ([email protected]), Are K. Sydnes ([email protected])
Department of Engineering and Safety (UiT)
• Research objectives
• Data collection / Informants
• Cooperation mechanisms: multilateral (the Arctic Council, the
BEAR); bilateral (the Joint Commission, the Joint
Contingency Plan).
• Some considerations regarding the cooperation on joint oil
spill emergency response
Research objectives
• To examine cooperation mechanisms
• To study in detail the bilateral cooperation and the role of the
Joint Contingency Plan.
• To evaluate the bilateral cooperation
Data collection
Russian Informants (May 2010)
Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the North-West federal district. Department for Surveillance at sea (Murmansk region)
The Main Department of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Murmansk region
Murmansk Basin Emergency Rescue and Salvage Department (MBASU)
Private emergency rescue unit “NavEcoService” Ltd.
“Industrial Safety Systems" LLC (contingency plans developer)
Norwegian Informants (December 2009, July 2010)
Ministry of the Environment
Norwegian Coastal Administration
Academic publications, reports, working programmes, law
documents, information from web pages.
Cooperation scheme
Multilateral Cooperation
• The Arctic Council
function - development of international policy and scientific
not a response but an advisory body
framework to facilitate the international cooperation on the issues related to
the prevention, preparedness and response to all kinds of emergencies in
the Arctic (EPPR Working Group)
exchange of information and experiences, cooperation on the development
of assessment technologies, guidelines, etc.
• The Barents Euro-Arctic Region
function – establish a platform for operative cooperation
2008 Agreement on cooperation within the field of emergency prevention,
preparedness and response (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia)
Barents Rescue training exercises
Bilateral Cooperation
(The Joint Norwegian-Russian Environmental
• function - policymaking
• the main arena for the Norwegian-Russian bilateral
cooperation in the field of environmental protection
• intergovernmental agreement between Norway and Russia
(1988 / 1992)
• joint expert group on oil spill protection
• Marine Environment working group (activity is project based)
Bilateral Cooperation (operative)
Based on: the bilateral Agreement on cooperation on the
combatment of oil pollution in the Barents Sea (1994) and the Joint
Contingency Plan for the combatment of oil pollution in the Barents
Sea (1994).
The Joint Plan defines the main principles, mechanisms and
procedures of the bilateral cooperation.
Formally: The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs (Nor) vs the
Ministry of Transport (Rus).
In practice: Norwegian Coastal Administration vs MBASU
The Joint Norwegian-Russian Planning group.
Preliminary conclusions
multiple levels
multiple institutions
fragmented mechanism
partially uncoordinated activities at
institutional level
coordination provided by
individuals/organisations (NCA
and MBASU) represented in
multiple international institutions
(actor overlap)
Preliminary conclusions
• Overall successful
cooperation on the operative
side but there are a number
of issues that should be
- low level of involvement at
the ministerial level
- uncertainties on the
Norwegian side regarding
the Russian system
Thank you for your