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An overview of
Jobcentre Plus
Janet Sinclair, Devon Partnership Manager.
Role of Jobcentre Plus
Part of the Department for Work and Pensions.
• Help employers to advertise and fill job vacancies
• Support unemployed people back into work
• Pay out-of -work benefits
Jobcentre Plus
How we deliver
Through a network of about 750 Jobcentre Plus offices
supported by a website
• We encourage self service methods
• We use phone and on- line methods
• We see those who need most help face to face
Jobcentre Plus
Our workless customers
• Customers who are
unemployed and looking
for immediate work.
• Customers who are not
working due to a health
related condition
• Customers who have a
caring responsibility.
• Jobseekers Allowance –
• Employment and Support
Allowance – ESA
• Income Support - IS
Jobcentre Plus
Statistical information
In Exeter
1. 2028 people claim JSA (January 2011)
– Of which 570 are 18-24 year olds
– 24.4% have been unemployed for over 6 months
– 10.1% have been unemployed for over a year
2. 4710 claim ESA/IB, 5.7% of working population
3. 990 claim IS as Lone Parents, 1.2% of working age
Jobcentre Plus
Comparative data, as a % of working
age population
• Jobseekers Allowance
Exeter 2.2%; Southwest 2.4%; GB 3.5%
• Employment and Support Allowance & IB
Exeter 5.7%; Southwest 5.9%; GB 6.7%
• Income Support Lone Parents
Exeter 1.2%; Southwest 1.3%; GB 1.8%
Jobcentre Plus
What we deliver
A wide range of provision to help customers from the 3
groups into work.
• In house through our advisory services
• Through our contracted providers
•Sign- posting customers to provision in the community.
Jobcentre Plus
Period of transition
Cuts , Challenges, Changes
New Government- more continuity than change of policy direction.
De-regulation; De-centralisation; Local delivery through
Welfare Reform; Budget Announcements; Changes due to the
economic situation: Single Work Programme summer 201;
Introduction of Universal Credit from 2013
There is much that we do not yet - but we know we will have to
deliver more for less, our help will be more targeted and we will be
looking for more local solutions.
Jobcentre Plus
Everyone gets help; everyone has a
• Part of a change which started in 1996 – Jobseekers
• Review of all customers on incapacity benefit.
• Support for non-working parents and a requirement for
single parents to look for work sooner.
Jobcentre Plus
Get Britain Working
Work Clubs
Work Together
Work Experience
Work for Yourself – New Enterprise Allowance +
Enterprise clubs
5. Service Academies
6. Work Programme
Jobcentre Plus
And Now,
How our advisers work with unemployed people
•Individual and flexible approach
•All support is focussed on helping the person move into
•Training is linked to the skills required by the individual to
gain employment in the local area.
•All unemployed people of working age have a
responsibility to gain work as soon as possible.
Jobcentre Plus
Training opportunities [funded by Skills Funding Agency]
• We are in a transitional period. There are limited opportunities
remaining from the additional help introduced in response to the
economic downturn.
• We are developing local partnerships to respond to the new single
pot funding method. We want to influence what training is available.
• There is increased emphasis that funded training for unemployed
people is linked to known job opportunities- short and job-focussed
• We have funds to support people who are made redundant and who
need new skills to find work.
• Each Jobcentre District will have a flexible fund to help people move
into work.
Jobcentre Plus
And now,
How we work with employers
Jobcentre Plus
Working with employers
Different level of service
• We encourage self service
• We encourage employers to consider unemployed
people and offer them an interview and work trial and in
return we offer more support
• We have a new service for Small to Medium size
Jobcentre Plus
Any Questions?
Jobcentre Plus