Objective Analysis and Data Assimilation

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Objective Analysis and Data
Fred Carr
COMAP NWP Symposium
Monday, 17 May 1999
Exploring the Components of an
NWP System
Objective Analysis Definition
The graphic to the right depicts the basic
problem of objective analysis, namely
that we have irregularly spaced
observations that must provide values for
points on a regularly spaced grid. (Red
dots represent observations and blue dots
are grid points.) Objective analysis in
NWP is the process of interpolating
observed values onto the grid points used
by the model in order to define the initial
conditions of the atmosphere.
Why isn’t this just a simple exercise in
mathematical interpolation? There are
several answers to this question.
Objective Analysis Definition
1. We can use our knowledge of atmospheric
behavior to infer additional information from the
data available in the area. For example, we can use
balance relationships such as geostrophy or mass
continuity to introduce dynamical consistency into
the analysis. If we use one type of data to improve
the analysis of another, then the analysis is said to
be multivariate (e.g., height data can be used to
help the analysis of winds).
Objective Analysis Definition
2. We can adjust the analysis procedure to filter out
scales of motion that can’t be forecast by the
model being used. For example, small mesoscale
circulations represented in the observations may
need to be smoothed out in an analysis for a global
Objective Analysis Definition
3. We can make use of a first guess field or background field provided by
an earlier forecast from the same model. The blending of the
background fields and the observations in the objective analysis
process is especially important in data sparse areas. It allows us to
avoid extrapolation of observation values into regions distant from the
observation sites. The background field can also provide detail (such as
frontal locations that exist between observations).
Using a background field also helps to introduce dynamical
consistency between the analysis and the model. In other words, that
part of the analysis that comes from the background field is already
consistent with the physical (dynamic) relationships implied by the
equations used in the model.
Objective Analysis Definition
4. We can also make use of our knowledge of the
probable errors associated with each observation.
We can weight the reliability of each type of
observation based on past records of accuracy.
Analysis Equation
The Analysis Process section
illustrates the steps used to perform an
analysis. In this section, we will
examine the heart of that process by
taking an in-depth look at the equation
that the computer uses to produce an
In simplest terms, the objective
analysis equation attempts to
determine the value of a particular
meteorological variable at a particular
grid point (at a particular valid time).
In words, the analysis equation
can be expressed as shown
The Importance of the Background Field
In the simplest kind of objective analysis scheme, the background values
would not be used and the analysis would be based solely on new
observations. In this case the equation would become:
The observations themselves would be interpolated to the grid point by
calculating a weighted average of the data. (One type of weight, for example,
is proportional to the distance of the data from the grid point. The farther an
observation is from the grid point, the less weight it gets.)
If a grid point has no nearby observations, the simple scheme described here is
in trouble!
Analysis Equation
Suppose we had a surface low along a
coastline and the only observations
(in red) were over the land. In order
to obtain an analysis value at grid
point “A”, a simple objective analysis
scheme would have to extrapolate
from the available data. Since there
are no nearby data to the west of point
“A”, an extrapolated value would
reflect the decrease in pressure
towards the coastline in the available
data. Therefore the analyzed pressure
at point “A” would be in the
neighborhood of 974 hPa (whereas
the correct value would be closer to
986 hPa)!
So how can we solve this problem
of data void areas?
Analysis Equation
One solution is to start our analysis using a short-range
forecast of the same field from an earlier run of some NWP
model (usually the same one that will use the analysis). If
the forecast period is fairly short, say 3-6 hours, then very
little error will have accumulated. This forecast (the
background field, or first guess) will provide a much better
estimate of the atmosphere over data sparse regions than
would an extrapolation of distant observations. In the
previous example, a 6-hr forecast of the surface low might
produce an estimate at point “A” that would be in error by
2-4 hPa rather than 12 hPa.
Analysis Equation
The first place the background field is used is in calculating the
“correction”values for each observation site.
This correction value, known as the observation increment, is the
difference between the observed value and an interpolated
background value for that observation point. In other words, the “new
information” that will be analyzed to the grid point are the changes
that the observations make to the background field, rather than the
observations themselves.
Analysis Equation
The background field is also used in the final step of the analysis in that the final
analysis value is defined as the background value plus the weighted sum of
observation increments (corrections).
The use of the background field ensures that the analysis will blend smoothly from
regions with good data to regions with no or sparse data (where the background field
is allowed to dominate in determining the analysis value). Because this provides a
better analysis of data sparse regions that an extrapolation of the observations, all
objective analysis schemes used by NWP use background fields.
Analysis Equation
For this reason, a very high priority in improving objective
analysis is to improve the background field. There are two
ways to do this:
1 We can set up a data assimilation procedure that allows us to make
a sequence of short-range forecasts to provide background fields
rather than one longer-range forecast.
2 We can improve the forecast model! There is a very interdependent
relationship between an analysis and the model that uses it: The
better the analysis, the better the forecast. The better the forecast
model, the better the background field , therefore, the better the
Analysis Equation - Weight Factor
Each observation increment is weighted based on
its perceived accuracy and validity. The biggest
difference among objective analysis schemes is
how the weighting of observation increments is
Analysis Equation - Weight Factor
Ideally the weight factor should take into account:
a The distance of the observation from the grid point
Data should be weighted inversely proportional to their
distance from the grid point. The closest observations
will receive the most weight since they should be most
representative of the value at the grid point.
Some objective analysis methods (such as the Cressman
and Barnes schemes, which are no longer used in
NWP) use only this factor in weighting. They are
known as distance-dependent schemes.
Analysis Equation - Weight Factor
b An estimate of the error in each type of observation (e.g.,
rawinsondes, satellites, profilers, etc.).
If some observations were from a less reliable observing
system, the weights should reflect this. More accurate
observations should receive more weight.
If two or more observations of the same type are located very
close to each other (e.g., surface observations, ACARS data),
most operational centers will average these observations to
form one value known as a “super-ob.” Since an average value
is probably more reliable and representative than a single
value, the error assigned to the super-ob will be less, which
allows it to have more weight in the analysis.
Analysis Equation - Weight Factor
c An estimate of the expected error in the
background field (e.g., the accumulated error
inherent in a 6-hr forecast).
Forecast errors should be taken into account, just
as observations are. The error in the background
field will be larger in regions which were not
updated with new observations during the last
analysis step.
Analysis Equation - Weight Factor
d The effects of clustering data (i.e., data
If there are a lot of observations in one area, we do
not want them to have an exaggerated effect on the
analysis value. Redundant data have less
independent information to provide to the analysis
than an observation that represents a large area by
itself (assuming it is reliable).
Analysis Equation - Weight Factor
One objective analysis procedure that incorporates
all four of the above factors into its weighting is
the Optimum Interpolation or OI scheme. OI is
based on a statistical estimation approach which
seeks to minimize the analysis errors. Because of
the assumptions made in applying OI in
operational NWP, the scheme is not totally
“optimal,” but its ability to include factors (b), (c),
and (d) make it the most common objective
analysis procedure used in NWP.
Analysis Equation
Consider this example of how
an OI scheme handles the
uneven distribution of
Initially, all three values are at
an equal distance from each
other (we are also assuming no
observational error). In this
case, all analysis schemes that
incorporate distance
dependence compute the same
weight for each value.
Analysis Equation
However, if we move
observations 2 and 3 toward
each other, the OI weights
change. In a scheme in which
only distance from the grid
point is a factor, the weights
would always be equal. The OI
scheme recognizes that as
observations 2 and 3 approach
each other, they become more
correlated. Thus they represent
less independent information to
the analysis, and, consequently,
will be given less weight.
Analysis Equation
Note also that even though
observation 1 does not
move, its weight in the OI
scheme increases. As an
observation becomes more
“lonely” (is less correlated
with the other
observations), it becomes
more important to the
Analysis Equation
After points 2 and 3 become
coincident at point “A,” the
weight for point 1 takes on
twice the weight of 2 and 3. In
other words, 2 and 3 are treated
as if they were one observation.
In a distance-dependent only
scheme, however, they would
continue to have the same
weight as point 1 since they
would still be equally distant
from the grid point. This would
bias the analysis
value at the grid point toward
the values to the left of the
Analysis Process: Evaluating an Analysis
An important question you might be asking
yourself is, “How can a forecaster tell if an
analysis is any good?”
It is a useful step for a forecaster to estimate how
accurate the analysis is over a particular region.
This will help in determining the reliability of the
subsequent forecast. Although this is a difficult
thing to do, it becomes easier with experience.
Analysis Process: Evaluating an Analysis
Here are three guidelines that may prove useful.
1 Look at the observations. Compare, for example, the
gradients in the data with the gradients of the analysis
field. Are important small-scale features too smooth? Do
any localized phenomena bias the analysis?
2 Compare the analyzed heights and vorticity, for example,
with satellite data. With experience in interpreting satellite
imagery, and especially when looping the images, you can
detect phase and amplitude errors in the analyzed weather
systems, especially over oceans.
Analysis Process: Evaluating an Analysis
3 Compare two or more analyses made for the same time for
different models or by different NWP centers. The degree
of agreement or disagreement over a particular area may
indicate the reliability of the analysis for that area.
Analysis Process
Final Comments on the Analysis Process
1 The analysis grid is not necessarily the same resolution as
the grid used by the model. It must be chosen specifically
for the analysis. This choice should be made based on the
density of the observations, not on the resolution of the
model’s grid. Sampling theory tells us that the smallest
feature that can be resolved by observations has a scale
twice the distance between the observing sites. Thus if the
mean data spacing in a region is 100 km, no new
information is gained by choosing an analysis grid
resolution of 50 km, even if that is the resolution of the
model’s grid.
Analysis Process
2 Since all observations have error, we do not want an
objective analysis scheme to fit the data exactly. If it did it
would be “overfitting.” An analysis that fits the data too
closely would be a poor one for NWP because it would
cause a lot of small-scale noise to exist during the early
stages of the forecast.
Data Assimilation Definition
We described the analysis procedure
as one in which observed values of
meteorological variables and shortrange forecasts from an earlier model
run are combined to produce grid
point estimates of the initial
conditions used to begin a new
forecast. The observations may be
clustered or they may be sparse.
They may be from different
observing systems, such as
radiosondes, profilers, or aircraft,
each having a different characteristic
error. Optimal Interpolation is an
analysis procedure that attempts to
account for these factors when
performing an analysis.
Because the previous forecast (or
background field) is so important to
the analysis, this forecast should be
accurate as possible. Data Assimilation
systems attempt to ensure this in two
Data Assimilation Definition
1 They make use of all available
data, even data received
between analysis times. Many
observing systems, such as
satellites, profilers, and aircraft,
provide data nearly
continuously, so it is important
to find a way to incorporate
these data into the forecast.
2 They make shorter-range forecasts to be used as
background fields. Shorter-range forecasts should be
more accurate since they are not extrapolating as far
into the future. Therefore, the changes to the
background fields made by new observations (the
“correction”) should be smaller.
Data Assimilation Definition
In Data Assimilation, or Four-Dimensional Data
Assimilation (4DDA) as it is often called, a numerical
model is used to make a series of short-range forecasts,
with new observations contributing data as they become
available. The goal is to produce a sequence of initial
conditions for the model that agree closely with
observations, and are also in dynamical balance with the
model. The process of maintaining dynamical balance is
often called initialization. This is required so that the early
stages of a forecast are relatively “noise-free.” Radical
changes to the model values by the analysis may cause
inbalances in the model equations.
Data Assimilation Definition
New observations can be
introduced in several ways:
• by periodic re-analysis
(intermittent 4DDA)
• by gradual insertion
(dynamic relaxation or
• by more advanced
mathematical blending
techniques (e.g., variational
4-D Data Assimilation
As you can see, the error for the background field produced for 12Z (from the 9Z
analysis and 3-hr model run) is only “error 3,” which should be less than that from a 12hr forecast.
The new observations used for each 3-hr analysis should make smaller corrections to the
background forecasts, allowing a smoother transition from one forecast to another (less
generation of noise caused by large changes to the model values by the analysis).
In fact, 4DDA can be thought of as introducing time continuity into the analysis process.
4-D Data Assimilation
When NWP began, most data were “synoptic,” or taken every 6 to 12
hours. Today we have access to many types of “asynoptic” data (e.g.,
satellite, radar, aircraft) that come in nearly continuously, or at least
hourly. 4DDA would have made little difference until these data were
The 4DDA procedure in the example provides a much more accurate
background field for the 12Z analysis. These improved background
fields, along with the use of optimum interpolation, actually create a
continual challenge to those who design and build observing systems.
If the observations from an instrument are not more accurate than, e.g.,
a 3-hr forecast, then these observations will not add much value to an
analysis using a 3-hr forecast as a background field.
4-D Data Assimilation
Of course, 3-hr forecasts over the oceans may be worse
than over land, so that satellite data, for example, may help
the analysis over the ocean while having little impact over
the land.
Future Data Assimilation
The procedure illustrated in the “4D Data Assimilation” section is
called intermittent data assimilation and is currently used at most
operational NWP centers. There are, however, several new data
assimilation techniques that have been developed.
The future will likely see an increased utilization of continuous
assimilation methods (or dynamic assimilation). These methods
attempt to utilize data at the same time they are observed. Instead of
having a major analysis step, the data are introduced continuously into
the model. That is, data are essentially introduced into the model at
every model time step. Since the direct replacement of grid point
values by new observations will generate excessive noise in the
forecast, techniques have been developed to “nudge” model values
towards the current observation during the data assimilation period. In
the future, new techniques under the category of variational data
assimilation may be used to accomplish this “nudging.”
Future Data Assimilation
Consider the problem of a 3-hr forecast (represented by the
red line) that will be used as a first guess field, as
illustrated above. The match between the observations and
the forecast at T=0 will be imperfect for two reasons:
– model errors
– observational errors
These are difficult to tell apart.
Future Data Assimilation
In variational data assimilation,
we try to create the best
possible fit between the model
and the observational data such
that the adjusted initial
conditions are optimal for use
in subsequent model forecasts.
In the diagram, the first analysis
produced is A. Although it fits
the data well at T-3, it leads to a
forecast that doesn’t fit the
observations well by T=0. The
band of green dots are the
observations. Note that even
data collected at the same time
do not necessarily agree with
each other.
Future Data Assimilation
The adjoint method (illustrated
to the right) is one type of
variational 4DDA. In this
method an iterative approach is
used to adjust the initial
analysis so that it is optimal for
prediction. In other words, the
adjusted analysis, Aadj., leads to
a “model trajectory” (blue line)
that produces a better 3-hr
forecast for T=0, even though it
may not be the best fit at T-3 hr.
Current Eta Model Analysis
Fred Carr
NWP COMAP Symposium
In spring 1998, NCEP replaced the Regional
Optimum Interpolation system (DiMego,
1988) with a variational objective analysis
scheme known as 3D-Var. This scheme is
similar to that implemented in the global
model in June 1991 which was initially
known as the Spectral Statistical
Interpolation (SSI) analysis system (Derber
et, 1991; Parrish and Derber, 1992).
Introduction, 3D-Var
The 3D-Var is the analysis component of an
intermittent data assimilation procedure
known as EDAS (Eta Data Assimilation
System) during which an analysis is
produced every 3 hours. The 3D-Var has
most of the beneficial properties of
optimum interpolation discussed earlier but
has several advantages over OI.
Fundamental Concepts
Like OI, 3D-Var seeks to produce an analysis by
minimizing the difference between the analysis
and a judicious combination of a previous
forecast (the background or first guess field) and
the observations. That is, we want to minimize a
“distance function” J which consists of
J = JB + JO + JC
Fundamental Concepts: Distance
J = JB + J O + J C
• JB is a weighted fit of the analysis to the
background field
• JO is a weighted fit of the analysis to the
• JC is a term which can be used to minimize
the noise produced by the analysis (e.g., by
introducing a balance).
Distance Function, cont.
A common form for the JB term is
is the analysis variable (e.g. - temp.),
is the background field and is the background
error covariance matrix, or, in other words, the
weight given to the first guess field (good forecasts
get high weight: poor forecasts get low weight).
A common form for the JO term is
where represents all the observations, is
the observational error covariance matrix
and is a “transformation operator” which
brings the grid point values to the
observation location. If temperature is the
observed variable, the is just an
interpolation of grid point temperatures to
the observed temperature.
Fundamental Concepts
However, if represents radiance data from
satellites, then is a set of radiative transfer
equations which computes radiances from
model temperature and moisture data. Thus
the relatively-accurate observed radiances
are used directly to correct model-estimated
radiances and these corrections are fed back
into the analyzed temperature and moisture
variables through the solution process.
Fundamental Concepts
The solution is obtained by minimizing J
through “standard techniques” which we
won’t get into. It is important to note that
all the points are analyzed at once, using all
of the available data.
The 3 principal advantages of the 3D-Var
procedure over the previous scheme are:
1.Many more “non-traditional” observational
types can be included and can be included
“more properly”. In other words, the
analysis variables do not have to be the
model variables.
Advantages, cont.
For example, before 3D-Var, satellite
radiance data were used to “retrieve”
temperature soundings that are of much
lower quality. These temperature retrievals,
while useful in the Southern Hemisphere,
did not improve forecasts over North
America. Use of radiance data directly,
however, does improve all forecasts.
Advantages, cont.
Thus 3D-Var can be used to optimize the
information content from all types of
satellite imagery and sounder data, GPS
data, Doppler radar radial wind and
reflectivity, ground-based sensors (e.g. lidars), etc.
Advantages, cont.
2.All of the observations are used for all of
the grid points. Previous schemes used only
30-40 data values per grid point via
subjective “data selection” routines. The
chosen data may not be optimal for a
particular point, if, e.g., the atmospheric
structure is highly anisotropic. It also
removes potential discontinuities in the
3.No separate initialization step is required.
Data Used in the Analysis
The eta model forecast variables for which
analysis is needed are temperature, wind,
specific humidity and surface pressure (no
analysis is done for the cloud water/ice
variable due to lack of observations, and
this field is allowed to “spin up” during the
EDAS cycle). These fields make up the
vector. Recall, however, that the data types
are not restricted to these variables.
Data Used in the Analysis, cont.
Current data types used in the analysis include:
1. Surface land observations
2. Surface marine observations
3. Rawinsondes (u, v, T, RH, psfc)
4. Conventional and ACARS aircraft data
5. Cloud-tracked winds from GOES,
Japanese and European satellites (via
visible, IR and WV imagery)
6. Wind speeds over water from SSM/I
Data Used in the Analysis, cont.
7. Dropwindsondes
8. Microwave radiances from polar-orbiting
satellites (precip. water product)
9. Infrared radiances from polar-orbiting and
GOES satellites
10. GOES precipitable water data
11. Profiler winds from NOAA’s WPDN
12. VAD wind profiles.
Data Used in the Analysis, cont.
Other data sources will be included as
resources permit, including GPS
precipitable water, Doppler radial velocity
and reflectivity, surface mesonets, boundary
layer wind profilers, and direct use of
precipitation amounts.
Error Statistics
Recall that the forecast and observational
error covariances provide the information
used to weight the relative contribution of
the background field and the different
observational types. The values of and
completely determine how close the
analysis fits the data and the degree of detail
in the analysis.
Error Statistics, cont.
The observational error statistics are
different for each instrument system and
consist of an instrument error and an error
of representativeness. The instrument errors
are estimated based on laboratory
calibrations and operational experience.
They can also vary as a function of location.
Error Statistics, cont.
The background errors are estimated by
averaging the differences between many 24
and 48 hour forecasts valid at the same time
and scaling them to represent short-term
forecast errors. They are held fixed in space
and from day-to-day. These errors,
however, should be different every day, and
NCEP is working on ways to incorporate
temporally and spatially varying
background errors.