University of Bradford

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Transcript University of Bradford

Finding the right Path-Way:
“Managing Transition and Progression Pathways
for Care Leavers”
Shane Daniels, Karl Hatfield
Mutty Dad, Dr. Nazira Karodia
1. The Care Leaver HE Support Cycle
2. Setting the scene and Transition
3. The role of STEM based activities
4. What we do at Bradford
5. “My Story” from current Care Leavers at the University of
6. Care Leaver Progression Pathways Toolkit – Discussion.
Care Leaver
Setting the Scene
• In 2006 the University was awarded the Frank Buttle Trust Quality Mark .
In June 2009 the Quality Mark was extended for a further three years.
• In 2004 the University had 29 care leavers with only two new enrolments.
Since 2004 there has been 91 care leaver students and 24 students have
• In 2013 nationally there are around 34% of 18 and 19 year olds in higher
education, but that figure dwindles to 7% for care leavers. (Who Cares
Setting the Scene
• Nationally, only 5% of care leavers make it to HE (UK average about 43%)
• 65,520 children were looked after at 31 March 2011, an increase of 2% on
2010 and the highest number since 1987 ( 2012)
• Proportion of care leavers nationally who are not in education,
employment or training has increased from 32 % in 2010 to 33 % in
2011. ( 2012)
Setting the Scene
• In March 2012 the Bradford Looked After population was 896; this
included 429 school age children .
• 110 children attending school outside of Bradford and 329 in Bradford
82 post 16 young people
• This compares to 476 who had been in care for one year or more in
2010/11 and represents a fall of a 9.9%.
• 153 pre-school children. It is expected that the numbers will start to
increase as these children reach statutory school age. (Bradford Virtual
Head 2013)
Internal Networks
Care leavers forum meets on 2-3 per year
University Recruitment Group (Recruitment Teams)
Fess and Bursaries group
Accommodation Team
Student Success group
So what do we deliver @
External Networks
Buttle UK – Who Cares Trust
HELOA – National HEI Recruitment network
NorthClass – Regional HEI network
HEART partnership – Local HE/FE partnership
Professional Bodies
STEM-based activities
The role of STEM-based activities
Raising Aspirations
Raising Support and Awareness
Raising Attainment
Easing Transition
Achieving Success
Outreach @ Bradford
Profile – Advertise and Promote (Access Agreement)
Children’s University
Junior University
Science Lectures
Activity, Awards and Projects
My Stories – Positive Role Models
Curriculum @ Bradford
Coffee Mornings
Inclusive Curriculum Frameworks
Examination Support and Advice
Learner Development Unit
3rd / 4th Assessment Attempts
Student Success
Transition @ Bradford
• Partners – Bradford College
• Dedicated Adult Learning Advisor
• COMPACT Programme and Summer School
– (UCAS Points awarded)
P2L4 and Trans:it
Clearing Advice and Support
Out of Semester Provision
Welcome Activities - Pastoral Support
Student Support @Bradford
Prioritised Bursaries and Loans (ALF/NSP)
Support with Childcare
Care Leavers Forum
Designated Member of Staff – Induction - Outduction
Support with Childcare
Year round Student Accommodation
Priority Access to Ambassador Programme
Student as Partners
Alumni Support @ Bradford
Employability Module
Leadership Skills Development Residential
Mentoring Training
Support with Graduation Costs (gown hire)
Graduate Interns
Shane Hanif Daniels
Karl Richard Hatfield
me aged 8, 1 year into care, I still
like sweets.
I spent an hour on
the platform on my
first day, before I
got on the train –
getting up the
courage to get on
the train and change
my life. Look at me
Soon after this picture was taken I
received a letter explaining I was going
to stay in care until I turned 18.
I was lucky – I had 1 social worker
for 10 years, and 1 foster family for
10 years too – though this ended
At 21 I made it, I got
accepted in to
Bradford University. I
was already settled in
a flat so I chose a
university within an
hour’s train journey
from home.
at 17 I left care and spent Christmas
in a bedsit, alone – I realised then
that I had to go to university to
better myself
…I’m genuinely
I couldn’t have done this without…
The Hub
Personal Tutors
Knowledgable Lecturers
The Library.
Learner Development Unit
The opportunity to be course rep
Care Leavers Bursary
Student Finance
Ambassador opportunities
Student Placements
The enjoyablity of the course
Friend’s made at Uni
conversations with “Close minded” people.
Toolkit Activity
Using the chart provided, what would be your ideal
provision/activity that you would like to deliver in each of the
key areas of…
General Outreach Activities
Student Support
Alumni Support
Contact us…
Thank You for participating 
Mr. Mutty Dad: [email protected]
Dr. Nazira Karodia: [email protected]