AP World History - University High School

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AP World History
World History Outline
of “Big Picture”
8000 B.C.E. – 1500 B.C.E.
 Man was gradually learning the
skills that would lead to
 Agricultural Revolution –
importance: once man could
control food source
(domestication of plants (grain)
and animals), only then could we
move beyond hunter/gatherer.
8000 B.C.E. – 1500 B.C.E.
Things to focus on with the Agricultural Revolution:
 1. Irrigation canals in Mesopotamia (technology),
unpredictable flooding – unpredictable religion.
 2. Reliable flooding in Egypt – “Gift of the Nile”,
produces food surplus and stability. – reliable
 3. Indus River Valley – monsoon produces
unpredictable flooding, may have led to eventual
 4. Early China River Valley societies developed
along similar lines.
1750 B.C.E. – 500 B.C.E
Civilization becomes more complex:
Agriculture + City-States = specialization (careers)
Classes: Nobility/Priests, Commoners, slaves
Kings: Hammurabi’s Law Code. Rapid turn over in
Mesopotamia (open), long dynasties in Egypt
Trade: along Nile, Mesopotamian products and
cylinder seals found in Indus and Egypt. Obsidian
from Catal Huyuk in Anatolia found hundreds of miles
Religion: Organized Priests and temples. Stable in
Egypt, messy elsewhere (affect of environment).
1750 B.C.E. – 300 B.C.E
 Mediterranean
& Middle East:
 Early Greeks – (Minoan, Mycenaean:
establishing Med. Sea trading, later polis (citystates)
 Phoenicia – expands sea trade, Carthage
(Cultural diffusion)
 Israel – monotheism
 Assyrians – (bathed in blood), Diaspora of Jews
(Cyrus of Persia allowed to return)(Migration
patterns – forced vs. religious motivated)
500 B.C.E. – 300 B.C.E.
Persians: establish huge trading empire with
Royal Road for communication and safe travel.
(Cultural Diffusion)
Kings: rule through a bureaucratic system of local
rulers and religious tolerance. Cyrus the Great
allows Jews to return to Jerusalem, rebuild
Establish many traditions throughout Middle East
that can still be seen today.
Persian Wars with Greece.
500 B.C.E. – 30 B.C.E.
Greece develops independent city-states (polis).
Athens – direct democracy.
 Military – Persian Wars: Greek Hoplites/Phalanx
prevent Persia from advancing west, later leading to
Hellenistic culture influencing all of Western
Civilization. (Cultural Diffusion)
 Alexander the Great: defeats Darius/Persians
establishing empire from Greece to India. Builds
cities, libraries, museums, schools – spreading Greek
 Ptolemy Dynasty in Egypt continues Hellenism until
Rome takes over.
200 B.C.E. – 200 C.E.
Rise of Empires with strong centralized, bureaucratic
Two best examples: Rome and Han Dynasty
Both: this time period is when they are at their height
before decline.
Both expand territory, develop extensive trade network
throughout . Rome with roads, Han more with canals
linking major rivers. (Cultural Diffusion)
Lasting influence of both: Greco/Roman culture will
shape western civilization government and legal systems.
(republic – U.S.)
Han Dynasty will establish the traditions that will shape
all Chinese dynasties until the communist revolution in
300 B.C.E. – 600 C.E.
Trade Networks (all overland except Indian
Ocean) expand across great distance
spreading culture and ideas, esp. religion
(Buddhism and Christianity).
 Silk Road: Asia – spreads Buddhism
 Indian Ocean Maritime System ruled by
monsoon winds, sailing technology.
 Sahara and Sub-Saharan trade networks.
Spreads culture, language, and technology
across Africa, esp. through Bantu Migrations
and Mali salt/gold trade.
600 C.E. – 1400 C.E.
Clashes Among Different Cultures
600 – 1200 Rise and spread of Islam. Focus on Abbasid
Caliphate, 661 C.E. – 850 C.E., p. 203.
600 - 1200 Spread of Christianity through Byzantine, Kiev,
Western Europe.
1095 – 1204 Crusades. Leads to lasting animosity
between Europeans and Islam. Reestablishes trade
networks with Europe.
1200 Mongols spread throughout Asia, improves trade
until 1500 (Pax Mongolia for 200 yrs.)
Threat of Mongols spur Japan to create Samurai and
Emperor based government.
1200 – 1500 C.E.
Europe – exposure to new trade and ideas leads to
Renaissance, increased knowledge leads to
questioning of authority.
 Renaissance leads to Protestant Reformation, rise in
power of kings.
 Era of Discovery – Europe wants everything Asia has
to offer, Arabs close off all land routes (too many
hard feelings from Crusades).
 Prince Henry the Navigator collects technology
related to sailing, expands range of Europeans: God,
Gold, Glory
1450 C.E.
 Pivot
point. Prior to this time, ALL trade
routes were land based with the exception
of the Indian Ocean Trade.
 The few long distance trade routes were
“coast huggers” since they couldn’t carry
enough supplies.
 Caravel ships, compass, astrolabe, allow
explorers to explore the oceans and
know what latitude they were on.
1492 – 1750 C.E. North-Atlantic crossings,
search for north-west passage
Columbus – dispel the “evil guy” theory about disease, downfall
of culture. Because he opens the Americas.
 Vasco da Gama: circles the cape of Good Hope and opens it
 Magellan: circumnavigates the globe
 Pedro Cabral: blown off course and ends up off of Brazil,
which leads to the Treaty of Tordasillas.
 Cortes and Pizzaro are a given due to Aztec/Incas stuff.
Focus on the encounter, the interaction. Push
economics/trade. (Cultural Diffusion)
1492 – 1750 C.E.
The beginning of European trade empires – an organized effort of
 This creates a global economy, main feature was that it becomes
monetized, based on silver. Leads to mercantilism.
 Provides capital to fund increasingly larger explorations.
Leads to Columbian exchange. What goes in what direction? Corn,
sweet potato, cacao (Aztecs made this a spicy drink, didn’t have sugar.
Europeans will make it a sweet drink.) Flesh, other than human,
introduced into Aztec diet.
 Diseases, of course. Small pox, measles, Europeans got new strains of
influenza and syphilis.
 Religious Ideas Spread: Christianity, Islam spread to new world –
African Muslims enslaved in the new world (Islam forbids enslavement
of fellow Muslims typically). Mixture of forms of Christianities with
native religions. Today, this causes issues like voodoo, etc.
1750 - 1870
Triangular Slave Trade –
1. Slaves go from Africa to Latin America and N.
America (Native American laborers dead within 30
years due to diseases).
2. Raw materials (gold, silver, gems, lumber for ship
building) go from Americas back to Mother
3. Manufactured goods from Europe go back to
Americas for colonialists.
Muslim presence continues to rise in Middle East
through Ottoman Empire, Safavid Empire.
 1. American Revolution 1775-1800 due to
long distance rule and taxes.
 2. French Revolution 1789 – 1815 due to
example of Am. Rev. and response to
dictatorship of government.
 3. Haitian Revolution 1789 – 1804 due to its
being a French colony (influence of Fr. Rev.)
and slave revolts.
1760 - 1890
 Industrial
Revolution begins in
England, moves to United States,
then goes to Europe. Begin of change
from agricultural societies to factories
and urban societies.
 Series of independence movements
throughout Latin America and
eventual end of slavery.
1800 – 1914 Age of Empires
“The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire”: colonial
rule in India, Australia, some of Africa.
Napoleonic Empire in Europe leads to European
Russian Empire expands throughout Northern Asia.
China – Qing Empire suffers rebellions.
Ottoman Empire takes on European characteristics.
Japan Empire modernizes Japan.
Rise of Nationalism throughout Eurasia leads to
Socialist movements.
1870 – 1914 Age of Imperialism
America and Spain vie for control of Latin America,
leads to Spanish-American War 1898. America wins
Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii
 “Scramble for Africa” colonial powers in Europe grab
whatever territory in Africa they can (Britain, France,
Belgium, Portugal, more).
 1914: Ottoman Empire is collapsing, rise in
nationalism throughout Europe leads to World War I.
 1917: Russian Revolution due to Socialist movements
1914 - 1945
1914-1918 WWI Treaty of Versailles blames the
entire war on Germany.
Europe is redrawn, Ottoman Empire collapses,
Russia unstable, China unstable, Japan begins to
expand empire throughout the Pacific.
Middle East redrawn.
1930s World wide “Great Depression”
Unrest from aftermath of WWI and economy
leads to rise in Fascism in Italy, Spain, Germany.
Hitler uses this to start WWII.
1900 – 1949 colonies in Africa, India, Mexico, Latin
America push for independence.
1945 - 1989
Aftermath of WWII leads to stronger
Communist government in Russia.
 Chinese civil war leads to communist takeover
(cont. to this day).
 1947 Formation of Israel
 1953 Communist takeover in N. Korea
 1960s communist takeover in N. Vietnam
 Threat of atomic bombs leads to “Cold War”
with Russia – mutually assured destruction.
 1989 – Berlin Wall is torn down, Russian
communism falls.
Turmoil in Middle East (European Imperialism)
 1970s - Islamic revolutions in Iran and
 1990 Persian Gulf War
 Global Economy – big difference between
industrialized countries and “third world
 Rise in Terrorism, Sept. 11, 2001, subsequent
wars (unrest due to actual or perceived
Western manipulation in the Middle East).
Impact of Major Disease:
430s B.C.E. Plague hits Greece during Pericles’
Golden Age
 540s C.E. Justinian’s Plague during Byzantine
 1340s C. E. Black Death 1in 3 dead from China
across Europe
 1500s – 1700s Small Pox and other European
diseases kill Latin American Natives first, then
North American as colonies spread.
 1918 Spanish Influenza 50–100 million people
worldwide were killed
 1930s on Vaccines and Antibiotics change affects
of disease.
Global Society
Before 1450 C.E. – only real Global Society was
the Indian Ocean Trading World
 After 1450 C.E. beginnings with mercantilism and
the Columbian Exchange, but emphasis is too “for
the mother country”
 1900s- shift during the century from “mother
 1898 – U.S. moves from isolationist to imperialist
with Spanish-American war, but not world player
until WWII. Now part of massive global
 By end of 1900s few products made start to
finish in one location, or even one country.