Transcript Document

Mobile Apps in the Enterprise, Part 3

Device Conundrum: What’s Best?

Presented by Sean Gallagher [email protected]

The Device Selection Decision Tree:

• • Use case: • • • • • Field, extreme condition, fleet Mobile info worker Sales Executive / decision support Customer-facing Network availability • • • • Campus Customer site Mobile metropolitan Unreliable / occasionally connected network (2G/3G) • • Security requirements • • • • • Will company control config?

Two-factor authentication Network access controls Password protection Other security requirements Application sourcing • • • • Internally developed Off-the-shelf Custom-coded Adapted from Web app

Is Consumer Hardware an Option?

• • Upsides of consumer devices: • • • "BYOT" option for sales/executives Cheaper than rugged options by more than 50% Growing number of commercial apps • Increasing hardware form-factor choices Downsides: • • Hardware lifecycle is a moving target Fragile, suited only to casual/indoor information worker use without add-ons or modification • Lack of established track record for anything but email and consumer apps

When to Consider Consumer Platforms

• • • • • • • • Casual/occasional use Consumer-centric On-premises mobile Information worker Executive "dashboard" Voice/telephony integration Availability of "off the shelf" apps and cloud services Expanding number of peripherals suited to business needs (POS, printer enabled, Bluetooth accessories)

When ‘Consumer’ Hardware Doesn’t Cut It

• Extreme environments • Extreme storage requirements • High risk of droppage • Barcode reading – commercial device imaging still falls short • Keypad intensive • Security essential (two factor, data encryption on device)

Rugged Options for Mobile: Most Are Windows CE

• Panasonic Toughbooks (Windows 7) • • Motorola Symbol Unitech • Trimble

What Form Factor?

• Key decision points: • Data entry requirements • Automated: requires barcode read, credit card reader, external peripheral?

• • • Video / audio / image Keying-in of data Touch capture • How much local processing/data storage?

Application Decisions That Impact Form Factor • Using a pre-packaged app or developing custom?

• If custom, where's your organizational comfort zone/skillset?

• If packaged, form factor may be dictated by platform/system requirements • Direct integration with enterprise infrastructure, or use of cloud services / SaaS?

Use Case: Sales • Tablet vs. smartphone • Email vs. interactivity – need a keyboard?

• Imaging, POS required?

Use Case: Executive Information System • Most commercial mobile report reader/executive dashboard tools (Corda, Novatek) are on iOS • Apple display capabilities lead here

Use Case: EMR • Virtualization or cloud driven?

• Imaging requirements • Required screen real estate

Use Case: Small Business • Support for cloud / SaaS access • Off-the-shelf apps for POS, contact management

Which Is Best for Developers?

• Apple iOS devices • Largest volume of app downloads and purchases • • Apple marketing machine Two form factors, separate UI issues (sizing); tablet support is good • Enterprise: can set up own “store” and deploy to specific devices.

• Consumer: need to follow Apple interface guidelines, get approval for iTunes App Store • Objective C (or something that complies with it) • Google Android • • Unrestricted development Easier, cheaper development for prototyping, hacking (no “locked” devices) • Tablet support is emerging, but no commercial runaway hit Android tablets (Nook?) • Broader carrier choice (well, sort of) • • Multiple versions Java-based dev

What About Windows Mobile?

• Windows CE/Mobile 5.x / 6.x still best option for Windows-focused development shops, thick mobile client apps • Windows 7 Mobile is a new, different platform, requires a hard look