MDH ColdFusion User Group Intro to Application Security

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Transcript MDH ColdFusion User Group Intro to Application Security

Twin Cities ColdFusion User Group
Intro to Application Security
Part 2
October 1st, 2008
Jason Dean
Who am I?
Web Application Developer with the Minnesota Department
of Health (MDH)
Chairperson and User Group Manager of the MDH
ColdFusion User Group
ColdFusion Blogger (Like who isn't?)
Veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard
Volunteer Web Developer with the Minnesota Valley
Humane Society
What are the threats/attacks?
• The basics
SQL Injection
Cross-Site Scripting XSS
Cookie Misuse/Exploits
Access Control Attacks
Input Validation Exploits
File Uploads
• The less obvious
Internal threats
• The Advanced
– Session Management Attacks
– Authorization/Authentication
– Request Forgeries (on-site and
Exception Management
Parameter Manipulation
Auditing and Logging
• The Beyond our Control
– Web Server Exploits
– Application Server Exploits
– Server configuration problems
What are we going to talk about?
Request Forgeries
Password Security
What is a Request Forgery?
A request forgery, also sometimes called a Cross-Site (or OnSite) Request Forgery(XSRF), is an attack that is perpetrated
against the user of a site who has authenticated access to that
The user is unwittingly tricked into performing actions on a site
through hidden code displayed to them and, therefore,
executed in their browser
That was confusing as hell...
How about an Example?
Our Hypothetical website
Has an administrator only section for maintaining users
Our site has a deletePage.cfm action page that accepts a single
parameter, pageID
Our deletePage.cfm has been secured through various,
effective means to make sure only our administrators can
access it.
All is good, right?
Or is it?
One morning, Bob (one of our administrators) gets an email
from Kay in accounting. It has a link to a bad joke on a Joke-ofthe-day sites
Here is the joke:
A sandwich walks into a bar and yells “Barkeep! Get me a
beer!”. The bartender looks at him and says, “I'm sorry, we
don't serve food here”.
Bob finishes the joke, chuckles politely and deletes the email
About 5 minutes later, the phone starts ringing. The company
website is down
What happened?
The email Bob received wasn't from Kay in accounting
<Insert maniacal laughter>
It was from a Hacker who spoofed Kay's email address
The link the hacker sent, did go to a Joke-of-the-Day pages, but
the hacker left a comment for the joke and in his comment he
placed the line:
<img src="">
So what do you think happened when Bob viewed that page with
that comment on it?
What happened?
So when Bob view that pagem the <img /> tag went looking for
the src resource and made the request:
<img src="">
And if Bob was actually logged into the site, then it was a
legitimate request coming from a legitimate user and so it was
So what can be accomplished with an Request
Forgery Attack?
Delete or Edit pages
Delete or Edit Users
Perform Administrative Functions
Send Emails
Transfer funds
Make purchases
Anything that an authenticated used would normally be able to do
So what can we do about it?
One thing we can do is to use POST requests instead of GET requests.
Using POST will stop many, but not all Request Forgeries, It would stop
the <img /> attack, but not this one:
<form name="rfForm" action="deletePage.cfm" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="1" />
<script type="text/javascript">;
So what can we do about it?
So let's say we have a form that looks like this:
<form action="deletePage.cfm" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="#queryPages.pageid#" />
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="Delete Page
#queryPages.pageid#" />
Assume that it has other appropriate security to ensure only
administrators have access
This is vulnerable to the forgery attack we just looked at
How do we fix it?
<cfset key = CreateUUID() />
<cfset session.formkey.delPageForm = key />
<form action="deletePage.cfm" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="#queryPages.pageid#" />
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="Delete Page
#queryPages.pageid#" />
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="#Hash(key, "SHA-256")#" />
So by adding a hidden field with a new Hashed UUID key for every
request and then adding that Hash to the users session we can check
the result in the action page/method to confirm that it came from the
right place
How do we fix it?
Our Action Page/Method might look like this:
<cfif StructKeyExists(form, "key") AND form.key =
Hash(session.formkey.delPageForm, "SHA-256")>
<cfset structDelete(session.formkey, "delPageForm") />
<cflocation url="/" />
<!--- Finish form processing here because it will only make it this far if the
session Hash matches the one posted --->
Password Security
How do we get a secure password?
Does every site need a “super” secure password?
Password Best Practices
Password Salting and Hashing
Password Strength Function
“Forgot My Password” Best Practices
Achieving a Secure Password
Password should allow and required both alphabetical and numeric
Passwords should allow and require both uppercase and lowercase
Passwords should allow and require special characters
Passwords should probably be at least 7 or 8 characters long. If you
need to have them with fewer characters, you should have a REALLY
good reason for it.
Password should be changed every [Insert period of time here].
Depending on the security level of your system this might be every
month, quarter, or six months. Weekly is probably overkill, except for
the most secure of systems and annually is probably too lax.
Passwords should never be, or even contain, the username.
Have the password security scheme fit
the website
Does every site need a “super” secure password?
Probably not
It is a judgment call, get the input of the people to whom data belongs
There is no reason not to allow a strong password, but perhaps not
every site needs to enforce it
At a minimum, set a decent minimum length and require some alphas
and some numerics
Best Practices
Don't set a minimum length above 8 character
Where possible, use SSL
Load the login form using SSL (although it only needs to POST to SSL)
Don't send Login credentials on th URL string (except for Web
Services, and then, only over SSL)
Never store passwords in clear text
Create an audit log of login attempts
If you lock a user out after a certain number of login attempts, do not
use a cookie or tie it to the user session, do it in the database
Password Hashing and Salting
What is Hashing?
Why do we want to Hash our passwords?
What is Salting and why do we want to do it?
Example Code
What is Hashing?
From Wikipedia: "... a Cryptographic Hash Function is a transformation
that takes an input and returns a fixed-size string, which is called the
hash value.
A hash is a One-Way Transformation
A strong enough hash is virtually impossible to reverse
A strong enough hash will have very few collisions
Hashing Example
<cfset val1 = "Jason" />
<cfset val2 = "ColdFusion" />
<cfset val3 = "SR-71 Blackbird" />
<cfset hash1 = Hash(val1,"MD5") />
<cfset hash2 = Hash(val2,"MD5") />
<cfset hash3 = Hash(val3,"MD5") />
#hash1#<br />
#hash2#<br />
#hash3#<br />
Hashing Example
#hash1#<br />
#hash2#<br />
#hash3#<br />
Will Produce:
Notice they are all the same number of characters. Hashes are FixedLength strings
Stronger Hashing Example
So an MD5 Hash is pretty strong, but it is not strong enough
MD5 is fine for examples, but in the real world, MD5 is weak
So what are the other options?
In our example we did this: <cfset hash1 = Hash(val1,"MD5") />
Well we can replace MD5 with a number of other hashing algorithms that
produce different fixed-lengths
MD5: (Default) Generates a 32-character, hexadecimal string, using the MD5
algorithm (The algorithm used in ColdFusion MX and prior releases).
SHA: Generates a 28-character string using the Secure Hash Standard SHA-1
algorithm specified by Nation Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) FIPS180-2.
SHA-256: Generates a 44-character string using the SHA-256 algorithm specified
by FIPS-180-2.
SHA-384: Generates a 64-character string using the SHA-384 algorithm specified
by FIPS-180-2.
SHA-512: Generates an 88-character string using the SHA-1 algorithm specified by
Stronger Hashing Example
So let's compare the algorithms
In our previous example we had:
<cfset hash1 = Hash(val1,"MD5") />
<cfset hash2 = Hash(val2,"MD5") />
<cfset hash3 = Hash(val3,"MD5") />
Now let's add:
<cfset hash1 = Hash(val1,"SHA-256") />
<cfset hash2 = Hash(val2,"SHA-256") />
<cfset hash3 = Hash(val3,"SHA-256") />
<cfset hash1 = Hash(val1,"SHA-512") />
<cfset hash2 = Hash(val2,"SHA-512") />
<cfset hash3 = Hash(val3,"SHA-512") />
Stronger Hashing Example
MD5 Result
Stronger Hashing Example
SHA-256 Result
Stronger Hashing Example
SHA-512 Result
A specific string will ALWAYS result in the same hash value
Collisions occur when two values have the same Hash value
Strong hashing algorithms are going to have fewer collisions
The longer the hash value, the less likely you will have collisions.
Implementing Hashed Passwords
So if hashes aren't reversible, how can we tell if the user entered the
correct password?
When the user enters their password, while logging in, we hash it and
compare the result to the hash that we stored in the database.
Since a hash cannot be reversed, even if the DB becomes
compromised, the information cannot be used to obtain password, nor
can it be used to login using the hash instead of a password
We'll look at an example shortly
Password Salting
What is Salting?
Let's first talk about why we need salting
We need salting because people make stupid password
We also need passwords because hackers are smart
If our password database becomes compromised, and the passwords
are hashed, then the hacker will start looking like values
If the hacker finds two hashed values that are exactly the same then
that value is either a common dictionary word, a name, or a date
The brute force attack on that user can then commence
Salting ensures that no two hashes in our database ever have the
same value
Password Salting
So what is Salting then?
Salting is the process of adding a random string of characters to the
end of a user's password before hashing it.
Each password would get its own salt hence eliminating the problem of
two like passwords having the same hash value.
Let's look at examples
Password Salting Example
<cfset val1 = "Password1" />
<cfset val2 = "Password1" />
<cfset hash1 = Hash(val1, "MD5") />
<cfset hash2 = Hash(val2, "MD5") />
<cfset hash1Salted = Hash(val1 & CreateUUID(), "MD5") />
<cfset hash2Salted = Hash(val2 & CreateUUID(), "MD5") />
Value 1 Hashed:#hash1#<br />
Value 2 Hashed:#hash2#<br /><br />
Value 1 Salted and Hashed:#hash1Salted#<br />
Value 2 Salted and Hashed:#hash2Salted#<br />
Password Salting Example
Value 1 Hashed:#hash1#<br />
Value 2 Hashed:#hash2#<br /><br />
Value 1 Salted and Hashed:#hash1Salted#<br />
Value 2 Salted and Hashed:#hash2Salted#<br />
Will result in this output:
Value 1 Hashed:2AC9CB7DC02B3C0083EB70898E549B63
Value 2 Hashed:2AC9CB7DC02B3C0083EB70898E549B63
Value 1 Salted and hashed:2DEB5ADAF0854BBBC24DC4797BA73027
Value 2 Salted and Hashed:3498DD83CA3F1945D0EE7BE16984999E
Password Salting Example
Value 1 Hashed:2AC9CB7DC02B3C0083EB70898E549B63
Value 2 Hashed:2AC9CB7DC02B3C0083EB70898E549B63
Value 1 Salted and hashed:2DEB5ADAF0854BBBC24DC4797BA73027
Value 2 Salted and Hashed:3498DD83CA3F1945D0EE7BE16984999E
Notice the hash without salting is identical between the two values
But, once you add a salt, the two values are very different
Of course, we need to store the salt that we use for each value so that
when we hash the user input, we can append the salt
Look at Code!
Let's look at some code examples
“Forgot My Password” Best Practices
Never have your “Forgot My Password” function e-mail the users password (If
you are hashing password you won't be able to anyway)
Either reset the users password and email them the new password or send the
user a temporary URL that can be used for them to reset the password
Force the user to change their password after they first log in after a reset
Keep a log of the last X hashes of the users password so they cannot reset
their password to something that have used previously (Within reason)
Make sure your Change Password functionality uses the same strength and
hashing functions as your initial password set up
Do not login a user from the “Forgot My Password” section. Always make them
go through their e-mail.
Tell story about bad “Forgot My Password” functionality
Please ask your questions now
Or feel free to contact me
Jason Dean
[email protected]
AIM: IZB Jason
Google Chat: deanj200