Transcript Slide 1

Form Quantum Wires and Quantum
Dots on Surfaces
with Vapor Deposition Techniques
David Ji
Feb. 7th, 06
Part One: Quantum Wires
A. Growth of Quantum Wires Pinned on Substrate
1.vapor–liquid–solid (VLS)
Three Steps:
Alloying process
Nucleation of precursors
Axial growth
Why? Growing under the catalyst?
Vapors diffuse and condense at the existing solid/liquid interface, due to that less
energy will be involved with the crystal step growth as compared with secondary
nucleation events in a finite volume.
Ref: 3165 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 3165-3166
2. solid–liquid–solid mechanism (is not Vapor deposition)
SiNW as an example
Amorphous nanowire!
Inert gas flow plays important role in the formation of the nanowire
Ref: Chem. Phys. Lett. 323 (2000) 224.
3. Standing in Hard Template
prepare well-aligned NWs arrays by CVD without catalyst.
Mesoporous template
Nano porous alumina template
a. The size and shape of SiNWs can be controlled and vary over a wide range
b. Well template-isolated nanowires arrays
c. Sharp tips and perfect lattices can be obtained
Ref: Chemical Physics Letters 374 (2003) 542–547
B. Suspended NW Lying on Substrate
Suspended Carbon Nanotube Quantum Wires with Two Gates
Electron beam lithography (EBL): define the local-gate pattern, S/D pattern,
pattern catalyst islands.
Source (S) and drain (D) metal electrodes, a metal local gate (VGL) at the
bottom of the trench and a global Si back gate (VGB).
Show different properties compared with pinned CNT on substrate.
Ref: small 2005, 1, No. 1
C. Challenges in Synthesizing NW:
In order to be capable of being incorporated into devices,
Controlled orientation and size of the grown
nanostructure required.
Part Two: Quantum Dots (QD)
Formation Mechanism:
Stranski–Krastanow (SK) growth mode responsible
Applications: Optical and electronic properties
About quantum laser:
Characteristics would be improved dramatically due to reduction of
dimensionality of the electron motions in quantum nanostructures, proposed
by Arakawa and Sakaki
This is why people like Zero dimensionality
Ref: Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 40, pp. 939–941, 1982.
Hot Research Field:
Semiconductors QD. ex. binary & tertiary compound from IIIA and IVA.
InAs/GaAs dots extensively investigated.
GaSb/GaAs attracted interest for its potential application in capacitors.
Synthesis Method:
Organometal chemical vapor deposition (OMCVD)
ex. In forming QD compound containing Ar. ArH3 was replaced by
tertiarybutylarsine (TBAs)
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
Creating a 'molecular beam' of a material which impinges on to the substrate.
Physica E 13 (2002) 1181 – 1184
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 82, No. 6, 10 February 2003