Transcript Slide 1

DE Science Elementary
“5-Minute Prep” For
Properties of Matter
Measuring Matter
Measuring Matter – The Big Ideas
All materials are made of matter.
Properties of matter can be seen or measured.
Measurable properties of matter include size,
mass, and temperature.
Materials can be classified by properties.
Measuring the properties of materials helps
people understand and use them.
Measuring Matter – Prior Knowledge
Students have been interacting with matter since
birth. It will help for students to use the Fundamental, What’s the Matter, to review matter. It
will be helpful if students have classified things
heavy and light.
different colors.
different textures.
different sizes.
Measuring Matter – Common Misconceptions
• Gases are not matter because most are invisible.
– Reality: Gases are matter, which means they have mass and
occupy space. Gases can be detected or measured in other
ways, i.e. sulfur dioxide smells like rotten eggs.
• Expansion of matter is due to the expansion of particles
rather than the increased particle spacing.
– Reality: When matter is heated it expands due to the vibrating
of molecules, loosening bonds, and increasing space between
adjacent atoms or molecules.
Measuring Matter – Using DE Science Content
When you close this presentation, you can review the following
recommended resources for Measuring Matter.
Exploration: Just Dunk It!
Reading Passage: Mission to Mars
Video: A Closer Look at Matter
Video: Gases
Use the PowerPoint version of this presentation for hyperlinks to
these resources or you can get to them through the browser
or search feature.
Measuring Matter – Instructional Ideas
• Place a box filled with a small balloon full of air,
a small drum (see Can Drum for a homemade
version), a sealed plastic bottle of water, a block
of wood, and any other random objects that
contain solids, liquids, and gases between each
group of students.
– Have the students explore and then classify
the items.
Measuring Matter – Instructional Ideas
• Use a measuring matter KWL chart with
the class.
– Prior to reading Mission to Mars, have the class list
what they Know about matter.
– Have the class list what they Want to know.
– Finally, conclude each lesson with having the class
summarize in one sentence what they have Learned
and write it in the last column.
State standards:
If you wish to review your state standards
regarding Measuring Matter click here to get to
the curriculum standards search feature of DES.
You can click on any standard to see what
resources are available to teach it.
Additional Information:
For additional content, check the Extend section
within the concept.