Transcript Slide 1

Reference Guide
First Impressions
• Within the first three seconds of a new encounter, you are
evaluated… even if it is just a glance. People appraise your visual and
behavioral appearance from head to toe. They observe your
demeanor, mannerisms, and body language and even assess your
grooming and accessories. Within only three seconds, you make an
indelible impression.
• This first impression process occurs in every new situation. Within the
first few seconds, people pass judgment on you – looking for common
surface clues. Once the first impression is made, it is virtually
irreversible. It is human nature to constantly make these appraisals, in
business and social environments.
• From friendships to business relationships, first impressions can have
a huge personal, emotional, and financial impact on one's life.
• Success comes to those with integrity, those that are resourceful, and
those that make a fabulous impression!
• Personal Introductions – How To: at
Michelle T. Sterling, Principal and Founder of Global Image Group
Office Etiquette
Greet people upon arrival to the office everyday
When a door is closed—knock first before entering
Don’t interrupt a meeting unless an emergency
When you enter an office ask, “is this a good time?”
Make guests, visitors and new employees feel comfortable
An employer wants to feel as if they are calling or emailing you
from another desk in their office.
• Zero cutesiness when on the job/internship, networking, or job
searching – Why put yourself at risk? It will never help. Phone
Ring Tones, Ringback Tones, & Recorded Greetings, Email
Craig School of Business, California State University, Fresno
Business Meetings
• Have a purpose—an objective
• Give expected duration
• Have an agenda—items to be discussed
• Don’t waste others’ time
• Thank people for their participation in meetings
• Stay focused & participate in the meeting
• Even if it seems unrelated to what you do - try to
learn at least 2 new things, take notes, set mini
goals, carefully offer solutions
Craig School of Business, California State University, Fresno
Phone Etiquette
General Phone Etiquette:
• Learn the proper way to answer for your organization
• Always include: greeting, your name, your company or organization
• Don’t use the speaker phone unless you are having a conference call
• Always return calls within 24 hours
• If you are absent for an extended period of time let people know that in your voice mail
When Your Call is Answered
• Speak slowly and clearly.
• Introduce yourself and place yourself in context - “Hi, my name is Terry Pilgrim and I am
calling as a prospective graduate student.”
• Ask for who you wish to speak with directly - “May I speak with Carol Johnson in Marketing?”
• If your call has to be transferred, thank the answerer for her/his assistance.
Leaving a Message
• Speak slowly and clearly.
• Include your name, phone number, and the reason you are calling.
• Repeat your name and phone number. “My name is Jill Crane and I am calling to speak with
you about the financial analyst position open at 1st National Bank. My number is 406-4444444; again that’s Jill Crane at 406-444-4444.”
• When you call others be sure to identify yourself including your name and your company
From Hiatt Career Center, Brandeis University & Craig School of Business, California State University, Fresno
Cell Phone Use
• When you are interacting with others, whether it is in a meeting or class or during a meal or
conversation, turn your cell phone off . “A phone on vibrate is still too loud.”
• Allow non-emergency phone calls go to voicemail. If you are expecting an emergency call that
truly cannot wait until after your present activity, let those with whom you are meeting know
that you might receive an emergency call, and politely excuse yourself to take or return the call.
• Do not speak on your cell phone while you are interacting with other people.
• Remember that your telephone conversation in public settings may not only be disruptive to
others, but bystanders can also hear your side of the conversation.
• When using the telephone in any public setting do not discuss professional business such as
your company or organization's plans, projects or deals, or share comments about your
colleagues in public settings such as elevators, restaurants, sidewalks or public transportation.
• If you have to conduct business on the telephone while you are away from your office, move
away from others to a private location to ensure that your conversation maintains confidentiality.
• Be respectful as you talk on the phone: Respect the personal space of other people: move 10-20
feet or more away from the closest person.
From Hiatt Career Center, Brandeis University
Email Etiquette – Email like a Pro
• Email address – professional or distraction & risk for elimination in job search
• Maintain professional language & format – zero cutesiness. If you send it from the
office, it comes from office – language and subject matter discreet and formal.
• Subject Line – relevant & descriptive. Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT in the
subject line or body of the email.
• Address by name and sign with your name.
• Signature Lines – full listing of contact info.
• No ALL CAPS, !!!???, , Acronyms
• No sarcasm or irony – lack of context.
• Be cognizant of tone. Seems a lot more casual than it is.
• Proofread & Spell Check – Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation.
• Attachments – size & viruses - Do not attach unnecessary files.
• Urgent/Flags
• Reply All/Forwarding/Blind Copy/CC - use sparingly and appropriately, with
• It takes 50% longer for someone to read text on a screen – use short paragraphs,
numbers, sections, & bulleted lists.
• Make emails easy for the reader. Be concise & to the point.
• Add recipient after you are finished composing, checking, & reading it.
From Hiatt Career Center, Brandeis University & C.T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston
Email Etiquette - continued...
• Answer within 24-hours.
• Don’t keep going back and forth.. Answer questions & pre-empt further
• Don’t reply with just “yes” copy in their email.
• Never write an email that you would not want to be seen by strangers.
• Be careful with formatting that may not translate properly through email.
Take care with rich text and HTML messages.
• Do not use email to discuss confidential information.
• Don't send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive,
racist or obscene remarks.
• No jokes, cartoons, fundraising causes, political commentaries, viruses,
hoaxes, chain letters, or party invitations from work email
• Never write or send an email flame.
• Your work email is not private.
• Personal email should be done on own time & equipment.
From Hiatt Career Center, Brandeis University & C.T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston
Business Cards & Email Signatures
Another aspect of professionalism is the appearance of our business cards and email signatures.
Email signatures, auto reply signatures, and out-of-office alerts are simply an electronic version of a business
To maintain a professional image, comply with possible company policies, and protect your employer from
legal risk, the following standards apply to business cards, electronic auto signatures, and out-of-office alerts.
On business cards and email auto-signatures, do include:
• Your name, title and department
• Your business address and telephone number — you may also include your cellular telephone, fax, and
pager, if applicable.
• Your email address, if applicable
Certain organizations are required to use approved email disclaimer language appropriate to their business.
• Confirm whether you are required to use email disclaimer language on your electronic communications.
• When using the electronic out-of-office alert, provide alternate contact information consistent with the
above standards.
On business cards and email auto-signatures, don’t include:
• Personalized or non-business-related sayings, quotes, slogans, mission statements, philosophies, quips,
• Company or business taglines
• Graphics that do not meet brand or marketing standards for your employer (note that graphics should not
be used at all in email auto-signatures)
• Statements that are of a political or religious nature
Introducing Yourself
• Face the person with whom you are speaking.
• Make eye contact.
• Greet the other person, tell him/her your name and something basic about yourself that relates
to the context of the meeting, i.e. on campus, “Hello, my name is Shawna Jones and I am a
senior at UM.” Or at a wedding, “Hi, I’m Brian Smith and I am a friend of the groom.”
• Extend your right hand and shake the right hand of the other person firmly for a few seconds.
• If someone hands you their business card, read it then.
Introducing Others
• Say both persons’ names during the introduction. Include titles & any information that puts
each person in appropriate context, or identify something they have in common.
• The simplest and most effective way to make an introduction is to speak to the more important
person first. Rule: Mr/Mrs Greater Authority, I’d like to introduce you to Mr/Mrs. Less authority
For example:
– “Cheryl Minnick I’d like you to meet Sarah Jones. Cheryl is the UM Internship Coordinator,
Sara is an MIS Junior.”
– "Katie, this is Darron Green. Darron, this is Katie Bell. Did you know that you both have an
interest in career development?“
– “Dr. Gertrude Smith., I’d like you to meet Garron Jones.”
– “Dr. Brown, I'd like you to meet my friends Kym Hsu, Shawn Kampbell and Michael Via.
Everyone, this is Dr. Kurt Brown.” – for introducing a group to one individual.
From Hiatt Career Center, Brandeis University & University of CA - Fresno
You may see the letters “R.S.V.P.” at the bottom of a hand-written, printed or electronic invitation. This is an
abbreviation for a French phrase requesting that you contact the event’s host to say whether or not you will
be attending. Répondez s'il vous plaît", a French phrase that translates to "please respond" or "respond if
you'd please" and word for word means "respond if it pleases you". There is usually a date next to these
letters which is the last date by which you can tell the host if you plan to participate.
• Try to reply to all invitations within 1 to 2 days, even if the R.S.V.P. date gives you more time, or if a formal
request for a response has not been made.
• It is proper etiquette to reply to an RSVP request whether confirming attendance or declining.
• Do not ask to bring a guest unless the invitation specifically states that you may invite another person to
accompany you. Don’t bring others (friends, spouse, date, children, etc.) unless your invitation specifies
they are invited.
The Type of Event
• An invitation may indicate that the event is “casual,” “informal,” “formal,” or even “black tie.” These
words refer to the level of formality of the event and also signify the type of clothing appropriate for the
event. Examples of other types of invitations may be “pot luck” (you are expected to bring some food
item that will be shared by all) or “come as you are” (informal).
If Your Plans Change
• If you have responded to a host saying that you will attend an event and later find out that you will not be
able to do so, inform the host as soon as possible. Remember that the invitation was sent because the
person was looking forward to your presence. Let the host know that you regret that you will not have
the pleasure of attending and acknowledge any inconvenience that your change of plans may cause.
• Your host should clarify expectations for you about times, duration, dress, transportation, food,
refreshments, & expected involvement.
• A handwritten thank you note should be sent within 3-4 days to your host.
From Hiatt Career Center, Brandeis University
Dining Interviews & Social Events
Remember the least important thing going on is eating or drinking.
Watch your host if you are unsure.
Introduce yourself. Meet new people with a smile & a handshake.
Rehearse your introduction.
There is no such thing as small talk.
You can learn something interesting from everyone. Obvious boredom
counts against you.
• Generally be aware of others & put them first whenever possible. (open
doors, lend a hand, smile & say hello)
• Arrive on time – being early is being on-time, being on-time is late, & being late
is inexcusable.
• Stand & shake hands with anyone who joins the group or is introduced.
• Thank your host before you leave.
• See our dining etiquette specifics at:
Business Entertaining
• Breakfast: good for urgent business, to review an event happening that
day—plan 45 min. to 1 hour—make sure important enough to get
someone up early
• Lunch: Ideal to meet clients or establish business contacts. Least
compromising for a male/female situation
• Tea time/coffee: new power meal, alternative to cocktails—ideal to
become acquainted with someone.
• Business Dinner—should never be the first meal with a client unless that
person is form out of town or has specifically requested it.
• Ideal to cement an existing relationship or as a special treat to a client
• Should you drink?
– At dinner, it is often acceptable, but never more than two
– At lunch, no
– Rule: only order a drink if the host does
• When you invite the guest, you pay the tab
Craig School of Business California State University, Fresno