Transcript Slide 1

An Inside Look at the Automotive
(Prestige Auto Co.)
Cicilia Anggara
Amanda Aprilia
Peter Labib
Jin Yong Park
Loide Siahaan
Andry Soenario
GM analysis
Toyota analysis
New recommendations
GM Strengths
Robust revenue growth in Asia
Strong brand portfolio
Improvement in reliability
Advanced technology
GM Weaknesses
Poor performance in North America
Weak profitability
Vehicles seen as plain and unattractive
Negative Company Culture
GM Opportunities
Increase market share in Asia
Introduction of new attractive vehicles
Example: Saturn Aura, Cadillac Escalade
Roll out fully electronic and hydrogen cars
GM Threats
Rise in the price of raw materials
Supplier in Delphi is bankrupt
Low capital spending
Japanese roll out hydrogen and electric cars
Toyota Strengths
High Commitment
Powerful communication skill
Trust from top management to low management
Value diversity
Fulfill customers’ demand
Toyota Strengths
Customers’ satisfaction is #1
Target different segments of customers
TPS (Toyota Production System)
• Just in time strategy
Toyota Weakness
• Global Business
• Barrier to entry European Market
Toyota Opportunities
Brand name for ‘reliability’ for 40 years
Introduce new innovation
High-technological automobile
Word-of-Mouth fame
Toyota Threats
• Compete with Honda
• Compete with China
• Monetary competition
• Rebate, non-APR finances, discounts
Recommendations for automotive
Standard Company Cultures
Having a good relationship with suppliers
Establishing effective communication cultures
Developing program management cultures
Specific Guidelines
Equal treatment opportunities &
Health and safety issues
Purchase decisions based on supplier’s
price, quality and service
Export and import sanctions against
specific Countries
More regulation
Competitive Advantages
Important to develop competitive advantages
Our aim: be the “Starbucks of the industry.”
Provide a superior experience:
• before
• during
• after buying a car.
More on Competitive Advantages
Aggressively market with incentive deals
Train employees on how to sell cars
We must have a superior service experience
Supply Chain Relationships
Communication is key
Weed out ineffective supply chain members
Maintain and reward supportive supply chain
How to Select Members of the
Supply Chain
Takes time to develop a good supply chain
Each employee needs to:
• Understand
• Agree to the processes of the organization
In order to do that:
• Relationships must emphasize trust, commitment,
and respect
Pull Strategy
Consumers demand the products
Example: Toyota Production System (TPS)
Avoids overproduction
Increase profit
Empowering Supply Chain
Create an atmosphere of inclusion
Everyone has a voice
Their voices must be listened
Receptive to input from different areas
Target Different Segments to Keep
Fulfill what customers want
Varieties in models, price, and engine
Build loyal customers
Motivation for employees
• Reward
• Freedom for any ideas
• Excellent workplace
Motivation for dealerships
• Reward
• The Prestige Company motivates dealerships
and employees
Trait Theory
1. Desire to lead
2. Self confidence
3. Be smart
4. A good selling strategy
To be a good leader
Proper training and education
Ability to deal with the all components
Solve problems in real-life situations
Work as group
Work Places
Team Work
Employees Compensation
401 K, health care insurance, and retirement fund
Positive culture
Trust, commitment, and respect
(Long-lasting relationship in supply chain)
Motivation through relationships & reward
Imperfectly imitable competitive advantage
Theory of constraints