Transcript AATE Council
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
Unpacking the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
Unpacking the Standards: activity
Overview of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
Overview of the Standards
Dual purpose: improvement career progression Map progression: Graduate Proficient Highly Accomplished Lead
Overview of the Standards
Define the work of teachers and make explicit the elements of high quality, effective teaching in 21 st Century schools A public statement of what constitutes teacher quality Provide a common understanding and language to describe effective practice
Organisation of the Standards
Domain The Standard Descriptor Focus Area Illustrations of Practice Certification evidence
Unpacking the Standards jigsaw activity
Unpacking the Standards- jigsaw activity
Use the jigsaw activity to familiarise yourself with the structure and components of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
> Unpack the corresponding Descriptor cards and place them on the appropriate square of the Standards base board.
Group discussion
In small groups use the question prompt cards to discuss how the Standards can be implemented across your school.
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