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Jada Lee, Senior Operations Supervisor, VB911
Kathleen Boone, Senior Operations Supervisor, VB911
Cheryl St John, LPC
MPO Andrea Bryk, VBPD
 Improve Coordination Among Resources
• Police Departments
• Mental Health Resources
• Hospital Systems
• Jails
• 911
• Community Relations
 Police
 Sheriff’s Department
 Mental Health
 It is extremely important to build and maintain
relationships with these partners for the CIT program
to be successful
Virginia Beach CIT Coalition
 Coalition of Agencies dedicated to assisting people
with mental illnesses comprised of:
 Government
 Law Enforcement
 Judiciary
 Advocates
 Citizens and Consumers
 Health Care
 Mental Health
 Local and Regional Resources
 Why and How CIT Concept Began
 How CIT for Telecommunicators Began
9-1-1 Point of Contact
 9-1-1 is routinely the point of contact for consumers
and their families when there is a crisis situation
 Develop a guide for call takers to follow on what
information is pertinent to obtain for CIT calls
 Provide the same information to consumers and their
families so they will know what information to provide
to the call taker when calling 9-1-1
Creating a CIT Program
 Develop Core Training Team for your 9-1-1 Agency
 Assign Liaison to the CIT Leadership Team for your
 Invite staff from Public Safety, Mental Health and
other subject matter experts to assist in the 9-1-1
Core Training Team
 Discuss with CIT Leadership Team the current
training in place or being developed for CIT Team
 Core Training Team to begin gathering information
used by Law Enforcement in your jurisdiction
 Have Core Training Team attend Law Enforcement
Training to assist in the development of 9-1-1 Training
Implementation of Program
 Develop Curriculum with assistance of Public Safety
and Mental Health Partners
 Arrange with Public Safety Partners to attend training
and assist with presentations
 Open Communication with 9-1-1 Leadership Team
An 8 hour block of instruction includes
0800- 0815 Introductions
0815-0930 Overview of CIT (VB911)
0930-0945 Break
0945-1030 Suicide Prevention ( Guest Speaker)
1030-1200 Hearing Voices Exercise (VB911 and Mental Health)
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1430 Overview of Clinical States (Mental Health)
1430-1445 Break
1445-1545 PTSD (Guest Speaker)
1545-1615 Guest Speakers from VBPD and NAMI
1615-1700 Role Plays
VB 9-1-1 CIT Training Objectives
 Objectives of the VB9-1-1 CIT Training
 Understand the need for the development and
implementation of the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT),
and define the goals and objectives of the Virginia Beach
Crisis Intervention Team
 Explain basic definitions and the fundamentals of CIT
 Describe commonly encountered types of Serious
Mental Illness (SMI)
 Identify symptoms and behaviors of SMI
VB 9-1-1 CIT Training Objectives
 Describe specific strategies to use when dealing with a
person experiencing a mental health crisis
 Define how psychiatric and substance use disorders
interact (Co-Occurring disorders)
 Describe the role of psychotropic medications used in
the treatment of SMI
 Identify persons at risk for suicide, define specific areas
of concern regarding the risk assessment of suicidal
persons, and describe appropriate intervention
techniques for dealing with suicidal persons
VB 9-1-1 CIT Training
 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
 Define PTSD and recognize common symptoms.
 Gain a better understanding of the thinking, emotions,
and behavioral challenges of individuals with PTSD in
crisis situations.
 History, signs and symptoms, diagnostic criteria,
resistance to seeking help, and treatment
 PTSD is the most prevalent mental illness encountered
among military members returning from Iraq and
VB 9-1-1 CIT Training
 CIT Fundamentals
 9-1-1 routinely becomes the point of contact for consumers
and their families when there is a crisis situation
 The Telecommunicator will initially be the first responder
with access to information that will be critical for successful
 SAFETY IS ALWAYS FIRST! Telecommunicators must
maintain communication and identify safety concerns
Safety of the responders
Safety for the community
Safety for the person in crisis
VB 9-1-1 CIT Training
 CIT Fundamentals
 The CIT officer must make a close connection with the
person in crisis in order to work effectively with them,
but this connection comes second to officer safety
 If what the Telecommunicator hears makes them believe
that the person in crisis may cross a safety boundary, it is
critical that the officer immediately be made aware of
these concerns
VB 9-1-1 CIT Training
 Recommend use of the “Hearing Voices” program
 Role Playing
 Stigma Exercise
VB 9-1-1 CIT Training
 It may never have occurred to you that the words LISTEN
and SILENT are both spelled with the same letters
VB 9-1-1 CIT Training
 Commonly encountered types of Serious Mental
Illness (SMI)
 Psychotic Disorders
 Overview of schizophrenia
 Mood Disorders
 Overview of Bipolar Disorder
 Personality Disorders
 Two main types of PD, anti-social/borderline
 Anxiety Disorders
 Overview OCD, hoarding, panic disorder
Data Collection
 Work with your Public Safety Partners to assist with
Data Collection
 Grants
 Use of Force Reports
 Program Success
Policy and Procedure
 Policy and Procedure for CIT call handling
 Police
 9-1-1
VB 9-1-1 CIT Resources
 Virginia Beach Mental Health Substance Abuse Emergency
Services 385-0888
 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK
 Norfolk – Crisis Link – a 24/7 crisis hot line 757-622-1126
 Virginia Beach Psychiatric Center 757-627-LIFE (5433)
Contact Information
Jada Lee- Virginia Beach 9-1-1
[email protected]
Kathleen Boone-Virginia Beach 9-1-1
[email protected]
Cheryl St John- Emergency Services
[email protected]
Andrea Bryk-Virginia Beach Police Department
[email protected]