Got CIT? – Now What?

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Transcript Got CIT? – Now What?

Growing CIT in a Dynamic
Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office
How do we implement the CIT
Administration Foresight
Mental Health Professionals/Facilities
Specialized Training
Application in the Appropriate Fields
Where To Begin
Identify stakeholders to aid in training
--- use community meetings to invite
participants to brainstorming
--- mishandled incidents can become the
impetus for change within CIT.
--- family members are good resources to
identify appropriate participants.
Team Membership
to have
to haveis
with the concept
of CIT,the
so that
when an
incident arises we are able to effectively work together to get the best possible
with the concept of CIT, so that when an
end result
incident arises we are able to effectively work
together to obtain the most appropriate response
and result.
Team Membership
Over 500 Law Enforcement team
members trained
More than 200 Detention team
members trained
Communications and Dispatch
receive training as well
Team Membership
Membership is by application only
40 hour training using the
Memphis Model
Members assigned to all Districts
and Divisions
Implementation of C.I.T.
40 hour training
 on-duty, difficult to achieve with
staffing issues
Law Enforcement, Detention &
Civilian staff train together
Crisis Intervention Team
 It was determined that there was a
need to have earlier Crisis
Intervention for the mentally ill
population in the Hillsborough
County jails.
 Modeled after the Hillsborough
County Sheriff’s Office Law
Enforcement program.
Detention Team Membership
Conducted introductory roll call
training for our facilities that house
our inmates, Transportation
Bureau and Judicial Protection
Bureau (Bailiff’s).
Presentations for our Medical and
Classification personnel.
How Crisis Intervention Team is utilized
within the Detention Facilities
 Identify mentally ill inmates at any point
during their incarceration
 Make referrals to community resources
 Referrals to medical staff
 Psychiatric evaluation
 Document contact in a report and followup in 15 days (in most cases)
HCSO Medical Advisor
 Supervises and coordinates outside
community case management, diversion
services (VA, diversion, State hospital), and
 Coordinates with medical/psychiatric staff
 Direct involvement in weekly lockdown
meetings with detention/psychiatric staff
HCSO Medical Advisor
Liaison to Public Defender, State Attorney,
and courthouse for diversions, ROR, and
early release for “at risk” inmates
Provides assistance and assurance to family
members, attorneys, and community case
managers who call with concerns about an
inmate’s medical and/or mental health
Jail In-Reach Mental Health
 Jail Diversion Program (MHC)
 Jail Case Management/reentry
services (MHC – new grant, effective
Oct 2011)
 Northside Forensic In-Jail Services
MHC Diversion Specialist
 Diverts misdemeanor/nonviolent
• Goes before the Judge for ROR to
 Released to CSU on Baker Act
 Office located in the detention facility
Northside Forensic In-Jail
 Work with “Incompetent to proceed”
(returns from Florida State Hospital)
 Case Manager
 Office at detention facility
 Psychiatrist
• Evaluates for diversion to CARE or
Northside CSU
HIV Case Manager
 Metropolitan Charities
 Assistance with medications
 Adherence to medications
 Housing
 Follow-up medical care
 Mental health referrals
Armor Medical Discharge Planning
 Operates out of both facilities
 Office in facility clinic area
 Enrolls in Public Assistance programs
if eligible
 Assists with placement for chronically
Veterans Assistance – “Alternatives to
 Licensed Clinical Social Worker
(LCSW) based at Veterans
 Diversion and Case management in the
jail for Veterans with PTSD;
collaboration with county and state
and Veterans Administration.
Inmate in Crisis
 At approximately 0020 hours, while
conducting well being checks in 6C, Module 1,
Inmate White stated “I believe the guy on cell 7
is cutting.”
 The Deputy responded to cell 7, turned on the
light and observed the inmate making slashing
motions on his left forearm with a concealed
Crisis Assessment
 Review history –
• Past behavior is the best predictor of
future behavior, taken into context.
 Review medication compliance
 Assess willingness to adhere and
understand need for medications (if meds
recommended by psych)
Crisis Assessment
Assess willingness to adhere/conform to
Assess ability to balance actions and
Assess orientation to person, place, time
Procedural and Operational
Standard Operational Procedures
Implementation of S.O.P. via training
Updated training
Training Goals
Asked for an on-going commitment for
future trainings
--- plan first year’s schedule
--- set goal for number to be trained
Agency Outreach
Inform other jurisdictions about
--- Identify surrounding municipalities to
become part of those being trained
--- Identify those with expertise in
particular topics to volunteer
On-going Training Goals
Schedule 3-4 CIT trainings per year
--- determine where they need to occur
--- which agency has the appropriate
facility and resources
Refresher Training
Design/create refresher courses for CIT
--- Identify additional instructors if necessary
--- review curriculum from 40 hour course for
appropriateness of what to retain/discard
--- determine amount of time between 40 hrs.
course and first refresher course
Expanding the Support Base
Contact and work with statewide
coalitions to foster fidelity to the CIT
make composition of group broad
enough to include all perspectives
Accessing the Legislature
Cultivate a working relationship with
local legislative delegation
--- find out when they meet as a group
--- who has an identity with mental health
or law enforcement
What is needed to sustain the
Interacting with key law enforcement
agencies in the local communities.
Supplying instructors for on-going
training and refresher courses.
Participating with the appropriate
regional and statewide coalitions.