Transcript Slide 1

An imperfect world: Primary vs secondary research
(benefits & drawbacks)
Coming up with good Questions
 Identifying likely Publishers
 Seeking Answers
Exploring some sources.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask at any time.
Secondary information
Discuss (in small groups or pairs):
See your handout (p. 1): Shoe App!
1. What information do you need? That is, what are
your research questions?
2. You are considering primary and secondary
research options to gather the info needed to make
a marketing decision. What are the benefits and
drawbacks of each approach?
Secondary information
What is secondary information?
10 words: info collected for a different purpose than
your study
 Examples:
A polling firm asks for people’s opinions on a topic (e.g., “Do you
support random roadside breath testing?”)
The Canadian government gathers data on Canadians and
Canadian companies (e.g., “How many females in Squamish lived
at the same address 5 years ago?”)
Secondary information: drawbacks
Key drawbacks of secondary research:
 Collected for a different purpose
 Who participated?
 What was studied?
TIP: Keep these
 Why was the study done?
points in mind when
 Where?
you get frustrated
 When?
trying to find
 How?
perfect information!
Likely publishers
Now that you have questions, where should you
start searching?
Likely publishers
Designing your study: Lit Review
Find out what other researchers have already done.
 Has someone else done the exact same study?
 What similar research has been done?
 What did they find?
 What was their methodology?
Designing your study: Lit Review
Business Source Complete & PsycINFO (p. 2)
PsycINFO tips:
 Can
limit by “Methodology”
 Empirical
 Focus group
 Literature reviews
 “Times
cited” links
 Sample Searches: #1 & #2
Marketing Scales Handbook (pg. 2)
A “bibliography” of research questions appearing
in research articles
Offers potential pitfalls + suggestions, survey
Older editions = in print (Bennett + Belzberg
reference) + latest edition = online
Market research resources
What resources have you already used to find info
related to market research (e.g., for BUS 343)?
On your handout (pg.1): links to two SFU Library
research guides:
 Primary Research guide
 Secondary Market Research guide
Market research resources
The secondary sources you use will depend on your
Here are a few that might be helpful …
Government sources
Governments collect a wealth of data that they make
available to the general public. Often this data is
very useful when conducting market research.
Here is a sampling of government sources and topics
that they provide some data for …
Statistics Canada (pg. 3)
Key resources:
Canadian Census
Publications and research
SimplyMap Canada (p. 4)
 Mix of Statistics
Canada, Environics, and
D&B data
SimplyMap Canada (pg. 4)
SimplyMap Canada (pg. 4)
SimplyMap Canada (pg. 4)
BC Stats
Some sources for local information
Municipality websites, including the City of Vancouver, the City of Langley,
and the City of Surrey.
Tourism Vancouver, especially the Marketing Research page
Vancouver Economic Development Commission
Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association
Business Council of British Columbia
BC Chamber of Commerce
Economic Development Association of British Columbia
Metro Vancouver (GVRD)
SFU's Office of Institutional Research and Planning
Print Measurement Bureau (PMB-pg. 3)
Produced by the Print Measurement Bureau from
their annual survey of Canadian consumers, media
and publications.
The database contains information on consumers’
use of media, product consumption (by type and
brand), and services such as finance and travel.
PMB: Apparel > Footwear
Apparel > Footwear >
“Spent over $500 in last 12 months”
* Big spenders on shoes are significantly
more likely to have Bachelors or higher
Apparel > Footwear >
“Spent over $500 in last 12 months”
Using secondary info sources
Try finding information in PMB about …
 consumers of Red Bull
 Are
any age groups and/or geographic regions
which gender most often attends…
 foreign
films? science fiction films?
which region seems most fond of chocolate soy
Passport GMID (pg. 3)
National level data on consumption by product
Detailed market reports (fast moving consumer
goods only) and demographic/economic data.
Ipsos News Centre (pg. 3)
Ipsos News Centre contains public opinion
research from Canada and the USA, as well as
some non-North American coverage.
The cool stuff!
Business Source Complete (pg. 4)
Of possible interest
• Market Research Reports
• Industry Profiles
• E.g.,
• Footwear Industry
Profile: Canada
• MarketWatch – Drinks
IBISWorld (pg. 4)
Institutional Research and Planning at SFU (pg. 2)
They “define, collect, analyze, maintain and
disseminate institutional knowledge”
Provides information on SFU student population
Internal secondary data
Data collected by companies for a different
Can be valuable when the company undertakes a
market research study
 Sales
 Marketing data
 Financial data
 Company reports
Getting help
Ask anyone at the reference desks in any of the
three campus libraries
Use our Ask a Librarian services (via the Library
home page) to contact a librarian (by phone, IM,
Text, or email).
Getting help
Contact :
Burnaby: Mark Bodnar
[email protected]
Surrey: Jenna Walsh
[email protected]
Class? Due Date?
Where have you searched?
How have you searched?
Found anything close to what you