Transcript Document

Petrozavodsk university in innovative space region

Shegelman I.


Innovative strategy of the frontier region:

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«Both Russia, and the European Union, and Finland are anxious with increase of competitiveness of economy». «Thus all three parties stake on the innovative scenario of the development». «In future Russian strategy in relation to Finland the regional factor will be, possibly, central».

/ Valery Shlyamin / /Валерий Шлямин/

Frequency of a mention of the word «Innovations» in Russian-speaking book sources

Сollective петргу

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16,4 thousand students (110 specialties and directions) 280 graduate students (61 specialty) 150 interns (20 specialties) More than 2000 listeners according to programs of dovuzovsky preparation and professional development (62 programs) Teachers: 130 doctors and more than 600 candidates of science

Petrgu's innovative conveyor

Educational programs Scientific researches Innovative development Innovative business Startups Innovative projects

Classical university + regional faculties + innovative centers = synergetic effect


specialties – 10, a bachelor degree – 30, a magistracy – 18 New divisions:

Mining-and-geological faculty

5 chairs

13 innovative and technological centers, research laboratories, IT-park, 10 small enterprises

Research work

6 new councils on protection of doctoral and master's theses

30 doctor's and 193 master's theses are protected

Annually – more than 300 researches and development,

Financing of research and development increased in 5 years in 2,7 times

Annually to Petrgu it is carried out 70-80 international, the All-Russia and regional conferences and seminars

International cooperation

48 agreements with foreign universities and the innovative companies

Annually – more than 30 international projects

Petrgu – the participant of consortia: «Russian-Finnish cross-border university» and «Barents cross-border university»

Petrgu – the Chairman of the working group by training and BEAR science, the member of Organizing committee of Institute «Northern measurement»

9 27.04.2020

    

Petrgu's large innovative programs (0,65 billion rub)

Program of development of innovative infrastructure "Tekhnograd Petrgu", The program «Creation of resource-saving production of a transport and packing set for the fulfilled nuclear fuel», together with JSC Petrozavodskmash Program of support of leading scientists «Laboratory of molecular genetics of congenital immunity» The program of strategic development of Petrgu for 2012 2016 «Petrgu's university complex in scientific and educational space of the European North: strategy of innovative development» Program of development of activity of student's associations of Petrgu

Petrgu's complex project and JSC Petrozavodskmash

«Creation of resource-saving production of ecologically safe transport and packing sets for storage and transportation of the fulfilled nuclear fuel»

The contract on strategic cooperation is signed 27.04.2020

Развитие материально технической базы инноваций

      Новые учебно-лабораторные корпуса физико технического и горно-геологического факультетов 2 я очередь IT-парка ПетрГУ Технологические площадки на предприятиях – партнерах ПетрГУ Приобретение новых лабораторий и модернизация существующей лабораторной базы Развитие сетевой и серверной инфраструктуры Оснащение рабочих мест разработчиков современной компьютерной техникой


Center of collective using

Main customers of IT-park of Petrgu

 Metso Automation, Metso Minerals, Nokia, VTT, Outotec, Samsung.  The largest enterprises of pulp and paper industry of Russia: – JSC Ylym-Pulp (Bratsk, Kotlas), Arkhangelsk, Kondopozhsky, Syktyvkar, Svetogorsky, Segezhsky, Solikamsk pulp and paper mill;  Enterprises of the oil and gas industry: JSC Surgutneftegaz, JSC Sibur  Enterprises for production гофротары and wood industry (5-10 new orders annually);  Enterprises of mechanical engineering of Russia;

Cooperation with Metso Automation Inc.

 1.

Introduction of information systems (enterprise and organization):

JSC ALROSA (JSC), JSC Arkhangelsky TsBK, JSC Surgutneftegaz, State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal g. Sankt-Peterburga, JSC Sibur, JSC Kondopoga, JSC Segezhsky TsBK of JSC Solombalsky TsBK, etc.

2. Providing training to work with АСУТП metsoDNA:

 

JSC Norilsk Nickel, JSC Sibur, JSC Solikamsky TsBK, JSC Surgutneftegaz, JSC Kotlassky TsBK, JSC Svetogorsk, JSC Tsellyulozno-kartonny zavod (Bratsk), etc.

3. Projects for Metso Automation Inc.

Cooperation with the Nokia Research Center company

– carrying out in Petrgu of a seminar, summer and winter schools for students and employees with the assistance of employees of NRC – development of joint laboratory within the FRUCT program (Finnish-Russian Universities in Telecommunications): Projects on development ON for the Internet tablet of N810, N900 in cooperation with NRC Courses for partners of NRC in Russia Process of education of developers is developed and realized Training courses on OS Maemo, MeeGo and Smart Spaces are developed Preparation of developers and experts for industrial projects 2011-2013 – a grant according to the Karelia ENPI program «Complex development of regional cooperation in the field of open innovations in IKT sphere»

Cooperation with the Samsung Electronics

First negotiations: May, 2010. The contract is signed: May, 2011. NIR «Optimization of power consumption of the mobile device on the basis of the analysis of behavior of the user» Project purposes: - Development of model of representation and analysis of behavior of the user of the mobile device.

- Creation of the software optimizing power consumption of the mobile device on the basis of the analysis of behavior of the user

Cooperation with the


Ponsse »

EXPERIENCE OF DEVELOPMENT MORE THAN 200 INNOVATIVE PROJECTS Timber cutting Woodworking, pulp and paper industry Building Fish branch Tourism and hotel service, ecological projects


POWER BALANCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KARELIA Дизельное топливо 0,8 % Дрова 4 % Щепа 6 % Каменный уголь 13% Мазут 23 % Торф 1,2 % Электрическая энергия 1 % Природный газ 51%


47 inventors (patents, computer programs, databases)

Dynamics on objects of intellectual property Число поддерживающихся в силе патентов на объекты промышленной собственности в 2008-2011 гг.

25 20 15 10 5 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Число поданных заявок на Государственную регистрацию ЭВМ в 2008-2011 гг.

10 8 6 4 2 0 2008 год 2009 год


2010 год

Количество нематериальных активов поставленных на бухгалтерский учет в 2008 2011 гг.

2011 год 60 20 10 0 50 40 30 2008 год 2009 год 2010 год 2011 год

The belt of the small innovative enterprises (FZ-217) is formed

– OOO «Опти-софт» (2010 г.), – ООО «Инвестбизнесконсалтинг» (2010 г.), – ООО «Лесные технологии» (2010 г.), – ООО «Наносети» (2011 г.), – ООО «Расчетно-аналитический центр» (2011 г.), – ООО «Безопасность информационных систем» (2011 г.), – ООО «Древстройконструкция» (2011 г.) и др.

Representation of Fund of assistance to development of small forms of the enterprises in scientifically technical sphere

U.M.N.I.K. – till 28 years. 400 000 rub for 2 years (in 2011 – 35 winners).

START – financing volume – to 6 million roubles for 3 years

Fund of sowing investments – financing volume to 20 million roubles.


Preparation of innovative shots for business

 Student's business incubator.

 International Center of Petrgu-Mesto of systems of automation.

 Petrgu's international Center – Ponce  РЦНИТ - training center for businessmen of small and medium business of Karelia.

 Training to innovative management, commercialization of technologies, protection of intellectual property, etc.

Petrgu soorganizator of the International innovative exhibition «Interforest: Karelia»



The program of development of Petrgu for the period till 2020.

2011-2013 – Development of educational, scientific and innovative infrastructure

2014-2016 – Formation of potential of sustainable innovative development

2017-2020 – Stage of sustainable innovative development.