Disadvantages of Dams

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Transcript Disadvantages of Dams

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Biology
Department of Zoology
Course: Water quality of running waters
Teacher: Maria Lazaridou
Presentation of: Aurélie Vallée, Isabell Wolowski
Their negative Effects on the Environment
Construction area of dam (http://www.wcsience.com/giant/dam.html)
0 Content
1 The “Three Georges Dam” in China
1.1 the project
1.2 geological problems
2 negative influences of the dam
2.1 ecological problems
2.2 social and cultural problems
2.3 financial problems
3 summary of facts
4 References
Pic.2 :Yangtze
Map of China
River in
of dam
1.1 The Project
- 1997 start of the project, will be finished by 2009
- across the 3 Georges section of the Yangtze River
- 600 feet high, 1.3 miles long
- backflow will create 360 miles long lake
- expected costs: $29 billion
Pic.4: Reservoir Capacities (http://www.wcsience.com/giant/dam.html)
1.2 geological Problems
- build on contact zone of eurasian and
indian continental plate
- earthquake zone, intensity at least 7 (Richter-scale)
every 200 years
- high pressure on the dam due to sediments upstream
- sudden movement of Water  worldwide catastrophe
(angle of rotation axe changes)
2 negative influences of the dam
- ecological problems
- social and cultural problems
- financial problems
Pic.5: Demolition of buildings
2.1 ecological problems
- 115 towns
- Spreading of water upstream (up to 630 km)
- 4500 villages
- 3000 plant species, 350 animal species are endangered
- 4000 hospitals and clinics
- Danger of sedimentation
- 40.000 tombs
-- 100
bridgesof climate change
-- more
2.87 million
of garbage will be submerged due to
than 1700
flooding of…
Pic.6/7: The city of Wushan (http://www.wcsience.com/giant/dam.html)
2.2 social and cultural problems
flooding of tourist attractions
flooding of most fertile soil areas of china
flooding of populated areas
1,8 mio people have to be relocated
unemployment, psychological problems
need of new infrastructure and villages
regional conflicts (east vs.west)
(atomic & carbon)
2.3 financialNew
- Can china afford this project?
- Planned costs of $29 billion – now $79 billion
- rising prices for electricity
Costs of:
- dam itsself
- relocation of almost 2 mio people
- new living space
- Demontation of factories….
Dam project
3 Summary of facts
Improvement of the environmental politic???
destroyed landscape
rising unemployement
social conflicts
financial problems
30 small dams = same effect, less problems
4 References
Microsoft Encarta Enzyklopädie 2002