Transcript Document

Water Services Training Group
17th Annual Conference
Creating a new Irish
Water Industry
INEC, Killarney, 5th September 2013
Creating a new Irish Water
Presentation Title
Michael Quinn
Change Manager
CCMA Water Services Transition Office
Service Level Agreement
LA Perspective
LA concerns
How are these being addressed
Changes for LA Water Services
Preparation for Day 1
LA Concerns
 Full Cost Recovery
 LA can’t afford to subsidise Water Services
 Ensure that all costs incurred are recovered from IW
 Loss of efficiency in support services as a result of
activities migrating to IW
 Limited Resources available for Water Services
 23% reduction in LA staff over the past four years
 Under resourcing of some LA activities
 No capacity in LAs to take on additional work
 Further loss of resources as key staff move to IW
LA Concerns
 Capacity of LAs to implement the scale of change
 Many other demands on LAs including
 Introduction of Shared Services
 Putting People First
 Restrictions on replacing staff
 Alignment with the Forward Planning process
 IW’s capital program should align with the needs of
 National Spatial Strategy
 Regional Planning Guidelines
 County and Local Development Plans
 Loss of control over infrastructure investment to facilitate
economic development
How are these being Addressed
 The Annual Service Plan will identify
 All staff involved in the provision of Water Services
 Activities which are not being done or where they are being
done below the standard required
 Additional activities required by Irish Water
 Infrastructural performances issues
 Headcount and budget impact of new initiatives
 Definition in the SLA of all Reasonable Incurred Inputs
 The SLA has a dispute resolution process
How are these being Addressed
 Change Management Proposal
Pilot Impact Assessment in 8 LAs
Joint IW/LA Program Management structure
Local Steering Committee in each LA
Change Management Team with 4 full-time resources
IW will fund 2 resources under the SLA to support the change
management process until 2017
 IW will also provide a change manager and a LA secondee
until March 2014
How are these being Addressed
 Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) to be
developed on Forward Planning
 MoUs will also be developed to cover
 Flood Management
 River Basin District Management
 Major Emergency Management
 Submission made to the DECLG to include the
alignment of IWs Capital Plan with the Forward
Planning Process in the Water Services Legislation
Changes to Expect on Day 1
EPA and HSE will liaise with IW as the Water Utility
EPA reporting to be done through IW
All incidents will be reported to IW
Changes in responsibility for H&S
Caretaking, network maintenance and leak repair to continue
as normal
Media management will be the responsibility of IW
LAs will have to invoice IW for the costs of providing services
IW will be responsible for managing the Capital Program
Budget management will be with IW not within the LA
Changes to Expect on Day 1
It is proposed that
 All customer contact will be through the IW Call Centre
 LAs will use Maximo to receive and resolve customer issues
 Procurement of a number of Product Categories will be
through IW’s System. These include
Sludge Management
Plant Hire
Pipes & Civil Works
 LAs will process Non Domestic meter readings and IW will
issues the Bill
Preparation for Day 1
 Protocols have been developed by LAs and IW
 An impact Assessment of the protocols with 8 LAs
 Document the level of impact on staff in LAs
 Scope the level of resources required to implement the
changes required
 Develop an implementation plan for LAs for 1/1/14
 Training requirements and schedules
 System roll-out plan
 Communications plan
 Support documentation
Preparation for Day 1
 Align the LA cost structure to Water Supply Zone and
 Work related to transfer of assets and liabilities
 Preparation of Annual Service Plan and Budget
 Valuation of rateable water services assets
 The scale of change must match the capacity LAs to
implement the changes
 Service Performance Improvements
Workflow Management system
Customer Contact Management System
Improvements in GIS and Network Management Systems
Targeted funding of infrastructure improvements
 Shared Services opportunities
Training Centres