Transcript Lecture Three
ILT Research and Practice in College English Teaching
大学英语交互式 语言教学研究与实践
Hunan University
Zhang Jinxin
I. Warm-up Activity
II. Interactive Language Teaching
III. The Application of ILT in Hunan
IV. The ILT Classroom Teaching
V. For Your Further Reading
I. Warm-up Activity:
Teaching Procedure:
Teacher A)
1.Learn the new words 2.Teach the structure of the passage 3.Explain some language points in class 4.Translate some difficult sentences of the passage into Chinese 5.Ask students to do some related exercises in class 6. Assignments
Teaching Procedure: (Teacher B)
1. Discuss the warm up question related to the passage in pairs 2. Read for the main idea and structure of the passage by filling blanks 3. Understand the passage by doing T/F questions 4. Learn some active words and key phrases 5. Have group discussion on the theme of the passage 6. Report what the students have just discussed in class 7. Assignments
Which of the two teaching procedures do you prefer?
As Kasanga (1996:64) claims, "the more they are involved in the interaction in English, the more the students would learn the language". It is necessary for language teachers to realize that the learning outcome will be influenced by learners' role in the classroom and help students to change from passive recipients to active participants.
II. Interactive Language Teaching Research
The Input Hypothesis by Krashen The Interaction Hypothesis by Long The Output Hypothesis by Swain Socio-cultural Perspective by Vygotsky
Interaction has been widely researched in western Second Language Acquisitions. (Allwright,
1984. Brown, 2001. Ellis,1984, 1999. Gass, 1997. Van Lier, 1982, 1988.
Rivers, Wilga.M. 1997. etc).
Brown (2001:159) has defined interaction is an important word for language teachers.
Interaction involves not only expression of one’s own ideas but also comprehension of those of others. Interaction is the collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas between two or more people resulting in a reciprocal effect on each other.
Theories of communicative
competence stress the importance
of interaction as people use
language in various contexts to
negotiate meaning, or simply stated,
to get one idea out of your head and
into the head of another person and
vice versa.
The Interactive Approach
The Interactive approach (Byrne, 1987.
Brown, 2001. Ellis, 1999. Kristiina
Kumpulainen & David Wray, 2002. Van
Lier,.L.1991. Rivers, 1997, etc), namely
interactive language teaching , is a relatively
new pedagogical system, which has gained
considerable acceptance in western countries in 1990s.
The ultimate objective is to train and
develop the students’ ability to
communicate in a foreign
language as an instrument, laying
emphasis not only on developing the
students’ linguistic competence, but
also their communicative competence.
The Interaction
between Teacher-Student Student -Student Student- Teacher Computer- Student
Teacher Teacher-student Interaction Student Human-computer Interaction Student-Teacher Interaction Student-student Interaction Communicative Student-student Interaction Student competence Human-computer Interaction Human-computer Interaction Computer-human Interaction Multimedia
Communicative Competence
Grammatical Competence Sociolinguistic Competence Discourse Competence
Canale & Swain
Strategic Competence
语法能力 交际能力 社会语言能力 篇章能力 策略能力
Grammatical Competence:
(phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar) E.g. There are some shiips in the sea.
There is many water in the bottle.
Does Black can sing the song?
Discourse Competence:
E.g. There are several reasons why we should not clone humans now. First ,… Second, … Third,… Finally … For one thing… for another thing
Strategic Competence
What should you do if you want to talk with a foreign teacher who is talking with other students in a party?
--Excuse me, could I ask you a question?
When the foreigner says “Nice talking with you”, what does that imply?
--- He wants to finish the talk.
What would you say when you want to change the topic?
-- By the way…
Sociolinguistic Competence
boss colleague friend relative Me student Sister brother kid spouse parent
III. The Application of ILT in Hunan University
Questions :
What are the components of teaching system in College English teaching according to the
College English Curriculum Requirements
What are the objectives of College English teaching?
College English
Under the guidance of theories of FLT The main components knowledge & practical skills of the EL Intercultural communication Learning strategies It is a systematic whole, incorporating different teaching models and approaches.
以外语教学理论为指导 以英语语言知识 和应用技能 、 和学习策略 为主要内容 跨文化交际 、 并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。
Objectives of CE
To develop students’ ability to use English in a well-rounded way, especially in listening and speaking so that in their future studies and careers as well as social interactions they will be able to communicate effectively and at the same time enhance their ability to study independently and improve their general cultural awareness so as to meet the needs of China’s social develop and international exchanges.
是培养学生的 英语综合应用能力 ,特别是 听说能力 ,使他们在今后学习、工作和 社会交往中能用英语 有效地进行交际 , 同时增强其 自主学习能力,提高综合文 化素养 ,以适应我国社会发展和国际交 流的需要。
看 一段来自某个电视节目或实际生活的 视频 (5分钟); 2.在观看1~2遍视频后 回答 关于视频理解 的4~5个基本 问题 ; 3.
听力填空 :把视频中的会话按句重播, 然后要求考生填写出重播句中的关键词; 4. 会话测试 术; :把视频中的会话按句重播, 然后要求考生复述,评判使用语音识别技
阅读测试 :一篇或两篇短文; 6.
语法测试 :以视频和阅读材料为基础, 回答语法问题; 7.
翻译测试 :以视频和阅读材料为基础, 完成翻译; 8 .写作测试 :以视频和阅读材料为基础, 完成命题作文。 摘自教育部高教司司长张尧学院士 2008-6的讲话
学校主管教学的校长 学校教务处 外国语学院 大学英语部任课教师 自主学习中心的工作人员
我校交互英语自主学习中心 多媒体教室 PC座位 所有座位均配有PC机和耳机 按教务处课表对试点班学生开放
《视听说》 《读写译》 “ 学习系统” “学习资源库” “教学管理系统” “英语水平测试平台” “计算机网络课程(教学软件) ” “ 学生用书”、 “练习册”、“光盘” “教学参考书”、“电子教学资料”
教学促进者 资料提供者 活动组织者 答疑释惑者 教学管理者 学习评价者 自主学习中心的工作人员 为师生提供技术上的保证
自我安排 自定进度 自主学习 自我评价 自我激励
学院 班级 学生人数 2004 级 2005 级 软件、数学 2006 级 化学工程 材料科学 2007 级 2008 级 材料科学 A级班 11 13 10 9 10 318 362 289 272 280
年级 2004级 2005级 2006级 2007级 2008 级
班级 教师人数 11 13 10 9 10 3 3 3 2 2 备 注 2位教读写译,1位教 视听说,轮流答疑 各自负责读写译、视 听说和答疑 同上 同上 同上
基于计算机和课堂的英语教学模式 课堂面授 + 交互学习中心基于网络的自主学习 (两者相结合的教学模式)
以2004级第二学期为例: 读写译 (小时) 视听说 (小时) 合 计 (小时) 5043.67
任课教师 一学期在线答疑270余次 。 单元测验平均分在82分以上
期末总评 = 形成性+终结性 1.平时成绩: 25% 1) 出勤 2) 课堂参与 3) 作业 4) 平时测验 5) 上机时间 2. 期末口语成绩:20% 3. 期末笔试成绩:55%
2005级试点班累计通过率已达96% 2006级试点班一次通过率已接近90%
教学理念 教学模式 教学内容 教学方法 新 新 新 新
三无”“三有”和“三 提高”
1 无 语音教授
负担 2 无 学生出勤
担忧 3 无 学时太少
1 有 授人于渔
秘诀 2 有 专业进步
成就 3
进入全校学生评教前50名的教师 全校青年教师讲课比赛一等奖 6 人次 1 人次 全校青年教师讲课比赛二等奖 2 人次 湖南大学十大最受学生敬爱的老师1 人次 湖南大学天语奖优秀教师 湖南省青年教师讲课比赛二等奖 湖南大学研究性教学成果三等奖 1 人次 1 人次 1 人次
1 提高 学习兴趣 2 提高 自学能力 3 提高 考试成绩
04级化工1班四级通过率 100% 与湖南大学李达实验班通过率100% 并列全校第一名 05级有4个试点班一次四级通过率超过82% 在362个试点学生中有109人(30.11%) 四级总分超过500分
您常介绍一些学习方法和学习策略吗? 调查总人数 不讲 有时讲 经常讲 18 1 5.6% 9 50% 8 44.4% 您喜欢老师介绍些学习方法和学习策略吗? 调查总人数 不喜欢 195 6 3.1% 不知道 喜欢 9 4.6% 176 90.3%
您常在课堂上做一些英语游戏吗? 调查总人数 不做 有时做 经常做 18 3 16.7%
13 72.2% 2 11.1
% 您喜欢老师在课堂上做一些英语游戏吗? 调查总人数 不喜欢 195 15 7.7% 不知道 23 11.8% 喜欢 157 80.5%
您常组织一些对子组或小组活动吗? 调查总人数 不组织 有时组织 18 0
10 55.6
% 经常组织
8 44.4%
您喜欢老师常组织一些对子组或小组活动吗? 调查总人数 不喜欢 195 12 6.2% 不知道 18 9.2% 喜欢 165 84.6%
您常组织学生分组进行辩论吗? 调查总人数 不组织 有时组织 18
4 22.2% 12 66.7%
2 11.1
% 您喜欢老师组织同学进行分组辩论吗? 调查总人数 不喜欢 195
15 7.7%
24 12.3%
156 80%
“转变教学理念、 更新教学内容、 培训学习策略、 革新教学手段、 完善教学评估”, 大力培养学生课堂教学参与能力,课外自主学习 能力,变被动吸收为主动学习,变应试教育为素 质教育,最终达到教育部颁发的《大学英语课程 教学要求》的教学目标!
以“教师为 主导 ,” 以“学生为 主体 ,” 以“教材为 基础 ,” 以“信息技术为 支撑 ,” 以“提高学生英语综合应用 能力为 目标 ” 的新型的 交互英语教学 模式!
IV. The ILT Classroom Teaching Practice
Part A Viewing, Listening & Speaking Part B Reading, Writing & Translation Part C Some interactive activities in class
1. 《大学英语教学课程要求》的颁布 2. 《大学英语参考词汇表》的变化 3. 英语四级六级考试题型的改革 4. 高中英语教学的改革使大学生英语水平 整体的提升 5. 《课程要求》的变化,教学理念的更新, 教学手段的改进,都需要教材更上一层 楼
《新时代交互英语》 的特色
学习策略 自主学习 交互性 个性化 立体化
Part A
Viewing, Listening & Speaking
Interactive Language Center New Era Interactive English Level 1 New Era Interactive English level 2
Part B
Reading, Writing and Translation
Teaching Procedure 46’20”
1. Strategy Training 2. Theme-based Warm-up 3. Task-based Reading 4. Active Words and Key Phrases Study 5. Group Discussion 6. Assignments
1. Strategy Training 11’50”
1. Clip 1 Time 1’14” M 2. Clip 2 Time 10’37” M
“ 一系列研究结果表明: 1) 在同等学习条件下,影响学习成败的主 要因素是学习策略; 2) 有意识地调整学习策略是取得成功的关 键; 3) 学习有法,但无定法,策略因人而异, 因时而变。” ---文秋芳
Results of Three Students
A. 学习观念自测题: S1 S2 S3 1.
谁是英语学习成败的关键? 14 24 23 2.
管理学习过程重要吗? 37 45 40 B. 英语学习策略调查: 1. 认知策略 2. 元认知策略 3. 情感策略 4. 交际策略 2.56
2.6 1.0 3.31 3.06
3.1 2.8
3.4 1.7 3.88
Placement Test Score 43 59 69
2. Theme-based Warm-up 12’07” 1. Clip 1 Time 3’07”M 2. Clip 2 Time 9‘ L
3. Task-based Reading 10’51”
1. Clip 1 5’03” M 2. Clip 2 5’48” M
4. Active Words and Key Phrases Study 3’10” 1. Clip 3 Time 1’33 L 2. Clip 4 Time 1’37”L
5. Group Discussion 5’33” 1. Clip 1 L 2. Clip 2 M 3. Clip 3 L 4. Clip 4 L 5. Clip 5 L
6. Assignments 1’46”
1. Clip 1 Time 53” L 2. Clip 2 Time 53” M
Part C
Some interactive activities in class
In interactive classroom,
students are expected to take an active part in the learning process. They cooperate with the teacher and other students, sharing responsibilities, making decisions, evaluating their own progress, finding out suitable individual learning strategies and so on.
In interactive class,
students are provided with different types of tasks, such as sharing information gap , brainstorming, role-play , retelling ,opinion exchange, peer editing, drama, projects, interview, debate, jig saw ,problem solving and decision-making etc. Thus language learning is featured with oral conversation and written message exchange.
In interactive classroom,
teachers could encourage students to participate in the activities ,which are very helpful in encouraging the productive use of English since many aspects of the language knowledge are acquired during the meaning negotiation process.
Some video clips of activities
1.Role play : zk 1’04” 2. Group Dictation : zk 3’39” 3.Class competition : zjx 33”
Some video clips of activities
4.Group discussion : ljh 58” 5. Class debate : ljh 3’19” 6. Acting as a teacher : zjx 50” 27”
Some video clips of activities
7.You are the experts : zjx 46” 8. An English party : zjx 8a31” 8b 41” 8c 17” 8d 1’48” 8e 55”
What is the most difficult part for the
teacher to organize classroom interactive activities?
What can teachers do to enable
students to take an active part in
classroom interaction?
Have you ever heard of this man? H · Jerome Freiberg
Universal Teaching Strategies
The ordinary teacher tells; The good teacher explains; The excellent teacher demonstrates ; The great teacher inspires!
V. For Your Further Reading
A Brief Summary
I. Warm-up Activity
II. Interactive Language Teaching
III. The Application of ILT in Hunan
IV. The ILT Classroom Teaching
V. For Further Reading