Transcript MSP Course
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MSP Overview
What is P3M3
P3M3 Management Maturity Model
Self Assessment
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Our credentials
Accredited Consultancy & Training company
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What is Programme Management?
Manages tension
Benefits orientated
Delivers through projects
Transformation and transition
framework (Lean, Six Sigma)
Provides Governance
Delivered in Tranches
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Purpose of MSP – OGC Mandate
Referenceable standard for programme management
A framework of best practice principles and concepts drawn from
latest experiences and proven practice in setting up and managing
Aimed at programme management practitioners to adapt the
guidance to real life situations.
Accessible by programme teams and organisations as well as by
individual practitioners.
To help programme management practitioners improve their
decision making at programme level and to become better at
implementing beneficial change.
Basis of the examination of individuals to obtain certification to show
their level of knowledge and understanding of the content of MSP.
MSP is not –
a form of management for big projects
a detailed guide on managing business change
a guide to ongoing service management/management of business as
it should demonstrate the context of programme management in all
three of these areas
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Managing Successful Programmes
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MSP07 Changes summary
New terminology – Flow, Themes, Principles
Still focuses on “what” not “how”
Concepts explained in more detail with examples to support
New chapters
Risk is closely linked to MoR
Stakeholder Engagement is linked to Leadership
Programme Board has greater emphasis
Tranche and Realising the Benefits have much more focus in the
Transformational Flow
Much more focus on explaining the dynamic Flow interaction with
Information and documents have been revamped to bring
Twice as many words – possibly three times the amount of
information due to the use of matrices and RACI
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What on earth is P3M3 ?
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P3 implementations fail because:
Failure to see the whole system
Money is invested in the wrong areas
Fail to empathise and synchronise with the way the business
currently works
Failure to know the starting point
Unrealistic expectations
Seen as a quick win rather than longer term strategy
Lack of senior management commitment and sponsorship
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PPM System
Need to be
deployed and
mature in balance
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Adopting PPM is a journey
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What are we trying to achieve ?
Point of
“Cost of Prevention”
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Degree of
Process /
“Cost of Winging it!”
Why maturity models
Benchmark is against a standard not other organisations
Helps organisations decide what standard they need to be
achieve to meet their business needs
Focuses on the organisation maturity not specific initiatives
(you can run good programmes and projects without having
high levels of maturity
Objective assessment of strengths and weaknesses
Recognises achievements from investments
Justifies investment in programme and project management
Plan for continual progression
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P3M3 history
Been around about 3 years
Based on a number of global models
Limited take off
Seen as too complex
Academic rather than practical based
Graduating approach stepped from projects, through
programmes to portfolio’s - limited the flexibility of use
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P3M3 New Model
3 models which may be viewed independently
5 levels of maturity with consistent themes across the 3
7 perspectives which can be assessed independently in any
Attributes that describe levels and set the benchmarks for
Pragmatic and accessible
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Development Governance
Project Board
Author Team
Reference Group
Review Group
P3M3™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce
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The Team
Mike Acaster – OGC Sponsor
Alan Harpham – APMG Sponsor
Rod Sowden – Lead Author (Aspire Europe Ltd)
Steve Clarke – Author (Onemind Management Ltd)
David Stuart Hinley – Author (Enodatum Ltd)
Paul Faulkner – Project Manager (APMG)
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Objectives & Scope
Restructure the model to improve accessibility and usability
Align the content of the model with the refreshed MSP, M_o_R, OGC
Gateway and revised portfolio management guidance
Where appropriate align the content of the model with the emerging OGC
procurement guidance
Develop a new introduction and revise supporting guidance on the
use of the model and the self assessment questionnaire
The new standard should be able to be used thematically i.e. to
establish the maturity of the organisation's processes such as business
case, planning, reporting and so on.
A model covering portfolio, programme or project management maturity
that can also deal with the component themes individually
An initial self-assessment questionnaire that can be downloaded via
the internet
Consistent with original, i.e, investments in assessments will not be lost
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5 Maturity Level – retrospectively compatible
Maturity Levels
Level 1 – Recognition
undocumented, basic vocabulary (not necessarily aligned or consistent), no guidelines and supporting
documentation. Any system is ad-hoc and uncontrolled. JDI management
Level 2 – Repeatable
Locally evolved, acknowledged approach, templates, ad-hoc training, islands of expertise, initiatives delivered
in isolation, minimal evidence of continual improvement, simple activity based plans, focus may be on start up
and initial documentation, evidence of heroes, weak inter working
Level 3 – Defined
Organisational wide consistency, process ownership, standards in place (e.g roles and responsibilities),
processes defined with inputs and outputs, central control group, consistent use of tools, guidelines on how to
do it, system framework, governance clearly defined, capable staff, configuration system, evidence of Subject
Matter Experts, good communications and collaboration, strategic planning links, perceptive approach to
management, flexing
Level 4 – Managed
Integration with Corporate governance and functions, accurate information, statistical analysis, competent &
qualified staff, assurance in place, business capacity management, exec board level ownership, mentors,
process management, strategic planning alignment, approaches reviewed, consistent behaviour, quantitative
approach to management, collaboration, adapting
Level 5 - Optimised
Start, end, route, process optimising, business process ownership, integrated with strategic direction, lessons
learned being applied, continual improvement, common good for the organisation, seamless and automatic,
sustained, value based behaviour, evidence based management, innovation
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The 7 perspectives
Risk Management
Stakeholder and
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Planning, lifecycle, stages, gates, tranches, controls, Vision, Blueprint, Outcomes,
Business Strategy, Issue management , Configuration management, change control,
progress reporting, definition and design,
Requirements, define, tracking, ownership, plan, transition
Costs, Business Case, approvals, tracking,
Types, breadth, structure, process, rigor, techniques, interventions, opportunities and
Functional, change management, business performance management, stakeholder
engagement, analysis, Communications, consultation and involvement in
requirements, idea and proposition management
Leadership, Direction, Alignment, stakeholder representation, senior management
active engagement and ownership, balance of authority between functional and PPM
, Roles, reporting lines, assurance, legislative and policy compliance (FOI, H&S), info
management controls
Capacity, types, procurement, suppliers, skills and experience, control, allocation and
The Model
35 x Intercepts
15-20 Attributes per model
Are there policies in place for all?
Is there consistency.of process?
What are the levels of competence?
How extensive is the engagement?
How good is the fit with the Corporate
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How it might look
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Benefits of using P3M3 Maturity Model
Where are you now
What are you good at
What needs to improve
Where do you want to get to
Chose the maturity level you want
Be realistic about what you can achieve
Measurable targets for improvement
How are we going to get there
An assessment delivers an action plan to move from A to B with
a view to getting to C
Action Plan to get there
Best Practice rather than proprietary approach
OGC/APM Group authenticated
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Programme Management Maturity
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Management Control
There is a consistent approach to corporate programme management controls, with the
application of approaches to all programmes . A defined lifecycle exists that delivers a
defined end state. 3
There is integration between Programme approach and the delivery of strategic aims and
objectives. There is clear linkage between the programme and business end states. 5
Programme Management is seen as a critical tool for the delivery of strategic change
objectives by the board. Management controls is focused on flexing the delivery
approaches. 4
There is evidence of good examples of deployment but there will be inconsistency and
varying levels of definition of the end state to be delivered. 2
The programme management terminology may be in use but will be used inconsistently.
General approach will be based on project rather than programme level. 1
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Benefits Management
Benefits Management is embedded within the programme management culture and There
is evidence of benefits realisation being an ongoing process. 4
Benefits are recognised as an important element and differentiating factor for programmes.
Focus is likely to be the project level. 2
Benefits and opportunity management is embedded within the organisational approach to
change and linked to corporate strategies. 5
There is limited recognition of the concepts of benefits with the levels of definition being
minimal and linked to project activity. 1
There is a centrally managed framework used for defining and tracking the delivery of
benefits. 3
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Finance Management
Programme financial controls are seen as aggregated project costs. 1
Financial control is evident throughout the programme lifecycle and linked to the organisations
controls. 5
Financial approvals for projects are evident but the cost of the programme are not being fully
accounted for in all cases. 2
Programme lifecycles are being flexed effectively to manage availability of finance and effective
decision making is being made on the basis of financial evidence. 4
Standard approaches to financial management and costs assessments that are tracked through the
lifecycle and are deployed consistently across all programmes. 3
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Risk Management
Risk management works effectively with pro - active management and avoidance of risks being
evident and embedded behaviours. 4
Risk Management is recognised and used on programmes, but there are inconsistencies in approach,
commitment and deployment. 2
Risk management has a clearly defined process that is followed consistently by all programmes.
Framework is based on industry standards and is supported by a toolkit. 3
Risk Management is embedded in the organisational culture and underpins all decision making
within the programme. 5
Risk Management is not being deployed to any beneficial effect, main focus is on
Issue Management. 1
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Organisational Improvement
Programme management is principally seen as an area of activity outside of the remit of business
operations. Managers may see the programme approaches as threatening rather than adding value.
Business operations are integral to the design and delivery of the programmes. Business
management methods are integrated within the programme framework. 5
Operational staff have regular involvement with the programme and engaging with the delivery and
there is evidence of influence. 2
Organization engagement with the programme approach is established. Active and regular input into
the way programmes are managed with major focus on the achievement of business change. 3
Extensive engagement with business operations with a balanced view of organizational needs and
programme delivery. 4
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Organisational Governance
There are processes in place to ensure that the organisational hierarchy are informed and can
influence the programmes through clear top level sponsorship. 3
Programme Management is embedded at board level with clear ownership and control
responsibilities embedded within individual Directors terms of reference. 5
Clearly aligned decision making processes that enables align the programmes to the strategic
objectives. 4
Limited governance of programmes in place, no formal approvals to begin. 1
There is evidence of local governance controls being applied consistently, but no coherent
organisation wide approach. 2
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Resource Management
Measurement of resources utilisation and proactive engagement to raise and broaden capability and
evidence of improved delivery resulting. 4
Focus is on project resources being deployed with minimal focus on programme management
resources requirements. 1
Planned deployment and effective control of resources across the programme supported by standard
approaches to planning and tracking. 3
Resources are being deployed but there is little evidence of a consistent approach to acquisition,
planning or management 2
Resources are deployed optimally, there is clear evidence of balancing internal and external expertise
and knowledge being embedded into the business. 5
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A knowledge-base is used to improve the reliability of planning assumptions.
Plans are kept up to date, with consistent application of sophisticated planning techniques and
recognition of interdependencies.
There is evidence of interventions to avoid conflicts and take advantage of opportunities
Plans exist but are not underpinned by a consistent development methodology, but may still be
effective locally
There is no interdependency tracking between initiatives
Plans will be seen as activity tracking
Planning is inherent in the decision making process with adjustments and implications being
managed and deployed.
There is active management of interdependencies between the plan and other business plans
Plans are developed to a central and consistent standard that is output or goal based
A number of factors are taken into account when developing the plan.
Plans are owned, base-lined and reviewed 3
Plans , if they exists, are conceptual or a sequence of events with very rough timescales.
Planning, if undertaken, is likely to be an initial activity with little maintenance and tracking 1
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Training and capability
There is reliance on the know-how of key individuals.
Training is provided in an adhoc way.
Key individuals lack experience
Roles, responsibilities and associated competencies are not defined
There is extensive training that illustrates it is seen a core skill for managers, it focuses on development rather than
There will be evidence of mentoring and individual development to improve organisational performance
Knowledge management is a central function and is used to help improve performance
There will be development plans for all members of the teams 4
Generic training will have been provided in the key concepts with some being qualified
Local sharing of information and experience may exist but mainly adhoc
Key individuals will have practical experience
Roles, responsibilities and associated competencies are defined but only in some areas. 2
High levels of competence is embedded in all areas.
Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour within the organization.
Succession plans are in existence for key roles.
Skills are embedded into organisational leadership and management development programmes 5
Training has been deployed to a broad group on methods and techniques
Training will probably be to qualification standards and have some adoption to organisations needs
There will be forums for sharing organisational experience to improve individual and organisational
There are centrally managed role definitions and sets of competencies defined, these are used to support
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Information Management
Localised information structures with little information sharing
There is a focus on documentation during Start up and definition, but is not maintained over the
Information controls will be limited 2
Information may not have a refresh cycle or be regularly accessed.
Organization-wide standards which cover confidentiality, availability and integrity,
All information may not be current 3
Information is current and is referenced extensively for decision making
Trend analysis and measurement is undertaken on the information to identify improvement
Information being used for management purposes is current and maintained 4
Information is seen as knowledge and there is continual maintenance and reference.
There are intelligence gathering processes in place and information is disseminated through a
variety of channels. 5
There is information available but may be unstructured and dispersed.
Individuals have their own filing and storage mechanisms 1
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Thanks for your time
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