E-safety in ITT - University of Southampton

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Transcript E-safety in ITT - University of Southampton

E-Safety in
Initial Teacher Training
Early Years and Primary Phase
The need for e-safety
Half (49%) of young people questioned say they have
given out personal information, such as their full
names, ages, email addresses, phone numbers, hobbies
or names of their schools, to someone they met on the
By contrast, only 5% of parents think their child has
given out such information. (Source: UK Children Go
Prior to the launch of the Child Exploitation and Online
Protection Centre (CEOP), there was no centralised
collection of details of internet-related abuse in the UK,
and not all victims reported incidents.
The Byron Review
Focussed on the school ensuring children are e-safe by
“reducing availability, restricting access and increasing
Building “children’s resilience to the material to which
they may be exposed so that they have the confidence
and skills to navigate … more safely”
Ensure that new teachers entering the profession are
equipped with e-safety knowledge and skills.
Making explicit teaching and learning about e-safety.
Identifying home-school links as a key issue.
The 3 Cs of e-safety
E-safety – an introduction
Introduction to Jenny’s Story
You are going to watch a video that introduces
different aspects of e-safety.
Jenny’s Story is a short film based on the true story of
Jenny, a teenager who chats to a stranger on the
internet. It shows how, through chatting online, Jenny
reveals personal information which results in her being
contacted in real life and ultimately hurt.
INSERT DVD Jenny’s Story or
KIA for Trainee Teachers
Jenny’s Story illustrates one of the dangers to
children when using the internet: that of online
grooming, which could lead to physical harm.
Grooming is defined by the Home Office as:
‘A course of conduct enacted by a suspected
paedophile, which would give a reasonable person
cause for concern that any meeting with a child
arising from the conduct would be for unlawful
Online grooming is only one of a whole range of
risks that you will consider today.
Discussion points:
* Why might young people behave differently online
from offline? * How might young people put each
other at risk online? * Other than contact with
strangers, what are the other areas of risk to young
people posed by the internet? * What advice could we
give young people to help them keep safe online? *
What would make a young person reluctant to tell an
adult about something which made them feel
uncomfortable on the internet? * What can a school
do to keep children safe on the internet? * Are
younger children more or
less vulnerable? *
Further discussion:
While on playground duty, you overhear a year 3 boy
talking to some friends about a console game his 15
year old brother has been playing. Apparently, the TV
set in his brother’s bedroom is broken, so his brother
has taken over the boy’s TV. Although not playing
himself, the boy is clearly excited about what he has
seen and is talking about the game in some, quite
inappropriate, detail. You have heard of the game in
question and know that it is classified for 18+, has
explicit sexual references and graphic violence.
What do you do?
Dealing with disclosures
If you suspect that a pupil is a victim of physical
abuse or you have received any type of
disclosure about abuse occurring either online or
offline, you MUST contact the designated
member of staff immediately and make it clear to
the pupil that he or she will have to share the
information with a colleague of yours. For your
benefit, you should make and sign accurate
notes of the incident immediately after the
To report suspicious behaviour online with or
towards a child contact the ‘Child Exploitation and
Online Protection Centre’ http://www.ceop.gov.uk
General e-safety information sites for trainee teachers:
Evidencing the professional standards
7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good
and safe learning environment
have clear rules and routines for behaviour in
classrooms, and take responsibility for promoting
good and courteous behaviour both in
classrooms and around the school, in accordance
with the school’s behaviour policy
have high expectations of behaviour…
Considering your conduct
Part two: Personal and professional conduct
A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently
high standards of personal and professional
Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and
maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour,
within and outside school, by:
having regard for the need to safeguard pupils’
well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions
Further Information
Safer Children in a Digital World
Byron Review Report
Becta’s Signposts to safety
Teaching e-safety at Key Stage 1 & 2
TeachersTV http://www.teachers.tv
Materials and Resources
Materials and resources on e-safety sites which pupils can use:
Staying safe with
Dongle (KS1)
The Smart Crew
Us Online
Hector’s World
Cyber Café
Lee and Kim
and finally…
remember that most children who form online
friendships with peers typically report a positive
experience. There are wonderful, exciting ways of
using the internet positively (including for
homework!). For examples of how young people
have used the internet to express themselves in
positive ways, visit the Childnet Academy website.