Transcript Slide 1
Move In Guide
Arkansas Tech University
Office of Residential Life
Welcome 3
Room Features 4
What should I bring? 5
What should I leave? 6
Who is my Roommate? 7
Contacting my Roommate 8
Changing my Roommate 8
Roommate Tips 9
Move-In 10
Residence Hall Staff 11
Tech Connect 12
Meal Plan 14
Need to Know Information 15
The Office of Residential Life is excited that you have chosen to take advantage of all
that Tech has to offer by living on campus!
We know that students that live on campus are creating life-long friendships,
developing crucial living skills, becoming more active in our community, and most
importantly, are succeeding academically.
Every student living on our campus is important, and our office is dedicated to
providing each student a living environment that is both comfortable and conducive to
academic excellence. Within our fourteen residence facilities, we are able to provide
the student body a variety of options.
Creating a community within our halls is the responsibility of our dedicated and
enthusiastic staff. As you check into your hall this fall, you will have the opportunity to
meet your Hall Staff, and we are confident that you will find them to be helpful, caring
and informative.
Housing for us is more then just providing you a room to sleep in-it is an extension of
the classroom. It is an opportunity to lead. It is an opportunity to develop crucial
social skills. It is an opportunity to Live it up!
If you need assistance before, during, or after move-in, call us at 479.968.0376 or check out our web site at
Your Room
Room Features
Two twin beds
Two desks
Two chairs
Adequate closet and drawer space for clothing and essentials
Cable television hook–ups
Internet Access
For information regarding room dimensions, and amenities
specific to each hall, visit our web site at
What Should I Bring?
___Small Microwave
___Small Refrigerator
___Twin-size Sheets
___Soap/Soap Dish
___Laundry Bag
___Alarm clock
___Sewing Kit
___Desk Lamp
___Coffee Maker
___First-Aid Kit
___Cleaning Supplies
___Hair dryer
___Necessary Medications
___UL approved Surge Protectors
___UL approved Extension cords
All residence hall rooms feature cable television service, so bring a cable-ready television or
DVD player and a cable cord if you’re interested in watching TV.
Your residence hall room will serve as your home away from home. We encourage you to
decorate it and make it as comfortable and cozy as you like. However, there are a few
restrictions when it comes to decorating your nails or screws may be used. We
recommend that you use white ticky-tack or 3M strips (not yellow or blue ticky-tack or
double sided tape).
Many rooms have bed frames that can e bunked. Check with the RA on your wing to find
out how this works.
What Should I Leave?
For the safety and security of our residents, these
items are not permitted in the residence halls. To
prevent any problems from arising, it is advisable
that these items be left at home.
Candles (even for decoration)
Halogen lamps
Multi-plug outlets expander
(must be UL approved surge
Pets other than fish and
service animals
Open coil appliances (electric
heaters, toaster ovens)
Alcohol/Alcohol Containers
(not even for decoration)
Helpful Info
Please make certain to consult with the Residential Living
Guide, which you will pick-up during move-in. All residents
should familiarize themselves with the residence hall policies
and regulations as outlined in this publication.
Who is my Roommate?
You will be mailed your residence hall assignment. With that
information is your assigned roommate. If you requested a
specific roommate, and that person in turn requested you, and
providing that you both applied and contracted with the Office of
Residential Life by a certain time, every effort was made to
assign you together.
If you did not request a specific roommate, your survey was used
to find you the roommate who could very well become one of
your best friends. Criteria such as smoking preference, major,
study habits, and extra-curricular activates were used to match
you with your roommate.
Should I call my roommate?
We highly encourage you to contact your roommate over the summer months. If you
do not already know them, this is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and find
out what you have in common.
This is also a great opportunity to find out what they plan to bring with them and for
you to let your new roommate know what you plan to bring with you. This will help to
avoid duplication and maximize space in your room. After all, do you really need two
televisions, two refrigerators and two microwaves?
You may even want to discuss you study habits and activities you plan on
participating in during the year. The more you know now, the easier things will be in
August when you move into your room!
Roommate relations tips
Should your roommate relationship not turn out to be ideal, we do allow for room
changes after the second full week of the semester. However, we want to encourage
you to consider that choosing to come to college is about making a choice to open
your mind to new opportunities.
It is partially because of that very idea that we do not make room changes over the
summer or during the first two weeks of the semester. If you are experiencing
roommate problems, it is vital that you communicate openly and honestly with your
roommate. It is important to remember that problems do not get solved by ignoring
If you are not comfortable approaching your roommate, we encourage you to take
advantage of your Resident assistant’s skills. They have been specially trained to
provide you with assistance and pointers on how to best address roommate problems.
During the first week of school, Move-On Day Forms will be available for students to
make room changes. Should you and your roommate decide moving is the best
solution, you will need to work with your Resident Director to arrange a room change.
Can I Change Roommates?
One of the most significant relationships you will develop on
campus is the one with your roommate. Whether you know
your roommate ahead of time or not, the development of this
relationship is key in creating a positive environment to live
and learn in the residence halls. We want you to have the best
experience possible on campus, so here are a few tips which
will help you cultivate your relationship with your roommate.
Sharing a small space in a residence hall can certainly help
you to develop some extremely valuable skills, such as
communication, conflict management, and compromise.
First things first, when you arrive on campus, sit down with
your roommate and discuss the topics listed to the right on
this page, as well as any others you feel may be important.
Begin by establishing a pattern of open communication and
cooperation. Taking time to find out about your backgrounds
and lifestyles. Find things you have in common.
Remember how important it is to strive to keep the lines of
communication open, so talk about everything, be tactful, and
remember that your roommate is human too.
We encourage you, whether your roommate is a friend from
home or someone you have just met, to take advantage of our
Roommate Contract. This valuable tool can open discussion
with your roommate and these types of discussions will help
your understand each other. You can get one of theses
roommate contracts from your RA.
More Tips
all cleaning responsibilities
Visit with your roommate about issue such as:
Setting and turning off the alarm
Anticipated normal bedtime
Sleeping habits (radio or fan to sleep by,
Feelings about food in the room
Find out how your roommate feels about
lending things to other people, such as clothes,
money, stereos, cars, etc.
Discuss how you will handle visitors. If you have
a roommate with friends who like to stay up late
or socialize, you may be in a situation where a
compromise will have to be negotiated.
Respect your roommate as an individual . Don’t
depend on them to satisfy all your emotional
and social needs. Make other friends too.
Finally, spend time with your roommate.
Attend as many Welcome Week activities
together as possible.
Good Luck and have a great semester!
“Living on campus is all kinds of fun!
Move in day is my favorite time of year.”
-Ryan Daniels, Junior from Mountain Home, AR
“During move-in you meet awesome people
and start making friends that last forever.”
-Ellen Watts, Sophomore from Springdale, AR
“Move-in Day is Hot, Hectic and Crazy!”
-Jessica Grogan, Sophomore from Heber Springs, AR
“Living on campus...has been the best
part of my time here at TECH.”
-Chris Dees, Senior from Harrison, AR
Hey New Student!
Believe it or not, Move-In Day will be here before
you know it! If you will be a new student you can
move into your assigned residence hall as part of
the Tech Connect program on Saturday, August
15th from 9:00am until 3:00pm.
To Check-in to your rooms, simply:
Report directly to the residence hall assigned to
you in your assignment letter.
Check-in with the Residence Hall Staff located
in the lobby of your residence hall.
Pay a $40.00 Residence Hall Activity Fee (this
is paid at the beginning of the fall semester and
covers both fall and spring).
Complete a room condition report and an
emergency notification form and return to the
front desk of your hall.
Now for the fun part...starting moving in all
those boxes!
Returning Students
Returning students can begin to move in on
Monday, August 17th beginning at 10AM. Please
note that your room is reserved for you and you do
not have to complete check in on Monday, your
room will still be here waiting for your arrival
through that Wednesday.
Just report to your hall office and the Residential
Life staff there will help you check in to your room.
Keep in mind that you will have to pay a $40.00
activity fee to complete your check-in process.
Due to the nature of the Tech Connect program,
returning students will not be able to check in any
earlier than this date.
Resident Assistants and Such
Moving away from home for the first time can be a tough adjustment for some
students. That’s why Arkansas Tech’s Office of Residential Life staff each residence
hall with trained professional and student staff to assist residents twenty-four hours a
When you walk into your residence hall, some of the first people you will meet are the
Resident Assistant’s in your hall. RAs are students who have gone through an intense
selection process and who have completed comprehensive training. They are familiar
with Tech’s campus and the opportunities available on campus, and they are trained
to help you and your fellow residents build a great living environment. Your RA is an
extremely valuable resource. Be sure to introduce yourself the first chance you get!
Other individuals who will be helpful as you transition into residence hall living are
your Resident Directors and Area Coordinators. Each residence hall is staffed with a
Resident Director who lives in the building along with the residents. The RDs manage
the residence halls and can answer questions and assist you with academic and other
services. The RDs are graduate students who have undergone rigorous training in
order to serve their residence hall. They report directly to the Area Coordinators. The
ACs are professional staff, employed by the University to supervise the residence
halls. Each Area Coordinator is responsible for supervising half of the campus
residence halls.
We work hard to ensure that support is always available to each student. Each hall
has an RA on duty every night. Additionally, a Resident Director or Area Coordinator is
on duty twenty-four hours a day and can be reached in case of an emergency. 12
Tech Connect
Saturday, August 15th, 2009
8:30 am– Residence Halls open for TECH Connect Participants
9:00 am to 4 pm—Orientation Check-in (Doc Bryan Room 242)
1:00 pm to 3:30 pm – Welcome Reception (Doc Bryan Courtyard)
1:30 pm—Parent/Family Orientation Begins
3:30 pm— Last minute goodbyes to family and friends (Residence Halls)
4:00 pm—Small Group Meetings in Residence Halls
5:15 pm—TECH Connect Welcome dinner with Faculty
7:00 pm—Small Group Meetings Continued
8:00 pm- Tech Connect Activity (Tucker Coliseum)
9:30 pm—Tech Nite Side
Sunday, August 16th, 2009
Morning—Sleep in, visit local churches, become familiar with community, etc.
12:00 (noon) – Lunch ( Chambers Cafeteria)
2:00 pm—Outdoor Bash
5:00 pm—Dinner (Chambers Cafeteria)
7:00 pm- “Life Unlimited” Keynote by Troy Stende (Tucker Coliseum)
9:00 pm—Price is Right
Monday, August 17th, 2009
7:00 am – Breakfast (Chambers Cafeteria)
9:30 am—Tech Class of 2013 Photo (Doc Bryan Courtyard)
10:00 am—Academic Welcome ( Tucker Coliseum)
11:15 am—Meet Your B2E Mentor
12:00 (noon) - Lunch
2:00 pm—Crazy Hall Crawl
5:00 pm—Dinner
9:00 pm—Hypnotist Michael Anthony (Tucker Coliseum)
Tuesday, August 18th, 2009
7:00 am – Breakfast (Chambers Cafeteria)
10:30 am—Organization Fair
12:00 (noon) - Lunch
*The Tech Connect schedule is subject to change. The
5:00 pm—Dinner
most up to date information will be available at check-in.
Need to Know
Your Meal Plan
Your Arkansas Tech ID gives you access to all of our campus dining facilities including Chambers Cafeteria,
Doc’s Place and the Convenience Store. Your meal plan will be available for you to use beginning with brunch
Sunday, August 16th.
If you have chosen a plan with DCB, you are able to use your ID to eat at Doc’s Place, the Cafeteria or the
Convenience Store. If you are using meal plan A, your ID will work only in the Cafeteria. You can check your
available DCB balance instantly at any cashier stand. If the DCB portion of your plan becomes low, you may
add to your account throughout the year by contacting the Students Accounts Office.
Plan A—19 Meals per week
Plan B—15 Meals per week + $100 Declining Balance (DCB)
Plan C—165 Meals per semester + $100 DCB
Plan D—145 Meals per semester + $130 DCB
Plan E—106 Meals per Semester + $150 DCB
Room Rate
Phone Numbers
Residential Life
Department of Public Safety
Admissions Office and Student Recruitment
Academic Advising
Student Accounts Office/Student ID Cards
Health and Wellness Center
International Student Services
Disability Services and Testing Center
Norman Career Services Center
Financial Aid
Office of Greek Life
1st Tier
Nutt ~ Paine ~ Baswell ~ Stadium Suites ~ South Hall
2nd Tier
Jones ~ Roush ~ Campus Court
3rd Tier
Critz-Hughes ~ Turner ~ Caraway ~ Brown ~ Wilson
Helpful Info
For parking information, visit the Department of Public Safety website at
Need books? Visit the campus bookstore in the Young Building.
To set up your post office box, go to the University Post Office in the Young Building.
Don’t forget to visit the Residential Life Website at or call our office at 968-0376
for more information
It is time to start living like a Wonderboy.
Office of Residence Life
Doc Bryan Student Services Center suite 229
1605 Coliseum Drive
Russellville, AR 72801-2222
Phone: 479-968-0376
Fax: 479-968-2124