Appeal to Ridicule - Kentucky Department of Education

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Transcript Appeal to Ridicule - Kentucky Department of Education

Appeal to Ridicule
By:Cassidy Patriarca
Appeal to Ridicule- A fallacy in which
ridicule or mockery is subsituted for
evidence in an “argument”. This sort of
“reasoning” is fallacious because mocking
a claim does not show that it is false.
Examples from the Crucible
Proctor: “ There might also be a dragon with five legs in
my house, but no one has ever seen it.”
Act 3. page 217.
This is an example of ridicule because Parris says “why
could there not have been poppets hid where no one
ever saw them?” And after saying this Proctor makes a
comment to mock the argument.
Example 2 Act 3 pg. 214
Danforth: Mr. Putnam, I have here an accusation by Mr. Corey against you.
He states that you coldly prompted your daughter to cry witchery upon
George Jacobs that is now in jail.
Putnam: It’s a lie!
Danforth: Mr. Putnam states your charge is a lie, what say you to that!
Giles: A fart on Thomas Putnam, that is what I say to that!
- This is an example because instead of Giles continuing talking about the
charge he blurts out an insult to ridicule the argument towards Putnam.