Transcript Slide 1

Tom Townsend,
Putnam County School District
Why we did what we did
District Values
Questions we explored
Sources of Answers
Plan of Action
Where we are
Where we are going
The Perfect Storm
Putnam County School District:
• Trend of declining enrollment and
parent involvement
• Projected $14 million dollar
• Declining ranking on state
assessments in Reading,
• Schools operating in curricular
• Teacher Evaluation System that did
not inform instructional
development or focus upon
aligning teacher practice with
student performance
So, we dove
in . . .
and embarked on a
conscious, deliberate
process of building a
single district culture
• #1 influence on student
achievement = quality of
instruction provided by the
• Quality instruction has to be
defined and accepted
• Effective practices associated
with quality instruction must be
clearly articulated to those who
do the work
• An effective evaluative
methodology must
communicate the expectation
of continuous instructional
Here’s What We Know
• Student achievement will not
improve unless teaching improves
• Teachers working alone without
feedback will not be able to
improve no matter how much
professional development they
• The challenge of Teacher
Evaluation is to create a system of
continuous improvement of
instruction, professional
development, and feedback
• Supervision needs to be frequent
and focused on the improvement
of instruction within a common
language of Instruction
What is ‘IT’ that makes our
highly effective teachers so
different than our lower
performing ones?
Is it how they bring rigor,
active student engagement
and power standards to bear
on classroom activity?
How do we expand the
influence of our teachers with
‘IT’ to those without ‘IT’?
How can ‘IT” be measured?
Having a good
data system is
like having a
good scale when
you’re on a diet.
Data Driven Instruction
Professional Development
“End product we created is not what
has the most merit, it is the process
we went through to get there that is
of the most benefit.”
“ . . . sharing with teachers from other
schools. We often have time to share
with those at our school, but those at
other schools we often don't see!”
Putnam’s Evaluation System
for Instructional Personnel
Is based on contemporary
Is designed to align with the
Florida Educator Accomplished
Practices (FEAPs)
Conforms with the requirements
of Florida’s Race to the Top (RTTT)
plan and Memorandum of
Understanding with the Union
Conforms with the requirements
in Senate Bill 736
Provides the basis for Performance
Based Compensation (PBC) for the
Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF)
Is FOCUSED on continuous
development and improvement
The Ten Year Rule
It takes approximately ten years
or 10,000 hours of deliberate
practice to reach expert status
Number years of experience is
not necessarily a predictor of
Teachers progress through
various stages on the way to
becoming expert
Factors include:
Focused Feedback
Focused Practice
Common Language
Marzano Model of Teacher
Observation and Evaluation
• 4 Domains
• Classroom Strategies and
• 3 Lesson Segments
• 41 Key Elements
• Planning and Preparation
• 8 Key Elements
• Reflection on Teaching
• 5 Key Elements
• Collegiality and
• 6 Key Elements
The illiterate of the
21st century will
not be those who
cannot read and
write, but those
who cannot learn,
unlearn, and
~Alvin Toffler