Transcript Document

Fraud Remedies in Arbitration
ICC Fraudnet
1st October 2010
Steven Philippsohn
PCB Litigation LLP
E-mail : [email protected]
Web Site :
PCB Litigation 2010
• Government Agencies
• Financial Institutions
• State Enterprises
• International Businesses
• Investors/Shareholders
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Current Arbitrations include:
• US$1.8bn dispute between offshore interests
• Claim by Cypriot company regarding the
misappropriation of assets by offshore companies
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PCB Litigation 2010
Current proceedings include:
(a) Freezing, disclosure, asset tracing proceedings in:
i) 7 jurisdictions relating to misappropriation of energy
company`s assets;
ii) several jurisdictions in relation to misappropriation of
Bank`s assets;
(b) Acting for a government authority.
© PCB Litigation 2010
Powers of Arbitration Tribunals to
grant Interim Measures
 Arbitration Act 1996 section 38 (where the arbitral seat is
in England)
 Measures include those for the preservation of assets, but
note that the Tribunal cannot grant freezing injunctions or
search orders unless the parties confer on the Tribunal
the power to do so.
 Measures may include anti-suit injunctions if the parties
expressly confer on the Tribunal the ability to grant them.
© PCB Litigation 2010
Power of English Courts to grant
interim measures in aid of Arbitration
 Arbitration Act 1996 section 44. Measures include: taking
of evidence; inspection of property; sale of goods; interim
injunctions; appointment of a receiver.
 Also (where there is urgency): orders to preserve
evidence or assets - which include freezing injunctions
and search orders.
 Arguably also possible to obtain disclosure orders against
third parties.
 The Court can only make interim orders where the
Tribunal is unable to do so (typically because it has
not yet been constituted).
© PCB Litigation 2010
Taking of evidence
• Measures can include a requirement for a witness to
attend the Court for cross-examination in order to obtain
evidence for use in a foreign arbitration:Commerce and
Industry Co of Canada v Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's of
London [2002] 2 All ER (Comm) 204
• However this is a discretionary exercise, and it may well
be inappropriate where the arbitral seat is abroad and the
curial law is that of a foreign jurisdiction.
• But if the procedures under the foreign curial law for
taking evidence are not dissimilar to those of English law,
it would be more likely to be appropriate to make an order
for evidence to be taken in England in support of the
foreign arbitration.
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Orders that may be granted to assist in
asset tracing and asset tracing recovery
Freezing Orders
Search Orders
Orders for examination
Surrender of passport
Committal to prison
Appointment of a Receiver
Summary Judgment
Criminal prosecution
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The anti-suit injunction
• Creation of the English Courts in the 16th Century
• Now developed into a sophisticated regime designed to protect
parties from oppressive and vexatious conduct as well as to
restrain breaches of choice of court and arbitration agreements
• Criticisms:
(i) seen as an unwarranted interference by a Judge in
the legal process of another country;
(ii) gives extraterritorial effect to the determinations of a
national court where otherwise there should be no
such effect;
(iii) within regional jurisdiction and enforcement regimes
they are particularly controversial since they bypass
the agreed mechanisms for the allocation of jurisdiction
as between the Courts of different Member States.
© PCB Litigation 2010
Case Study
• Party to arbitration declined to give discovery of material
• Other party discovered that it was likely to be held by 3rd
party in Greenwich, Connecticut, USA
• 3rd party refused, prior to the hearing, to provide
disclosure voluntarily and despite Court Order to do so
• After the Tribunal hearing
a) intense negotiations led to discovery being made
available in the US
b) despite opposition, the Tribunal admitted the evidence
© PCB Litigation 2010
Fraud Remedies in Arbitration
ICC Fraudnet
1st October 2010
Steven Philippsohn
PCB Litigation LLP
E-mail : [email protected]
Web Site :