Action Potential Simulation -

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APS Therapy
For pain relief, energy enhancement & injury repair
What is APS Therapy
Safe, effective, drug free
 Pain relief
 Microcurrent electricity
 APS machine
 Action Potential Simulation
 Stimulates better communication between the cells
 Detoxification
 Stimulates body’s own healing mechanisms
 Faster injury repair
 Better quality sleep
 Enhanced energy
APS Therapy devices
Developed in early 1990s, south Africa
First machine treated shattered elbows successfully
Prof Christian Barnard used for arthritis to keep working
1993 1st serial machine – MD in USA
1994 FDA approval
1998 CE approval ( Europe)
1998 Gold award Geneva Medical International Invention
What is APS Therapy?
 Action
The change in electrical potential associated with the
passage of an impulse along the membrane of a muscle
cell or nerve cell
Electrical communication within the cells of the body
 Simulation - a copy
Action Potentials
In the human body, action potentials occur in nerve cells,
muscles cells and endocrine cells, and are also referred to
as ‘nerve impulses’ or as the cell ‘firing’.
In neurons, they play a central role in cell-to-cell
communication. In other types of cells, their main function
is to activate intracellular processes.
In muscle cells, for example, an action potential is the first
step in the chain of events leading to contraction.
Real Action Potential
Action Potentials
Action Potentials
Action potential trace
Action potentials
All the processes of the body take place by the different
types of specialised cells working in harmony with each
other. ‘Action potentials’ facilitate waves of electrical
communication between these cells. A series of
biochemical reactions take place, lasting just thousandths
of a second, in which electrically charged molecules of
sodium or potassium rush in and out of cells, as ‘gates’ in
the cell membranes open and close, and when they get to
certain concentrations, they trigger a electrical impulse, a
‘firing’ and a depolarisation, sending a wave of information
along to the next cell, and setting up for the next wave of
action potential
Injury & Inflammation
Inflammation is a natural reaction to injury to protect from
infection and begin the healing process
Acute inflammation
But in acute injury & inflammation ( swelling, pain, heat) it’s
harder for action potentials to pass through tissue
APS Therapy can help resolve acute injury by assisting in
the speedy removal of products of inflammation, allowing
healing to take place.
Sports injury before, during,
5, & 10minutes post APS Therapy
Muscle injury
Chronic inflammation
Failed attempts of the body at detoxification can lead to a
cycles of incomplete healing and inflammation causing
pain and loss of function, which may become chronic
Chronic Inflammation
persistence of macrophages,
fibroblast 'activation',
local adaptive immune response reflected by the presence
of B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes.
–Key feature of:
Common causes of
chronic inflammation
Chronic infection
Diet – hydrogenated oils, fried, processed & refined foods,
meat, sugar, caffeine, dairy
Chronic stress
Excess calories
Poor gut wall integrity
Food intolerances
Root canal work
Environmental pollution
How does APS Therapy
Application of the exact frequency
of the body’s action potentials,
passing between the 2 ( or 4)
electrode pads boosts the
occurrence of action potentials in
the body.
Boosting action potentials
Speeds up many cellular processes in the body
Communication between cells is enhanced
Speeds detoxification
Cellular repair and regeneration enhanced
Faster wound and injury healing
Improved recovery time after exercise
Pain relief,
even in some long standing conditions
ATP production
One of the key reasons for these benefits is the enhanced
production of
Adenosine Triphosphate ( ATP)
ATP molecules: the storage and distribution vehicles for
energy in the body.
chemical bonds of adenosine, ribose, and three molecules
of phosphate.
Energy is released when the phosphate bond is broken.
Function: convert glucose, from food, into energy.
Allows: muscle contraction, protein biosynthesis, nerve
transmission, and active transport across cell membranes.
more ATP = better function and more energy
ATP declines with age
lack of available nutrients, particularly oxygen and
hydrogen, needed to create ATP.
free radicals created by chemicals in food and pollution,
poor dietary and lifestyle habits,
weakened digestion leading to the inability to break down
nutrients from food,
disease processes, including those that damage the
some people, eg athletes, place enormous demands on the
ATP in their systems.
How does APS help?
APS Therapy stimulates the production of ATP using the
direct micro-current flowing from the positive to the
negative electrode of the APS machine. This emulates the
electron transport chain which is one of the key ways that
the body produces ATP.
This boost gives rise to up to 400% increased healing time
of injuries,
faster recovery time for athletes
enhanced energy and wellbeing.
Electrical stimulation agents, including Transcutaneous
Electrical Nerve stimulation (TENS), Action Potential
Simulation Therapy (APS Therapy), Interferential Therapy
(IFT), Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES), and
Microcurrent therapy (MCT),
Thermal modalities, including Infra red Irradiation (IFR),
Therapeutic Ultrasound and Laser Therapy, and
Non Thermal Modalities including Pulsed Ultrasound,
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) and Microcurrent
Therapy (MCT)
Prof Tim Watson
Research on micro-current
A literature review on over 70 papers on micro-current
therapy in 2009 concluded that there was evidence for its
use with non-uniting fractures, spinal fusions and a skin
ulcers, particularly where other forms of treatment had not
been successful; that In vitro studies also suggest that
there is unexplored potential for its use in musculoskeletal
disorders. However, higher quality and more comprehensive
research is needed.
- Watson, T. Narrative Review : Key concepts with
electrophysical agents Physical Therapy Reviews 2010. 15(4):
Research in APS
An assessment of APS Therapy on 285 Patients with Chronic Pain in 2002
reported a mean average VAPS was 6.8 before treatment and 3.3 after treatment in
the over 50s, and 6.3 and 2.2 respectively in the under 50s. Out of the 285
patients,44 (15%) ended with a ‘0’ VAPS and 199 (69%) with a score of 5 or
less. (21)
A trial of APS Therapy in patients awaiting or having neurosurgery for intractable
spinal pain concluded that the number of patients treated was too low to reach a
statistical conclusion, but that the trend was very promising and they recommended
that patients waiting for destructive surgery should first be put on a thorough trial of
APS Therapy.(22)
In a 1999 randomized, patient blinded, placebo-controlled study, on 76 patients with
chronic osteoporotic back pain, reported pretreatment baseline VAPS value average
of of 57.79, and post- treatment value after the sixth treatment of 9.7 (p= 0,0001);
6 patients maintained benefits 6 months post treatment.(23)
A study in 1999 on APS Therapy compared with TENS in 99 patients with
osteoarthritis of the knee did not find a significant difference between the two
treatment groups given just 6 treatments over a 2 week period. The authors did
note, however, that the APS group showed a significant improvement in measures of
knee flexion and swelling, which persisted even 1 month after the last treatment.
21) Papendorp DH van. (2002). Assessment of Pain Relief on
285 patients with chronic pain. Biomedical
Research 2002; 26: 249-253.
22) Du Preez, J. Neurosurgical Pain Conditions University of
23) Odendaal & Joubert APS Therapy- a new way of teating
chronic backabacke, a pilot study South African Journal of
Anaesthesiology and Analgesia.1999; 5 1
24) Berger, P. Matzner, L Study on 99 patients with osteoarthritis
(OA) of the knee to investigate the effectiveness of low frequency
electrical currents on mobility and pain: Action Potential
Simulation therapy (APS) current compared with transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and placebo.South Africa
Journal of Anaesthesiology and Analgesia
APS Pulse
Continuous mode
Pulsating mode
Comparison + TENS
TENS - Milliamps – 1,001
( thousandth)
Foreign pulse
Alternating current
Gate control theory
APS – microamps –
1,000 001 ( millionth)
Body’s impulse
Direct current
Reduction of inflammation
Pain relief
Repair stimulation
Increased production of ATP
Increased production of
endorphins, enkephalins
Enhanced sleep
Enhanced energy
Using APS Therapy
Stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolus, deep vein
thrombosis in past 3 months
Too young to report sensations
able to drink enough fluids?
Dexterity & mobility or has help?
Running a clinic
MS Therapy Centre
Chairs – arms & no arms
Alcohol gel & tissues or wipes, bin
Blanket, Screens
Files to store treatment plans & electrodes
Water for treatment & to drink
APS Machines, Electrodes, water electrodes
Instruction posters
Patient’s journey:
MS Nurse –assesses, screens, oversees
APS Therapist – timetables, trains patient/carer, assesses,
reviews & assists
Volunteers – assist, review
Eight week course
no result/
long term reduced frequency
‘Action Potential Simulation Therapy ( APS Therapy) for pain in people with MS; Report on a
one year pilot study ‘
Findings: 2013
42 people began the course
6 dropped out
1 x Migraine
1 x Vomiting
1 x Discouragement after 2 weeks
1 x Visual disturbance
2 x Ill with pre-existing medical condition
Of 38 people who completed
an 8 week course
Of 61 pains
Of the 50 pains that improved;
Counted as 1 whole point on the VAS
Average improvement overall was 4.7 points
12 people reduced or discontinued medication
Whole group
14 Neurogenic pain
in feet & legs
Average VAS pre: 6.3
Average post: 2.5
‘Worst pain’ in
neurogenic feet & legs
Other neurogenic & nerve pain
Joint pain & injury
‘worst pain’ for joint pain/injury
The remaining pains
2 x muscle fatigue type pain – no result
1 x post pin and plate – no result
1 x psoriasis pain
– good result
1 x varicose vein pain
– good result
Other benefits attributed
Increase in energy, reduction in fatigue x 4
Reduction in swollen legs & ankles x 2
Alleviation of life-long insomnia x 2
Cessation of recurrent UTIs x 2
Improvement in circulation & discolouration
Reduction of ‘fatty lump’ on hip
Disappearance of swollen glands on neck
Cessation of ‘fluid on skull’ sensation
Reduction in dizziness & improved cognitive function
Side effects
Exacerbation, detox effects
Long term use – management problem
Attributing problems
?unexpected side-effects
Private rental
Rent for 3, 6 & 9 week blocks
£150, £240, £290
Focus on training and customer support.
Screening phone call
Courier machine
1 hour training, in person, on skype, facetime, or phone
Contact for therapist. Weekly call, plus availability.
Can go on to buy new model, or rental model
Therapist’s role
Uphold integrity of the brand
People before profit
Research based
Honest expectations
Create treatment plans
Support individuals – as much time as they need
In fact, time commitment after 1st wk tends to be minimal
Change treatment plans if necessary
Liaise with hub.
Attend training
Use supervision as long as needed
5 case study treatment plans
Each year, to retain accreditation, either submit 5 case
study treatment plans or attend training again
Using the machines
Clinic – mark 1.4
Rental mark 4
Basic knowledge electricity
•The SI-system
•SI-base units
•Related SI untis
•SI prefixes
Basic knowledge electricity
•Electrical energy
•Symbol: U
•Name: Volt
•Alternating / Direct
•Electrical current
•Symbol: I
•Name: Ampère
•Flow of electrons
Basic knowledge electricity
•Electrical energy
•Symbol: U
•Name: Volt
•Alternating / Direct
•Electrical current
•Symbol: I
•Name: Ampère
•Flow of electrons
Basic knowledge electricity
•Electrical resistance
•Symbol: R
•Name: Ohm
•Ohm’s law
Ohm’s Law
U = I x R
Direct Current
At the anode (+) the following reaction takes place:
2H2O -> O2 + 4H+
Due to the production of H+ (hydrogen ion) the environment at the anodes’ side is
At the cathode (-) the following reaction takes place:
2H2O -> 2OH- + H2
Due to the production of OH- (hydroxide ion) the environment at the cathodes’ side
is basic.
The electrode connected to the black outlet turns more
alcalic and the the red one more acid.
So, never keep the same electrode for the same outlet!
Use them randomly.
“Buffer-capacity” is needed to prevent this process from
Hoffman’s apparatus
filled with water and
methyl-red connected
to a DC powersource
Treatment plans
•Rule of thumb
•Treatment level
•tingling -> half to two-third lower
Max. ATP
Treatment plans
•Rule of thumb
Treatment plans
•Rule of thumb
•Drink water!
1 liter “pure”
…can solve for
instance 100 gr.
waste products
1 liter tea /
coffee / soft
…can solve for
instance 65 gr.
waste products
because of the
“allready there”
waste products
from the drink
Possible side or
adverse effects
Headaches – drink more water, lower intensity
Muscle aches possible – have not experienced
Exacerbation of pain – temporary, reduce intensity
Detox reaction – possible to trigger migraine in susceptible
1 incident vomiting
1 incident flickering vision
No serious side effects if used as advised
Thankyou for exploring APS Therapy –
The next set of slides are about creating treatment plans,
and aren’t available on the website
For training to become an APS Therapist and adding this to
your skillset
To find out more about using APS therapy for yourself or
family members
Contact us!