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Initiatives for International Dialogue is the Regional Secretariat for the Southeast Asia
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (SEA GPPAC) program. For
more info visit
• Atty. Carlos Medina, Working Group for an
ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism
• Mr. Diomedes Eviota, Research
Coordinator, Initiatives for International
Key Points on ASEAN Policies &
• As stated in the ASEAN Declaration which
created in 1967 (adopted in Bangkok), one of the
aim of ASEAN is to promote peace and stability.
Peace and stability are seen as indispensable to
the independence and the economic and social
well-being of ASEAN countries. Hence, in 1971,
ASEAN adopted the Zone of Peace, Freedom
and Neutrality Declaration (Kuala Lumpur
Key Points on ASEAN Policies &
• Furthermore, in pursuance ofASEAN
Vision 2020, in November 2004, ASEAN
adoptedthe Vientiene Action Programme
(VAP). In which under the VAP, there are
program areas and measures on conflict
prevention and peace building being
mapped out (pls refer to VAP)
Summary Points
ASEAN is not created to handle domestic conflict - it was formed to
promote peace and regional security to address political and security
ASEAN does not directly remove or resolve causes of tensions, but
moderate domestic threats to peace and stability and prevent eruption into
open conflict
ASEAN prefers the “ASEAN way” norms, principles and processes
But the non-interference principle limits ASEAN’s capacity to deal with
domestic conflicts because t he ASEAN puts premium to it than other
regional groupings
ASEAN faces a wide range of non-traditional security threats with cross
border effects in the region
There should be a fundamental shift of mindset from reaction to prevention
of armed conflict.
In engaging ASEAN governments in the areas of conflict prevention and
peace building, there is a need to balance between seeking accountability
for violations of human rights and resolving and managing conflicts;
between naming, condemning and shaming on one hand, and engaging in
dialogue and reconciliation between parties in conflict.
Proposal for Recommendation
Civil Society
• CSO can also participate in planning, monitoring
and implementation (Peace Education and training,
research and peace building) activities. They should
consider shifting their intervention from addressing
conflict situation to the planning stage to prevent
potential conflicts
• Monitoring ASEAN in building ASEAN community?
How: Monitoring of the implementation of the VAP
(Vientiene Action Plan) by ASEAN.
Proposal for Recommendation
• A key element should be institution building –
ASEAN needs a pre-standing regional
mechanisms to prevent violent conflict and
address roots and proximate causes of violent
• For governments to declare a national peace
policy that is not based on peacetalks and
negotiation, but will address socio-political issues
and the causes of conflicts
Ways Forward: Entry Points
• To identify national conflict prevention
mechanisms (agency, unit, office, or desk)
as a tool in forming strategy for
engagement with ASEAN and
• To identify pressure points
(contacts/allies/champions) within ASEAN
and governments
Key Events
• The KL ASEAN-CSO Summit in 6 - 9
December 2005 as a platform to discuss and
debate about conflict prevention
• The formation of the ASEAN Charter: CSO
needs to be aware of the steps to be
undertaken by ASEAN towards the formation
and the adoption of an ASEAN charter, so as
to make it reflective of the aspiration of the
ASEAN peoples