Transcript Document

An eye-catching, relevant picture or map
could be a nice addition here. You can
delete this textbox and add a graphic.
Give credit if the photo is not yours,
A Descriptive, Succinct Title Goes Here
Your name
Introduction: Purpose and motivation
MAJOR, University of Montana
Results- use informative titles to state the results
What did you find?
Why should we care about the question?
Use visuals and figures to show your results.
Format (font size 44)
Bullets with short phrases are more effective than lots of text.
What is the purpose of your research?
Bullets with short phrases are more effective than wordy
paragraphs. See the Results section.
Informative title
Another figure or graphic of your data
What is your research question?
What is the context of the question?
A Picture or a Map could be a
nice addition here. Delete this
textbox and add a graphic.
Your text should be at least this large (font size 32).
50% of my study subjects died. (font size = 40)
Your titles should explain the main point of each section
and figure.
49% of my subjects left the study
You can copy text from a word document and paste it
inside the text boxes.
1% of my subjects stayed
Bulleted lists are more effective than wordy paragraphs.
See the Results section.
Informative title
Try not to make this box any wider than it is. You have
room for 3 columns that are 13” wide. You need at least
1” of space between columns.
Materials and Methods
Explain the general approach/research design you used to
answer your question. You don’t usually need to include a lot of
A figure or graphic of your data.
Conclusions and Implications
What conclusions can you make from your results?
What is the importance of what your results? What new
knowledge has been added to your field of study?)
What are the implications of your results?
Do you have any recommendations for future actions?
Bullets with short phrases are more effective than lots of text.
Informative title
Informative title
Another figure or
graphic of your data.
Another figure or
graphic of your data.
Informative title
A figure or graphic that shows background information, the
research approach or the resutls.
Literature Cited
Famous Scientist. 1999. Important literature. Important Journal 12:13-17.
Famous Scientist. 1999. Important literature. Important Journal 12:13-17.
List your sources of intellectual and funding support.
Developed with funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute