Transcript Document

Tuesday 16th September 2014.
The aims of tonight’s content:
• To introduce you to the Year 3 staff.
• To give you an understanding of the Year
3 curriculum.
• To show you how the Year 3 curriculum
is similar to the Year 2 curriculum,
although builds on it.
• To give you an understanding of the Year
3 assessment, which moves on from Key
Stage 1 to Key Stage 2.
Year 3 Staff.
• Mrs K Pope – Head of Year and Class Teacher (Ibn Malik).
• Miss N Patel – Part time Class Teacher (Ibn Ali).
• Mrs S Waka – Part time Class Teacher and Learning Coach (Ibn Ali).
• Miss H Sufi – HLTA (Ibn Malik).
•Miss K Rifai Learning Coach (Ibn Ali).
• Miss S Patel – Lunchtime Supervisor.
•Mr T Hussain – PE Teacher
Year 3 Location.
• The Year 3’s are in the top classes of the
main building.
•There is a main teaching class and an
overflow class – allowing space and a vibrant
learning environment to all pupils.
•The pupils go to the Bold Street playground
for PE.
The Year 3 Timetable.
This is an approximate timetable. It is slightly different
for every class but contains the same content. Ibn Malik
has PE on Tuesdays and Ibn Ali on Wednesday
Homework and Reading Books.
• Reading books will be changed on Monday’s
and Thursday’s.
• Homework will be given on Friday and
handed in on Monday.
• Children will be read with 1-1 at least once
a week, as well as an additional 2 Guided
Reading Sessions and 2 Reading
Comprehension lessons.
• Please contact the school as additional
homework and books can be given if your
child is poorly or has prolonged absence.
How do we assess the children?
• Year 2 is classed as Key Stage 1 and is assessed
using the National Curriculum.
•Year 3 is classes as Key Stage 2 and is also
assessing the National Curriculum, although much
more focussed on independent abilities.
• We assess Reading, Writing and Maths.
• We track their progress on a levelled tracker.
• The end of year expectation in all subjects is a
secure 3A.
How the National Curriculum levels work.
•3A- End of Year 3 expectation.
and so forth throughout their time in school.
When do we assess the children?
•We use the end of Key Stage 1 assessments
to group the pupils.
•We collect 3 levelled pieces of writing over
each term and use these together to inform
a level for writing, e.g. in December they
may be a secure 3C, in March they may be a
secure 3B and in May they may be working
within a 3A.
• Children do not always make a clear 1 sublevel progress each half term.
When do we assess the children?
• Guided Reading regularly informs a
teacher judgement on reading ability.
• Each half term the children will do more
formal test papers (often mock SATs) to
give a definitive judgement on where they
are at without any help.
• The papers are quite formal in order to
make clear judgements as to what they can
do independently.
Literacy – Writing.
1. To use a variety of sentences for
2. To start sentences with an adverb or
verb starter.
3. To use connectives between, at the
beginning and within sentences.
4. To write in the correct tense
5. To accurately use commas in a list.
6. To accurately use commas in a list and
to mark clauses.
7. To use speech marks and apostrophes
• To apply a wide range of decoding strategies to read
different texts fluently and accurately.
•To read ahead to look for clues to determine meaning.
•To begin to show an awareness of the listener through
the use of pauses, emphasis and pace to entertain and
maintain interest
•To recall all of the main points of the text accurately.
•To comment show an understanding of the meaning of
the text and become proficient at inferring word
•To frequently comment on writers’ use of language
using technical terms independently.
Reading Comprehension.
• There is one 30 minute session on Reading
Comprehension twice a week.
• The whole class are streamed in ability groups
and read and unpick a text.
• The children complete comprehension exercises
on the text.
• This lesson each week is in
addition to standard reading.
Guided Reading.
• The children are streamed into GR groups based
on ability.
• The groups contain between 6-8 children.
• Each group gets 1 session with the class teacher
and 1 session with the class LC per week.
• Every session is planned and records are made
which are used to adjust groups if necessary.
• GR is the main form of reading
assessment for all children.
• The children do not use their
home reading books for GR.
• Grammar lessons are 20 minutes long, daily.
• The foci of the sessions are as follows:
• Punctuation.
• Different connectives.
• Up-levelling vocabulary.
• Writing sentences containing double adjectives.
• Improving and correcting sentences.
• Although Grammar sounds quite formal, the sessions
aren’t difficult. They
are there to improve overall
sentence formation.
Numeracy – Number.
•To try different approaches to overcome difficulties when problem solving
•To organise work and check results.
•To use and interpret a wider range of maths symbols and diagrams.
•To understand a general statement by finding examples to match it.
•To read, write, count and order numbers to at least 1000.
•To know the value of the digits and partition numbers.
•To divide whole numbers by 10.
•To recognise negative numbers and continue positive /negative number sequences and
find missing numbers.
Numeracy – Number.
To use fractions such as ½, 1/4, 3/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/10 for sets of objects.
To recognise some fractions that are equivalent to ½
To begin to use decimal notation in context.(eg £3.06 = 306p)
To use inverses in number problems.
To understand the = sign in balancing equations. (eg 7 x 10 = 82 -  )
To know the multiplication tables: 7x , 8x, 9x
To be able to add/subtract two, two digit numbers mentally. (eg 39 +19 = 58 , 91
– 35 = 56)
• To know the doubles of numbers to 50. (eg 32 + 32 =)
• To solve two step problems (including money and measures) that involve any of
the four operations and remainders.
• To divide a two digit number by 2,3,4,5,10 with whole number answers and
Numeracy – Shapes, Space and
 To recognise the nets of a cone, cube, cuboids, triangular prism,
triangular /square based pyramid
 To compare and order angles less than 180 0
 To reflect a shape in a diagonal mirror line which runs along the side
of the shape
 To give directions using 900 /quarter turns
 Forces and Magnetism – To understand how magnets work and the different forces
involved in magnetism.
 Rocks and Friction – The children will be looking at the different properties of rocks
and soil, using a variety of experimental and investigative skills.
 Animals and humans - The children will look at the skeletal system, digestive system in
humans and animals.
 Light and Shadows – This unit introduces the relationship between light, an object and
the formation of shadows. Children observe the apparent movement of the Sun and the
associated changes in shadows.
 Life Cycles and Insects – This unit will focus on how different animals and insects grow
throughout their life and the changes that occur.
 Plants – The children will learn about the best conditions for plants to grow.
 Elizabeth Era – The children will be learning the events that occurred
during this time and the effect of these events, using primary and
secondary sources.
 Ancient Egypt - The unit introduces children to the important features
of ancient Greece from the Olympics to Democracy in the running of the
different cities of Greece.
 China - Children will learn about the history and development of Chinese
culture and society from defence and protection from the Mongols in
reference to the great wall of China.
 The Local Area – The children will learn about their locality and produce
simple maps.
 Settlements and Populations – During this unit the Geographical Skills to
be focussed on are to recognise how places have become the way they
are and how they are changing.
 Rivers and Basins – The children will focus on learning how rivers are
formed, looking particularly at the River Thames, the River Ganges and
the River Nile.
Art and DT (Design Technology).
 Archimboldo – A famous artist who compiled artwork created with fruit and vegetables.
 Frames - In this unit, children learn about stiffening materials and making stable
structures through the context of free-standing photograph frames
 Repeated patterns - Throughout this unit children will develop their designing skills
through the knowledge gained from investigation, disassembling, and evaluating a range
of familiar commercial packaging.
 Shadow puppets -The children will learn how to design and create their own puppets and
the effect of lights to make shadows.
 Pottery – Children will explore sculpture in public buildings and spaces. They will explore
and use shape, form, colour and pattern to make a maquette or model of a sculpture for
a site in the school or the local area.
 Andy Goldsworthy – This artists goal was to understand nature by directly participating
in it, what the children will be undertaking.
Have you got any questions?