Transcript Document

Individual Electoral
Asim Munir & James Moran
26th June 2014
Individual Electoral Registration
• A major change in voter
registration is taking
place this year.
You are key in helping
us ensure [local
residents or target
audience] are part of
the change.
What is Individual Electoral
The way people register to vote changed on 10 June 2014
• This new method of registration is called Individual
Electoral Registration (IER)
• The change means:
– people can register online
– people will need to register themselves – in the past
forms were sent to the ‘head of the household’ who
would register those living at the address
– some people will need to re-register
You need to be registered in order to vote in elections
and referendums
Who should be on the
our electoral register
• Adult resident (18+) in Rotherham Borough:
– Any British citizen
– Any other EU citizens
– Any Commonwealth citizen
– Anyone aged 17 who will become 18 when the
register will be in force (attainers)
• Any student studying away from home can
remain registered at their parental home
Aims of Individual
Electoral Registration
• to reduce electoral fraud and increase public
confidence in the system
• to make individuals responsible for their own
• to modernise electoral registration by allowing
individuals to register online
• Reduce the number unregistered
The Transition - Key Dates
• 10 Jun 14: all new applications will
require personal identifiers (NI No. and
date of birth)
• Jun 14 – Dec 15: transitional period with
automatic transfer (confirmation)
• Jul 14 – Nov 14: confirmation live run
and transitional canvass
• 1 Dec 14: new register published
Matching Electoral Data
• Electoral data has been matched against
DWP records as a practice in 2013
• Rotherham match of 85.5% (nat. ave. 78%)
• Following additional local data matching, the
match increased to 91.8%.
– Highest in Keppel
– Lowest in Boston Castle 85.5%
• Live data matching will run again in July 2014
Transitional Arrangements
- Transitional Canvass
Jul 14 – Nov 14
• Confirmation letters – to those who confirmed
• Invitations to register (ITR) – to those who don’t
• Household enquiry forms (HEF) to empty
properties and carry forwards from 2013 canvass
• Reminders
• Personal canvassing
Transitional Arrangements
- Carry Forward
• carry forward provision for unconfirmed
electors - 1 December 2014
• effect of carry forward on any absent vote
• removal of electors carried forward form 2014
canvass – 1 December 2015
IER After the Transition
- Annual Canvass
HEF to every property
reminders / canvassers
ITR to every unregistered individual
reminders / canvassers
1 December 2015 – first full IER register
Benefits of Electoral
Registration & IER
• Gives you the right to vote! and the
choice whether to vote or not
• IER will reduce electoral fraud
• Used by credit reference agencies & for
mortgage or loans applications
• Can be used to verify ID (esp. IER)
• Can opt out of public register
Be part of our campaign!
• We will be writing to all residents to let them
know about the change
• We are raising awareness through public
• There will be national advertising during the
‘write-out’ and ahead of the 2015 UK general
• Lots of organisations are getting involved e.g.
Local Strategic Partnership and VCS
(Voluntary Community Sector)
How you can Help
• [local residents / target group] are more likely to be
missing from the register
• Your organisation has unique influence and contact
with [local residents / target group]
• You can enable [local residents / target group] to
have a say in elections and referendums
• You can raise your profile by helping [local
residents / target group] to become aware of the
issue and take action
• You will be part of a national campaign for a historic
How can you help?
• Provide leaflets on how to register
• Display posters
• Include text in your newsletters,
magazines or other communications
• Add banners and links to your website
• Raise the topic at meetings and forums
• Talk to other influential contacts
• Anything else?
More information:
• Electoral Services team
• 01709 823590
• [email protected]