Sociology Chapter 12

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Transcript Sociology Chapter 12

The Family

    Describe the norms that influence the ways in which marriage patterns are organized around the world.

Identify the basic societal needs that the institution of the family satisfies.

Explain how American families begin & describe some of the disruptions they might face.

Analyze some of the trends in American family life currently being examined by sociologists.

 a group of people who are related by marriage, blood or adoption & who often live together and share economic resources

 consists of 1 or more parents & their children 

Family of Orientation:

nuclear family into which one is born or adopted 

Family of Procreation:

nuclear family consisting of an individual, his or her spouse & their children

 consists of 2 or more generations ▪ grandparents, parents, children, uncles, aunts & cousins may all live together

 a network of people who are related by marriage, birth, or adoption

  Monogamy: marriage of 2 partners only Polygamy: marriage with multiple partners

   Patrilineal Descent: kinship traced

through father’s family

Matrilineal Descent: kinship traced

through mother’s family

Bilateral Descent: kinship traced

through both parents

▪ important in matters of property ownership & inheritance.

    Patrilocality: newly married couple expected to live with or near husband’s parents Matrilocality: newly married couple expected to live with or near wife’s parents Bilocality: newly married couple allowed to choose Neolocality: newly married couple free to choose their own locality

   Patriarchy: system in which men are dominant over women Matriarchy: system in which women are dominant over men Egalitarian: a family in which the man & woman share power

 regulation of sexual activity     Incest: taboo reproduction socialization economic & emotional security

 marriage between individuals who have similar social characteristics

 marriage between individuals who have different social characteristics

      delayed marriage childlessness dual-earner marriages delayed childbearing remarriage 1-parent families

     Pg 304: #2-3 Pg 317: #2-3 Pg 318: #1-10 Identifying People & Ideas Pg 318: #1-5 Understanding Main Ideas Pg 319: #1-4 Building Social Studies Skills

  Please turn in your books to Pg 298.

Read the following study on changing family life & answer the “Think About It” questions in your journals.