Transcript Slide 1

1971 ~ 1978
I was a middle high school Math teacher in Taipei,Taiwan.
Jan 18, 1975
John & Shue Wei’s Wedding. A lovely girl Shue married to John.
Aug 3, 1978
John left Taiwan to graduate school of Penn. State University for
his master degree of Math/Computer
Science with full scholarship from Penn State University.
Dec 29, 1985
John & Shue worked for IBM China, met Vice Mayor of Xiamen City,
Fujian Province, Mr. JinPing Xi, who is currently the President of
the People’s Republic of China.
May 1988
John was elected as Vice President & Principal of Raleigh Chinese
Language School, Congressman David Price was invited to give
speech at the commencement of RCLS in May 1998.
Feb 3, 1990
John founded the N.C. Chinese American Business association.
Oct 15,1991
John established the sister state relationship between State of North
Carolina and Taiwan.
May 20, 1992
John was referred by City Council Jack Smith to First Citizens Bank’s
local board of directors in West Wake County.
1991 ~ 1993
John was elected as Vice President & President of Triangle Area
Chinese American Society (TACAS).
March 31, 1993
John, Cary City councilman Jack Smith and Cary Chamber President
Howard Johnson went to HsinChu City, Taiwan to sign a formal
Sister City Relationship between Cary NC and HsinChu Taiwan.
Erskine Bowles was White House Chief of Staff for 6
years during the Clinton Administration.
Jan 6, 2001
John witnessed Governor Perdue when she swears in as
Lieutenant Governor in 2001.
July 10, 2001
John was appointed to Board of Governors of NC Rate Bureau
by former Governor Easley.
Feb 18, 2006
John co-founded the NC China Center.
John & James Montes work on sister city between XiangFan City,
Hubei Province and Raleigh, NC.
April 2009
John’s profile was published on China Fortune and his picture on the
front page.