Urbanization & Social Reforms in the Gilded Age

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Transcript Urbanization & Social Reforms in the Gilded Age

   We will: Understand urbanization Identify the underlying beliefs of Social Reformers of this era

 Today: left side of the Democratic Party 3

  Movement from 1890-1920 Wanted progress towards better conditions in government and society  A more humane and fair society 4

    City Suburb Small town Rural area

 In America TODAY:  What are the benefits of cities?

 What are the drawbacks of cities?

  Use the charts to examine urbanization in America Answer the questions, citing specific documents


CONCLUSION CITE DOC EVIDENCE    Urbanization primarily took place between _______ and _________. As Document ____ shows, in 1880, only ____________ state(s) had more than ____% of their population(s) living in cities. By 1920, however, _____________ state(s) had over ___% of their populations living in cities.

 Between 1880 and 1920, 11 million Americans moved to the cities › Most from farms › › New immigrants African-Americans began to migrate to cities

 Expanded outwards › First suburbs › Subways & trains make this possible   Cities grew upwards Buildings taller and taller

   Jobs Strong communities › Particularly for immigrant groups Specialized labor

  What is a social problem/challenge that exists in the world today?

How were you made aware of it?

  Slums Tenements › Low-cost apartment buildings designed to house as many families as possible


   Poverty Crime › Organized gangs gained power during this time as a result of urbanization Disease › Cholera and typhoid › In one NYC tenement, 6 out of 10 babies died before the age of one

   In the 1880s and 1890s, urban charities began to try to apply religious beliefs directly to society Philosophy based on Christian ideas of charity & justice Aimed to improve living conditions for poor in cities.

 YMCA  Bible study    prayer meetings “citizenship” classes fitness  Salvation Army  Aid for the urban poor  Religious counseling 18

  Jane Addams and Hull House Community centers that offered a range of social services › Classes › › › Child-care centers Playgrounds Help finding jobs

 What were the underlying beliefs of the Social Gospel movement?

Describe the document What are the underlying beliefs of the Social Gospel movement? Document A: Dance Halls Document B: Americanizing Forces Document C: Jacob Riis


 Immigrants were taught:  English language   American culture & U.S. history —> citizenship/assimilation 21

 Many Progressives believed in eugenics  HUGE failure of Progressive reformers: to address disenfranchisement and increasing racial violence in the South 22



 Jacob Riis – Journalist who wrote about and photographed poverty in NYC’s slums in the 1880s  “How the Other Half Lives” - 1890

  Could take detailed photos Subjects had to be still for several minutes

Jacob A. Riis

A Growler Gang in Session (Robbing a Lush)


Jacob A. Riis, Street Arabs in Sleeping Quarters, circa 1880s

 Clip: 28:52-31:32

 1. Does the fact that these photographs are posed take away some of their trustworthiness about how poor, urban Americans lived?

 2. What do you think Riis wanted to communicate to his audience?

 3. What might these photographs tell you about the middle class Americans who bought Riis’ books and attended his lectures? What did his audience believe about children? About photographs?

 4. What information do these photos give you about urban life in the Gilded Age?

 Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle  1906  exposes health violations & unsanitary practice of American meatpacking industry 34

• • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) • First law regulating food and drugs • Labels must be accurate

Meat Inspection Act (1906)

• Dept. of Agriculture responsible for conducting inspections of factories • Designed to protect American consumer 35

 Who were the Progressives? What did they believe, and what was their impact on U.S. society in the early 20th century?

 Use at least two pieces of evidence from lecture & document analysis.