Muckrakers, philanthropists, reformers, and zealots… …how

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Muckrakers, philanthropists,
reformers, and zealots…
…how progressive reformers shined a light
on America’s social ills
…and set US on a course for a
healthier society.
Created by Mr. Steve Hauprich for acceleration and remediation of US History students
“Power tends to corrupt;
absolute power
corrupts absolutely.”
-Lord Acton…British Historian
“Money, get back, I’m alright Jack,
keep your hands off my stack”
-pink floyd
“The public be damned.”
- William H. Vanderbilt
Journalists use 1st
Amendment rights
to show how power
is at times abused…
“Money…it’s a crime…share it fairly,
but don’t take a slice of my pie”
-pink floyd
Reformers were most concerned with
the problems of oppressive poverty
and political
…seeing root causes of greed
and ignorance
…Solutions for society’s problems
would require massive campaigns
for democratic reforms,
government intervention,
and civic duty.
Jacob Riis
was a great
scenes of
abject poverty
…NY City…
How The Other
Half Lives …
“If wishes were horses,
then beggars would ride.”
- children’s nursery rhyme
Will the US Congress go forward with
massive cuts to food assistance programs
for the US poor in time for Christmas?
Jane Addams may
have been America’s
greatest reformer of
The Progressive Era…
as she led a crusade
to help the poor via
her settlement houses
and worked for justice
helping establish the
Settlement Houses were charitable places
where people were taught important basic
life skills for economic and social improvement.
men and women would join the NAACP
to encourage civic duty and greater social
equality in a progressive Era that largely
ignored the injustices for minorities.
W.E.B. DuBois was an important leader in the NAACP.
Although from an earlier
time in US History…
Dorothea Dix
was a role model
for future reformers
in the Progressive Era
…her campaign in
Massachusetts won
reforms to help the
physically and mentally
Likewise… Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
Susan B. Anthony, and Lucretia Mott would
campaign for justice throughout their lives.
“We hold these truths to be self evident:
that all men and women were created equal”
-1848 Women’s Rights Convention
Carrie Chapman Catt & Alice Paul led the Women’s
Suffrage Movement to their
Great Victory …
the 19th Amendment
in 1920.
President Theodore
Roosevelt would
gain a reputation
for standing up
against the power
of greedy
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller
did not want to be remembered as robber barons
…they instead became great Philanthropists
Carnegie built numerous libraries in all size
cities across the USA…creating learning
opportunities for greater social mobility.
The Rockefeller Foundation and Rockefeller
Center were
established to
foster greater
creativity and
Bill and Melinda Gates have already
given $23.5 Billion to charity…
the philanthropy example is followed…
In a later time other reformers would build
on the progress initiated by these earlier
reformers…appealing to America’s great
___1. The works of Jacob Riis and Upton Sinclair exposed the problems
associated with
1 poverty among Native American peoples
2 rapid industrialization and urbanization
3 segregation of public facilities in the South
4 colonial expansion in Asia
___2. Jacob Riis, in How the Other Half Lives, and Lincoln Steffens, in The
Shame of the Cities, contributed to reform movements in the United States by
(1) exposing poverty and corruption
(2) opposing westward expansion
(3) criticizing racial injustice
(4) supporting organized labor
“Jane Addams Opens Hull House”
“Jacob Riis Photographs Tenement Residents”
“Ida Tarbell Exposes Standard Oil Company”
___3. These headlines represent efforts by individuals to
(1) support business monopolies
(2) improve depressed urban areas
(3) solve problems of American farmers
(4) correct abuses of the Industrial Revolution
___4. Dorothea Dix, Jane Addams, and Jacob Riis were all known as
(1) muckrakers
(2) suffragettes
(3) political leaders
(4) social reformers
Speaker A: “When demand ran high, and markets were scarce, he showed
little mercy, broke his contracts for delivery and raised prices.”
Speaker B: “The man of wealth must hold his fortune ‘in trust’ for the
community and use it for philanthropic and charitable purposes.”
Speaker C: “It is cruel to slander the rich because they have been
successful. They have gone into great enterprises that have enriched
the nation and the nation has enriched them.”
Speaker D: “The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up
colossal fortunes for the few, unprecedented in the history of mankind.”
___5. Which two speakers would most likely label late 19th-century industrialists
as robber barons?
(1) A and B
(2) A and D
(3) B and C
(4) C and D
The most valid conclusion that can be drawn from the different
viewpoints of these speakers is that industrialists of the late 19th century
(1) benefited and harmed society
(2) treated their workers fairly
(3) used illegal means to gain wealth
(4) generally opposed the free-enterprise economic system
___7. Passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act
illustrated the federal government’s commitment to
(1) environmental conservation
(2) workers’ rights
(3) business competition
(4) consumer protection
___8. What was a significant impact of the Progressive movement on American life?
(1) increased government regulation of business
(2) increased restrictions on presidential powers
(3) decreased influence of the media on public policy
(4) reduced government spending for social programs
___9. What is the main idea of this cartoon?
(1) Big business greatly influenced the actions of the Senate.
(2) The Senate had to continue to pass legislation to support conservation efforts.
(3) The Senate needed more financial support from monopolies.
(4) Relations between industry and the Senate benefited the general public.
___10. The reforms advocated by the Progressive movement were
intended mainly to
1 expand the civil rights of African America and Native American Indians
2 reduce restrictions on immigration
3 increase the spirit of patriotism throughout the nation
4 promote political and economic change through government intervention
___11. The initiative, referendum, and recall election were supported by the
Progressives as ways to
(1) limit government regulation of the press
(2) limit the role of the Supreme Court in constitutional issues
(3) increase citizen participation in the political process
(4) increase the influence of major political parties
___12. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
A. Secret ballot
B. Direct election of senators
C. Recall
D. Referendum
(1) Checks and Balances
(2) Unwritten Constitution
(3) Progressive Reforms
(4) Universal Suffrage
Speaker A: The [African American] demands equality, political equality,
industrial equality, and social equality; and he is never going to be satisfied
with anything less.
Speaker B: Equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored
races is for the preservation of the public peace and good order.
Speaker C: Vocational training will provide the means for African Americans
to gain the civil liberties they deserve.
Speaker D: The best answer for the equality of the [African American]
lies in a return to his homeland in Africa.
___13. Which speaker most strongly agrees with the beliefs of W. E. B. Du Bois?
(1) A
(3) C
(2) B
(4) D
___14. Which speaker would most likely support the Jim Crow laws that emerged
in the 1890s?
(1) A
(3) C
(4) D.
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true
meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men
are created equal.“’
-Martin Luther King, Jr. Washington, D.C., 1963
___15. Which step was taken following this speech to advance the dream of Martin
Luther King, Jr.?
(1) desegregation of the Armed Forces
(2) ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson
(3) elimination of the Ku Klux Klan
(4) passage of new civil rights acts
•“Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring Warns of Environmental Dangers”
•“Ralph Nader Sounds Warnings for Consumer Safety”
___16. Rachel Carson and Ralph Nader are similar to the muckrakers of the
Progressive Era because they have
(1) advocated a total change in the structure of government
(2) attempted to expose societal problems
(3) failed to influence public opinion
(4) supported anti-American activities