Transcript Slide 1

Student Teaching Orientation
August 23, 2010
may b attempted to think
this stuff doesn’t apply 2 u. B4
u quit listening 2 me, please c
this presentation thru. Give
the workshop a chance to
make ¢, and I will try 2 provide
a gr8 application of its
content. K?
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid!
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr
the ltteres in a wrod are. The olny iproamtnt
tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in
the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl
mses, and you can sitll raed it whotuit a
pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the
wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig, huh? Yaeh and I
awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Finished files are the result of years
of scientific study combined with the
experience of years.
 Finished
files are the result of
combined with the experience
of years.
 If
boxing rings are square, and a
guinea pig is neither a pig nor
from Guinea.
 And
why is it that writers
write, but fingers don’t fing,
grocers don’t groce,
hammers don’t ham?
I am forwarding my marriage certificate and
six children. I had seven, but one died, which
was baptized on a half sheet of paper.
Mrs. Jones has not had any clothes for a year
and has been visited regularly by the clergy.
I am forwarding my marriage certificate and
three children, one of which is a mistake as
you can see.
I want my money as quick as I can get it. I’ve
been in bed with the doctor for two weeks
and he doesn’t do any good. If things don’t
improve, I will have to send for another
My husband got his project cut off two weeks
ago, and I haven’t had any relief since.
Mr Poore,
I am e-mailng you about our arrangement for
student teaching. I will take two praxis test
and if i pass one, i will be admitted to student
teaching, and if not, i will not student teach
this semester and i will retake the test at a
later date, and uppon passing them, attempt
to student teach at a later date. The test i am
going to attempt,
Mr. Poore,
I am e-mailing you about our arrangement
for student teaching. I will take two Praxis
tests, and if I pass one, I will be admitted to
student teaching. If not, I will not student
teach this semester, and I will retake the
test(s)at a later date. Upon passing them, I’ll
attempt to student teach at a later date. The
tests I am going to attempt are
I have yet to receive my first placement for
next semester. Please, if there are any
changes, could you email me at the soonest
possible time so I will be able to arrange a
meeting with my CT and school principle.
I have yet to receive my first placement for
next semester. Please, if there are any
changes, could you email me at the soonest
possible time so I will be able to arrange a
meeting with my CT and school principal?
What time our we meeting next Thursday?
What time is our meeting next Thursday?
Hello Ms Cook,
I just wanted to let you know I did get the
email. I have a couple of questions, my
circumstances were out of the norm when i
was preparing for student teaching and i had
a late start and all but i have now completed
all the requirements for teacher ed and i have
taken the PPST, so my questions, am i able to
student teach and has a school been assigned
to me yet? if so what school?
Hello Ms. Cook,
I just wanted to let you know I did get the
email. I have a couple of questions. My
circumstances were out of the norm when I
was preparing for student teaching, and I had
a late start and all. However, I have now
completed all the requirements for teacher
ed, and I have taken the PPST. so My
questions: Am I able to student teach and has
a school been assigned to me yet? If so, what
I am sorry I did not know no one told me
besides had a final in women self defense
class last night how can I make this up I am
so sorry I was not notified.
I am sorry. I did not know. No one told me.
Besides I had a final in women’s self-defense
class last night. How can I make this up? I
am so sorry. I was not notified.
This would be more fesible for my trip to
UTM instead of making 2 driving trips to UTM
and Jackson. Please let me know If a meeting
time is accomidating to your schedule. If you
do not hear an e-mail response by the
morning of the 15h please contact me on my
cell BR-549.
This would be more feasible for my trip to
UTM instead of making two driving trips to
UTM and Jackson. Please let me know if a
meeting time is accommodating to your
schedule. If you do not receive an e-mail
response by the morning of the 15th, please
contact me on my cell at BR-549.
Oh, Im sorry about that. I guess I wasn't
paying attention.
Oh, I’m sorry about that. I guess I wasn’t
paying attention.
I'm sorry, but I just do not have anyone that
can watch my kids at night. When you able to
schedule time to meet with me, just let me
I’m sorry, but I just do not have anyone who
can watch my kids at night. When you are
able to schedule a time to meet with me, just
let me know.
Mrs Cook,
I realize it is still relatively early for you to
have our Student Teaching spots finalized, as
a matter of fact I hear that it won't be till
summer till the schools actually approve us.
Mrs. Cook,
I realize that it is still relatively early for you
to have our student teaching placements
finalized. As a matter of fact, I hear that it
won't be until summer before the schools
actually approve us.
I do not have much to correct, it is just
getting it checked.
I do not have much to correct. The only thing
I lack is having my portfolio evaluated by my
I am writing this email to let you know that I
full understand the term of our agreement. I
greatly appriciate you giving me this
opportunity. You have my schedule for
summer and fall of 2010. If there is anything
else I need to do please let me know.
I am writing this email to let you know that I
fully understand the terms of our agreement.
I greatly appreciate your giving me this
opportunity. You have my schedule for
summer and fall of 2010. If there is anything
else I need to do, please let me know.,100
Continue on
Separate out
Two twins
Widow woman
I have/haven’t took
I seen/I done
Here is/There is
Is the name of that article “Twelve Handy
Management Techniques”?
Mother asked, “Is it really my 75th birthday?”
I’m sick and tired of people overusing
“exclamation points”!
Billy Bob exclaimed, “Oh, no, he ran over
Not only, but also
• A lot
• A bunch
• A great deal
• So (so that, and, very, therefore)
• You (second person pronouns)
• Indefinite pronouns