Training Presentation

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Welcome to PSAT Training
Test Day: Wednesday, October 16th
10th & 11th Grade Homerooms
If you are administering the
PSAT, you can wear jeans with
a college T-Shirt!!!!
Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
• The PSAT provides practice for the SAT.
• The PSAT provides students the chance to enter NMSC
scholarship programs and gain access to college and
career planning tools.
• The PSAT measures:
• Critical reading skills
• Math problem-solving skills
• Writing skills
• Testing Time: approx. 3 hours
 Distributing Materials & Identifying Info: 45 min.
 Sections 1-4: 25 minutes each
 Section 5: 30 minutes
 5 minute break after Section 2
 1 minute break after Section 4
Important Information
• (Page 3) Test fee: $14
 Covered by NC and CMS for CMS students
• (Page 6) If you have a 10th or 11th grader in
CMS who is taking the PSAT (even if he/she is
not at West Meck), you cannot be a test
administrator or proctor. Please let me know
Test Administrators/Proctors:
Before Testing
• (Page 5) Prepare a seating plan (on the back
of manual)…Do not allow students to
choose their own seats.
• I will collect the seating plans and
Supervisor’s Manuals at check-in.
• Remind students to bring No. 2 pencils and a
calculator (4 function, scientific, or graphing)
• You are not allowed to offer calculators to
students who may not have one.
• Working clock? Covered content posters?
Before Testing:
Morning Check-Out
• Arrive at the media center by 6:45 a.m.
• Brief Testing Session for everyone involved.
• Count all test materials and compare to your
green roster.
• Sign the materials out!
• Proctors should arrive to rooms by 7:00 a.m. to
help test administrators prepare materials and
get the room ready.
• If your proctor has not arrived, please call the
the Media Center #333 (white phone).
Test Administrators/Proctors:
Test Day Requirements
• Thoroughly study Supervisor’s Manual
• Be responsible for testing materials in your possession
• Read script verbatim…follow highlighting
• Uphold the Testing Code of Ethics
• Distribute materials to students individually
• Actively monitor students: no grading papers, reading
books, texting, etc.
• Proctors can help distribute materials
• Student:Teacher ratio must be 34:1
• Restroom Breaks: one student at a time with a hall
Attendance and Electronic
• As students enter, ask for, turn off, and collect
their electronic devices in the white envelopes.
Write their names on the front, seal them, and
store them in your bin in sight of the students
(on the teacher’s desk).
• Mark attendance on the green roster (A or P).
Also note if you collect an electronic device (Y
or N).
Test Administrators/Proctors:
• Begin on Page 8 of your Manual.
• Follow the Key Points & Checklist!
 We are using Student ID #s, not SS#s.
 No home-schooled students.
 No U.S. territory addresses.
 Use Section Timing Chart on page 14.
 Collect all materials listed.
If anything
happens, ask
students to
close their test
booklets and
stop working.
Mark the time.
Ask your hall
monitor to
have Ms.
Raynor come
to your room.
Refer to
pages 22-24
for test day
Test Administrators/Proctors:
After Testing
• Collect answer sheets and then test books individually.
Do not have students pass them forward.
• Follow your Key Points & Checklist to be sure you are
bringing everything back to the Media Center.
Check-In (Media Center)
• Look for the labeled bins for where to drop all
• The counselors will help with safeguarding test
books and answer sheets. They will count all
materials brought in by teachers.
Thanks for attending PSAT Training
Any questions???