Transcript Document

5th IHP+ CHTM: conclusions and messages
Very participatory meeting – suggests right topics were covered
Reviewed progress over past 2 years on the seven behaviours; then looked
forward to likely developments in effective cooperation post 2015
• Recurring aspirations and values: trust; equity; more resources for health;
broader and frank dialogue
Discussed priorities for action by governments, development partners and
CSOs, and messages for health leaders at country and global level
Feedback on priorities to make development
cooperation in health more effective
Mutual accountability in general; compacts, monitor progress on commitments
more specifically
Increased use of government systems
– Monitoring and evaluation of results
– Financial management strengthening; PSM strengthening
Inclusive planning processes – CSOs; private sector, GHIs
– Link health sector plans to overall development plans;
– Reflect double burden of disease; address equity; UHC; health system
strengthening; ensure sector plans linked to M&E plan, TA plan;
Resource use: sector not disease specific investments; decrease targeted
funding; increase predictability; efficiency
SDG for health: make the case; mobilise resources for health; equity;
implement UHC;
Others: increase government leadership; south-south cooperation
Overall messages from IHP+ CHTM to health leaders
Latest monitoring shows continued progress by countries; overall, DP use of
financial management systems declined
Political action essential to move this agenda, if status quo to be changed
Seven behaviours continue to be relevant; specific approaches adapted to
local environment eg fragile states, public health emergencies
Need to understand underlying causes of poor performance, incentives in key
Addressing poor performance needs action by all partners - governments, DPs
at HQ and country level, CSOs; also private sector, new players eg BRICS – so far
rather neglected by IHP+.
Franker dialogue; common language, more collective action needed.
Priorities for action in four areas where more
progress is needed, and are opportunities
1) Strengthen and use country systems: one
information and accountability platform
• Joint investment in one country information platform
Governments have health sector M&E investment plans
Development partners support these
CSOs and other partners engage in joint sector performance reviews
• Global reference list of core indicators used
Reference list used by governments and by development partners as basis
for selecting indictors for health sector performance monitoring
Priorities for action in four areas where progress
needed, and are opportunities
2) Strengthen and use country financing and financial
management systems
• Being on budget becomes the default mode for all agencies
 Governments prepare timely and transparent budgets
 Agency HQs give stronger message to country staff that providing financial
information on time; recorded on budget, should become the default behaviour
• Move towards use of government FM systems
Joint financial management assessment become standard practice
Governments develop a national FM system strengthening plan, together with
Multiple development partners support the plan
CSOs and elected bodies play a stronger role in scrutinising use of funds
Priorities for action in four areas where progress
needed, and are opportunities
3) Technical assistance including south-south
Technical assistance defined based on health sector priorities, and becomes
more demand driven. Governments articulate needs more clearly; initiate dialogue
with DPs on those needs.
Development partners clearer about what technical assistance is available and
how to access it, including through support for south-south and triangular
Joint definition of terms of reference with clear accountability and explicit
capacity building objectives; ways to monitor relevance, quality, cost and impact
of TA developed
Priorities for action in four areas where progress
needed, and are opportunities
4) Mutual accountability
Continue focus on country level mutual accountability for effective
development cooperation. Use IHP+Results scorecard findings as starting point
for more in depth follow-up in areas of less progress.
Governments ensure dialogue on latest findings from scorecards; explore
incentives to change behaviours with poor progress; include aid effectiveness
indicators in one M&E framework
Agency HQs: latest IHP+Results findings discussed; requisite action
CSOs: focus on accountability for seven behaviours by governments and
development partners
Looking forward: messages from IHP+ CHTM to
health leaders