Transcript Document

Aligning for better results in changing
5th IHP+ Country Health Teams Meeting
Session 1: Setting the Scene
• 2012 IHP+ meeting in Nairobi
– Clear messages about obstacles to better health & health services
from ineffective cooperation between governments and their
– Critical areas identified where action needed at global and country
level. Became known as the seven behaviours of effective
development cooperation.
– These concern us all – governments; international development
agencies and civil society.
• 2014 IHP+ meeting in Siem Reap: we will
– Look back: what has changed? What progress have we made?
– Look forward: discuss priorities short and longer term
The seven behaviours – not new but important
Looking back: what has changed since Nairobi,
in the world at large?
• Notion of 'effective development cooperation' now more embedded;
BRICS and other emerging economies providing more technical and
financial cooperation
• Recognition that priorities for cooperation may differ in different
environments, even if principles remain the same
• Global aid architecture remains complex
• Consequences of the global economic crisis continue to be felt among
traditional donors. Overall levels of health aid maintained, but some
donors changing instruments they use at country level
• 400 days to go to the MDGs
• A new global public health emergency – Ebola
Looking back: what has happened since Nairobi
in IHP+?
• IHP+ has 9 new partners: Afghanistan; Denmark; Guinea Bissau; Haiti;
Luxembourg; Myanmar; USAID and most recently Comoros and Japan.
• IHP+ priorities have centred on the seven behaviours. Involve us all
• 3 types of action to promote progress on the behaviours
1. Political and organizational action
2. Development of approaches and tools
3. Accountability for progress and results
• Many of you have been involved
Action 1: 2013 renewed commitment on seven
behaviours by all development partners
2013 - 2014
2013 -2014
Global health
leaders agree
collective global
focus on M&E
Global health
leaders agree
collective focus
on M&E
4th round
supported by
24 countries
7 behaviours
Jan 2014: 1st IHP+ participate in
endorsed by
Dec. 2012
heads of
Rapid reviews of Committee meets
agencies; at
IHP+ Country
Sept Agreement
WHA session possible action
Health Teams
on reduced global
'Aligning for on 7 behaviours
meeting ->
better results' in Senegal; Sierra
Leone; Myanmar,
Key messages
Burundi, Ethiopia
to ministers,
heads of
Action 2: tools and approaches
• One information and accountability platform
– Global Reference List of Core Indicators for Results Monitoring
– Joint Annual Health Sector Reviews: a review of country experience –
basis for 2014 guidance on why and how to organise JARs
• Financial management technical working group established – includes
countries and international development agencies
• Work on technical assistance and south-south cooperation: rapid reviews
of current issues and opportunities in countries
• Continued use of established tools and approaches eg JANS; continuation
and review of civil society small grants programme
Action 3: Accountability for progress and results
• In Nairobi, we agreed to continue monitoring, with modifications
More country-based and country-led
Fewer indicators
Closer links with Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation
To remain voluntary
• 4th round of monitoring of progress in effective development
cooperation in health just completed
– More countries and more international development partners this time,
including 4 INGOs
– Draft results to be discussed here – in session 2
Actions: many of you involved…
Health sector strategy development: many new national strategies developed;
half of countries here today have jointly assessed them using JANS
Country compacts / partnership agreements: two-thirds here today have some
form of compact
Joint financial management assessments
New health strategy monitoring frameworks; joint annual reviews - increasing
Rapid reviews of the seven behaviours – and opportunities for action
Analyses of south-south cooperation and technical assistance
Civil society CSO engagement in national health policy & performance monitoring
processes; CSO position paper on aid effectiveness in health post 2015;
4th round of monitoring of progress in development cooperation
Ways to promote mutual accountability at country level explored
In Siem Reap, we will navigate this large agenda
Session 2
Takes stock of overall progress, using latest results from
IHP+ performance monitoring
Sessions 3-8
Discuss different behaviours in more depth, especially
those where global as well as country action is needed.
In all sessions we will think about progress, challenges,
Sessions 9 and 10 Bring these discussions together.
Discuss priorities for effective development cooperation short
term and post 2015, and how IHP+ should evolve
Craft a few key messages