(Communicating through …) Static and Dynamic Pages in the

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The Vision of the Web
• “As we may think” [1945] by Vanevar Bush:
“Memory Extension”
• Photo/electro/mechanical desktop
Storage for knowledge
Computing device
With user interface
With powerful search
• “All this is conventional, except for the projection
forward of present-day mechanisms and
gadgetry. It affords an immediate step, however,
to associative indexing, the basic idea of which is
a provision whereby any item may be caused at
will to select immediately and automatically
another. This is the essential feature of the
memex. The process of tying two items together
is the important thing. “
…but he did not call it
• Term coined by Ted Nelson [1965]
• Xanadu: Far more powerful
than the web
Distributed network of documents
Two-way hyperlinks
Version management
Elaborate copyright
management system
– Innovative (micro) payment
• But it did not succeed!
– Why did it fail?
Enabling Technologies
ALAN KAY (1968)
• Proposed practical applications of
computers beyond math
• Developed innovations for HCI in
NLS (oNLineSystem):
• Proposed Dynabook: a personal
computer design that supports
the ways people perceive, learn,
and create.
– Mouse
– Multiple screen areas for text
– Email
– Tied to the mind and interests of
the user.
– A “modeless” multimedia
• Introduced GUI as an intuitive
interface for the Dynabook.
Hypertext via Hypercard
Apple’s hypercard popularized
the concept of hypertext
In 1992, the first “conference
on a disk” – but not on the web
From Macromind VideoWorks
to Adobe Director
• MYST (1993) the first modern multimedia game (still amazing)
The creation of the Web
• Tim Berners-Lee implements his childhood Enquire “2.0”
• It took off because it could do hypertext on the internet!
• A global documentation system at CERN [1990]
A poster at Hypertext’91
• 1992: Erwise, Viola demo systems, Lynx text-based
• 1993: Mosaic popularized the web
• “It is on Mosaic”… Confusion between
– The browser?
– The web?
– The internet?
• The three components that allowed Tim
Berners-Lee to create the Web
• URL: The unique name of every document
• HTML: A simple language for documents
• HTTP: How to request and receive any document
A User
URL of doc
HTTP request
The Web
Browser that
understands HTML