Transcript Slide 1

ISB Notice and preparing for the
implementation of the new
IAPT Data Standard
Shaun Crowe
Mental Health, Employment and IAPT
Mental Health Collaborative
13th September 2011
Information Standard Board Notice
• Since Sept 2008, IAPT services submit to DH every 3 months data on
a number of high level KPIs to measure against national commitments
• London regional IAPT team has a role in data verification
From April 2012
• New IAPT Data Standard mandated for all services
• Improve patient level information through monthly returns
• IAPT services required to submit full data extract of 50 data items per
patient covering demographics, diagnosis, type of treatment and pre &
post treatment scores on all measures (not just PHQ & GAD).
• Central processing
• Reports generated for local services
• IAPT data more transparent – accessible to general public
Rationale behind new IAPT Data Standard
• Provide definitive framework to recording patient outcome
• Consistent approach to recording patient recovery and
• Builds on existing IAPT Dataset – with refinements to certain
data items and new fields added
• Provide a more comprehensive record of the patient
• Data can be further analysed to monitor compliance with
Equalities legislation
• Not forgetting meeting the information needs of service
planners (commissioners; service providers and policy)
Data items IAPT will record
• Patient details: Personal demographic data like age, faith, gender,
ethnicity, employment status, sexuality. Ensure equality of access in
line with legislation.
• Disability: Users’ of IAPT may have multiple disabilities, or they
may have none. Fields in place to ensure that co-morbid physical or
mental health disability information is recorded early in pathway.
• Referral: Summary information like provisional diagnosis, to inform
the clinical approach, and key dates to calculate waiting times.
• Appointment: Captures details of every contact with the patient
(face to face, telephone etc). Outcome scores and key dates
recorded to measure recovery rates. This includes treatment type to
monitor NICE compliance.
• Clinical outcomes measures include symptoms, social and
occupational functioning.
Benefits to commissioners
• Demonstrate equity of provision of service
• The pattern of durations of interventions and the
frequency of multi-step interventions
• The emerging pattern of outcomes, including the
variability of this within and between services.
Implementation Messages
• Make data collection integral to the management of
patient pathways
• Use data as a clinical management tool to aid recovery
not as a management ‘bolt-on’
• Do not add to measurement burden unnecessarily
Reporting IAPT Data
• ISB have approved the IAPT application.
• Approval includes permission from the National Information
Governance Board to flow patient identifiable data to a central
repository for reporting purposes.
• The Review of Central Returns has also endorsed the
• IAPT reports will be published on the NHS Information Centre
• Allowing for benchmarking; more accessible information; and
public comparison of the range of interventions and outcomes
achieved by services
London Implementation support
• Central reporting system went live in Sept 2011
• Services encouraged to early adopt IAPT Data Standard from
Sept 2011 in preparation for April 2012
• There will be some parallel running between existing and new
processes in terms of data recording
• Services will be expected to continue to return KPIs
throughout 2011/12 via the existing Omnibus system. This
collection will stop at the end of Q4 2012.
• Clinical Leads Network – 4th October 1-4pm at MWB
dedicated to support services with the data migration process
Supporting the migration process
• It is important to emphasise that the provision of a patientlevel reporting system will have significant impact on local
information management practices.
• DH and NHS Information Centre will provide guidance
material and support for services
• However, each service will be required to extract the full IAPT
data standard and export to the central data collection system
– introduction and maintenance will require considerable local
service resource
• This will involve a number of stages of processing including
strict validation checks. These are necessary to ensure data
is managed safely and to drive data quality improvement.
User Identifiable Data
• Data will flow centrally, however, reports will be
aggregated and it will not be possible to identify a user
from reports.
• It is a legal responsibility to inform users that their data
will be used for secondary purposes and to offer an
option to ‘opt out’.
• DH have included an example information leaflet in the
new data handbook, this may be printed and distributed
to users.
• Alternatively services may prefer to incorporate the
information into existing users leaflets.
Essential Reading
• The IAPT Data Handbook (v2.0.1 June 2011) contains
detailed information on the value and importance of IAPT
Data collection.
• Measurement tools are contained in the separate
appendices file
• The documents are free to download from
Thank you
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